PSP pricing emerges!

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Topic started: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 14:21
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Metal Slug
Joined 27 Aug 2004
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 20:08
config wrote:

>Metal Slug wrote:

>Sony did everything right
>with the PSX, and then
>they seem to have
>managed to live off of the
>'good will' created
>by that, a kind of
>'playstation-bounce' to keep
>their market
>domination regardless of the fact
>that the PS2 is
>in almost every way an inferior
>machine to the
>Xbox or even in many ways to the

Apart from two very minor points,
>marketing and software.

MS tried very hard to
>market Xbox as "cool" at launch, but regardless
>of how well the marketing boys did, it truly
>f**ked up on the price point in the UK -
>laughably having to lower it within weeks of
>launch. With that shot in the foot all but
>forgotten, and a couple of additional price cuts
>under the belt, things are looking pretty dandy
>for the The Box.

Which could end up being the PSP's fate! Sony don't seem able to see that? I've not knocked the PSP's spec, I have knocked it's reported price. So I guess I'm in agreement with you?

Nintendo, it seems, couldn't
>market its way out of a damp, rotting box, in the
>west at least. While I love the design of the
>'Cube, it hardly set pulses racing in members of
>the "mass market".

Again, I agree. Nintendo's marketting for the technically superb GameCube hardware has been nothing short of a gift to both Sony and M$.

Software at launch for
>both was pretty dire, both in quality and
>quantity. Of course, it could be argued the same
>was true for the PS2, but the quantity issue was
>quickly resolved, and a handful of excellent
>platform exclusives made the "one to

I had a PS2 on day of release, and I thought it's sorware line up for the first 6 months was appalling!

So, back to the point. Inferior how?
>Technologically? Who gives a rats ass for tech
>superiority if it doesn't have the games I want
>and embarasses me when my friends come round and
>see said box loitering under the

By the time the Xbox was a few months old, and I'd gotten sick of HALO there was a line of great games to keep me amused.

>Wether that 'good-will' will extend to
>the public
>abandoning a 15 year relationship
>with Nintendo
>Handhelds to pay twice as much
>for a Sony machine

I feel you value brand
>loyalty to highly. You're also, I notice,
>ignoring the fact that Sony intends to market PSP
>to a broader demographic, with its broader
>features set.

I've talked about that a couple of posts back, check it out ;)

>with a battery pack that straps
>to your damn arm!

LOL. You smokin' crack,

Apparently it was making me hallucinate!
Have they decided to drop the exterior battery?
It was almost the size of the PSP when they first wheeled it out!

>As to me being a Nintendo
>Would I be banging on about how much
>better the
>Lynx and Gamegear were than the
>Gameboy classic?
>Would my screen name be a
>NeoGeo game?

It's possible to be loyal to
>multiple brands and still qualify as a fanboy.
>You just have to hate one brand to the point of
>obsession for those lovable fanboy traits to
>shine through.

In this case, it's seems Sony
>is the brand that's close to your

Not true. I have all the major console from the last decade, and my PS2 has over 100 games (OK a lot are promo's, but hey! I still like it) I just don't see why I should heap praise on any product unless I really believe in it?
I'm not blindly loyal to any company simply for the sake of it. Whats the point in that? Loyalty is earned, and its not like these companies show us in Europe any particular loyalty, in fact then tend to shaft us!

>Even the humble GBA has the ability
>(via a £20
>add-on) to play video, but that's
>hardly been
>setting the marketplace on
>Why? because its just a gimmick, not the
>Just like camera

That'll be why I see so many idiots
>trying to take pictures with the poxy
>comeraphones, then.

>Less than 3% of owners
>send 1 or more picture a
>day. GIMMICK!

>yes. Take and download, different game

Which even if true to a certain extent, isn't what the phone companies wanted, as it's only the 'sending' that makes them the money, which is why I thought the analogy was valid.

>By the time the PSP hits the shelves
>here in the UK) there will be a bag
>load of
>similar handheld products that will
>play various
>types of media with various other
>features, some
>of which the PSP will have,
>others it won't. Its
>not going to be the only
>horse in town for
>watching movies on the go,
>and as a games
>machine, it'll be bulky,

Bulky, ay? That'll be the crack
>again. You want a nice big display like the
>PSP's, you gotta live with the size.

Have you looked at the new generation of 'PDA' type machines? Compared with them the PSP is somewhat 'bulky' even with it's battery in your pocket ;)

It will,
>of course, be the only horse to play movies,
>music and games. Expensive? If it did just one of
>those, yes. All of them? it is, as they say,
>right on the money.

Which shows how badly certain companies have failed to capture your attention for their new products!
Can't the newest mobiles do most of that? (ok on a tiny s**tty screen)

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 08:43
Metal Slug wrote:

>No, we were talking about Sony trying to compete
>with the DS by releasing a much more expensive

That was the subject of the thread. But your point, if you will remember, was that Sony cannot reverse 15 years of market trends. I responded that they had done so with PSX, to which you suggested that they had somehow got a "leg up" by being the technical consultant on the Nintendo CD project. This is clearly fallacious. Sony took on Sega and Nintendo on a level playing field, and beat them by releasing superior hardware and marketing it better.

>OOoo, am I supposed to be impressed?

No. I really couldn't give a damn whether you are impressed or not. I was simply pointing out that I am not too young to remember Gamegear and Lynx' superiority to Game Boy.

>The former 'editor
>of Europe's best selling computer leisure
>magazine' Can't make a point without resorting to
>cheap abuse?

I can, but I prefer cheap abuse. Especially where it is deserved.

>Oh, and as we were discussing the battle between
>Lynx, Gamegear, and GameBoy Classic, did you play
>many MP3's or movies on your original Gameboy?

