PlayStation Network Outage Prompts 'Hacking' Conspiracy

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Topic started: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 11:56
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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 04:37
So your saying Hotz had rights to give himself read and write access to the firmware Owned by Sony? is that what your telling me.... Im not moaning im giving my opinion that sony should stand up and keep the network as they built it. You noob hackers need to seriously get a life instead of messing with technology that is to advanced for you. SONY had every right to take legal action over what hotz did. He broke the TOS, and if you notice at the bottom it mentions the part of "taking legal action" against you...
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 04:48
its not maintanince sony its anonomce hackers on behalf of george hotz and before i started pointing fingers i did the research okay yes i and a bunch of people are pist at anonomyce the hackers for keeping us out of the network but technicly there right we bought our ps3 we should be able to use firefox or download anything we want to to our ps3 and on behalf of anonomyce they did say they were stoping the hacks until they could resolve a way to make a point to sony with out effecting there custormers but heres the issue with there group theres a bunch of different hackers and people that claim to be anonomyce and act on there behalf with all kinds of different veiws and motives so in that aspect they should appoint a leader and some of thease hackers may not care that we are with out our online privlages so just a bit of advice if you want people to like you or belive in what your doing maybe all of you should be on the same page and stop fuc king with my call of duty because i havent blown off a head to day and for an x marine thats kinda cruceul so any way get your s**t togeather and this is why your ps3 is down right now george hotz who jail broke the i phone found a way to do the same to the ps3 and in an act to stop this sony sued george hotz and they settled before it went to trial and in there settlement george hotz agreed to give sony accsess to his hard drives and a list of peoples ip adresses who visited his website that he posted the download for jail breaking the ps3 on that being said sony now has accsess to any one who visited his site no matter if you downloaded the download or not and technicly george hotz is not responsible for whats going on anonomys is the hackers any way i just wanted to let everyone know the truth its not just mantinince and i think sony should inform there customers of whats going on and not just act like nothings going on well any way this is the truth
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 05:48
These little bitches are gonna pay for this s**t if they are trying to prove that they are smart well woohoo to u no one gives a f**king crap i hope SONY. Suise the living s**t out if u f**king hackers go suck a f**king dick bitches u guys will pay back for this s**t no matter wat u f**king nerds/geeks. F**king c**ts
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:03
Wow, maybe some of you guys should use this downtime to brush up on your spelling and english skills! It amazes me it's so bad!
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:21
Oh oki so you have a console that plays games bluray discs lets you surf the web store your music pictures films etc..but yuh styl wnt mre you want wat free maps? hmm geuss ur a cod fanboy get it threw you thik hed sony cnt giv yuh free maps cos sony dnt mke your fukin cod games moron!! yuh get a console that does all the above and free online play unlike the xbox n u styl complain ungrateful people like u mke me sik!!@King_with_a_brain
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:37
Look cyber hippies you've had your fun let us get on with our gaming! I don't believe for an instance that this guy hutz or whatever his name was is just trying to release his custom firmware that's BS, what's wrong with sony's it works perfectly fine apart from when cyber hippies try showing how clever they are.
gamer 2k
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:43
Im dying for some online play here! :(
gamer 2k
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:46
Hacking F%Łkers!
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 06:59
i cant wait till they fix this sh*t to play COD blackops online
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 07:49
PSN is down so what....the sun is out and it's a good day to go FISHING
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 09:15
@King_with_a_brain your argument makes no sense if your complaining about companies over charging your for games and DLC that has nothing to do with Sony. Sony doesn't set the prices the its the companies that publish the games such as EA, Activision, Rockstar, and so forth. I'm sure Sony wants to make a profit and make even more money but thats part of a business plan. Just try to find a company that doesn't care about making money. And Sony actually treats its customers quite well, we don't have to pay for online service like Microsoft's Xbox and every now and then they release a movie or few TV episodes for free on the Playstation Network. Also the consumer controls the market if you think a map pack is to expensive then don't buy it, its pretty simple. So, you should look back at your rant and realize that what these hackers are doing is wrong.
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 09:16
Whether its hackers or not its annoying. If it is hackers then, its counter productive to your cause. I have some sympathy with some of the hackers out there because initially Sony allowed a lot of other stuff on the PS3 such as other OS's and removed them at a later date. When I first signed up to the PSN agreements it included the use of Linux. Sony removed that without negotiation with its customers and although I never used it I can see why some people would be p***ed about it.

However on the flip side what GeoHotz did was even worse, millions of people have tacitly agreed to abide by a closed online communities rules, PSN, to everyone's mutual benefit and enjoyment. Hacks meant that this was under threat as were legitimate companies trying to sell there wares without fear of piracy and theft. Long and short of it two wrongs don't make a right. Sony was trying to protect its business partners first and foremost, of that I have no doubt, but they were also protecting the rights of genuine gamers. For that reason alone and the health of the industry I'm right behind Sony's actions on this one. We need to learn that Corporations aren't evil, they're filled with people like you and me just trying to make a living.
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 09:46
ikr, maybe if you nerds saw sunlight once a week you wouldn't be freaking out
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 09:49
i think they should fix it too, but dont freak out ok. its just a day.
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 09:53
@King_with_a_brain i have got a lot for Sony PlayStation n free i got map packs for games i got games fr free off them and movies to watch who said they don't give anything thing for free when it a f**king lie they always give us free s**t like the network we play on (psn) x box don't give s**t for free u gotta play a year for it just to play online look it dam true and u play for games etc for xbox unleast Sony give us free online too

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