My point was simple and straightforward. Unfortunately, you were even moreso.

Lets go back and view it again

>Everyone who has released a competitor to the
>GameBoy (or soon to be DS) with an inflated
>pricepoint has doomed it from the start.

True. But no one released a competitor that was MILES better than GB, and could play movies, and music.

My point being that Sony's inflated price point is not a clear signifier that they will fail, since PSP brings a whole new set of features to the market, that have never been included in any hand-held console previously.

>Stop being an idiot. Your points are so slanted,
>is that why you are a 'former' editor?

No, I'm a former editor because I didn't want to be a publisher, which was the only career path open to me at Future Publishing, so I left to become a director fo Team17 Software. After that I was in charge of Internet Development for DHL Worldwide Express. During which time I launched SPOnG, and then set up eleventeenth - and Internet development consultancy.

>Nintendo at the time. Doesn't that just go to
>prove my point about price point being a key
>factor regardless of the size of the company's
>name and reputation.

Hm, price is a factor. But so is battery life, size, availability and price of titles.

>in Europe but the NGPC made a relatively strong
>start against the GBC, and a factor in that was
>the similar price. Do you have a point?

Yes, my poit is that you seem to be a Nintendo fanboy with a secondary affiliation to SNK (which is not uncommon). Neo Geo Pocket was a total failure.

Still your point is PSP will be a failure, my point is that it will not. I say let's meet here two years after it's UK launch date, and see who's right.

>Really, still missing it actually ;)

It doesn't surpise me.

>Like you missed/ignored the rest of my post!

>Just looks like a fanboy,

If you'd seen the mails Sony and I have exchanged in the last few days about the story that started this thread, you would not suggest I was any kind of fan of the company.

>mooching, journalist
>hoping for a freebie PSP to review!

On the other hand (and please don't be conceited enough to think I'm trying to impress you here), we might not have a journalist at all. We might have the guy who runs SPOnG, and the company that supplies the press extranets for THQ, UbiSoft, Eidos, JAMDAT Mobile, Sega Europe and Midway.

>Gonna have to pucker-up buttercup!

Wrong again!
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:02
Metal Slug wrote:

>Have you looked at the new generation of
>'PDA' type machines? Compared with them the PSP
>is somewhat 'bulky' even with it's battery in
>your pocket ;)

Usually I keep out of the way when arguments go off on one like this, but I had to point something out here.

You seem to be fixated on the battery being external to the PSP, you've made multiple references to it being strapped to the user's arm or in their pocket.

That solution was proposed as a back-up battery, not the main one.

You could make the same jokes about the GBA if people carried a couple of AAs in their pockets.
Metal Slug
Joined 27 Aug 2004
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:19
DoctorDee wrote:

>Metal Slug wrote:

>No, we were talking about
>Sony trying to compete
>with the DS by releasing
>a much more expensive

That was the
>subject of the thread. But your point, if you
>will remember, was that Sony cannot reverse 15
>years of market trends. I responded that they had
>done so with PSX, to which you suggested that
>they had somehow got a "leg up" by being the
>technical consultant on the Nintendo CD project.
>This is clearly fallacious. Sony took on Sega and
>Nintendo on a level playing field, and beat them
>by releasing superior hardware and marketing it

*yawn* Try actually reading the thread. The point was (once again) that a super high price point for the PSP is not the way to try and overturn 15 years of Nintendo domination.

>OOoo, am I supposed to be

No. I really couldn't give a damn
>whether you are impressed or not. I was simply
>pointing out that I am not too young to remember
>Gamegear and Lynx' superiority to Game

But you DO seem to be more about playground abuse and telling us all how important you are, than actually sticking to the facts?
Hell, you dont even answer most of the points I raise in my replys!

>The former 'editor
>of Europe's best
>selling computer leisure
>magazine' Can't make a
>point without resorting to
>cheap abuse?

>can, but I prefer cheap abuse. Especially where
>it is deserved.

YES, and see my last point ;)

>Oh, and as we were discussing
>the battle between
>Lynx, Gamegear, and GameBoy
>Classic, did you play
>many MP3's or movies on
>your original Gameboy?

My point was simple and
>straightforward. Unfortunately, you were even

Lets go back and view it again

>Everyone who has released a competitor to
>GameBoy (or soon to be DS) with an
>pricepoint has doomed it from the

True. But no one released a
>competitor that was MILES better than GB, and
>could play movies, and music.

My point being
>that Sony's inflated price point is not a clear
>signifier that they will fail, since PSP brings a
>whole new set of features to the market, that
>have never been included in any hand-held console

LOL, wriggling and miss-quoting now?
You actually wrote:
[q]'Read my point before you reply,
>neither Gamegear nor Lynx could play MP3s or
So how did that equate to either the battle between the original GB, Lynx and Gamegear. Or the current discussion about PSP vs DS? It is simply meaningless, unless in your fantasy world you have an MP3 enabled Atari Lynx with movie playback??
A good 'editor' knows their field ;)

>Stop being an idiot. Your points
>are so slanted,
>is that why you are a 'former'

No, I'm a former editor because I
>didn't want to be a publisher, which was the only
>career path open to me at Future Publishing, so I
>left to become a director fo Team17 Software.
>After that I was in charge of Internet
>Development for DHL Worldwide Express. During
>which time I launched SPOnG, and then set up
>eleventeenth - and Internet development

LOL!! More trying to impress us with your credentials?
Some of us don't need to bother with the whole 'my dog's bigger' BS to get a point over!!

>Nintendo at the time. Doesn't
>that just go to
>prove my point about price
>point being a key
>factor regardless of the size
>of the company's
>name and reputation.

>price is a factor. But so is battery life, size,
>availability and price of titles.

But this thread was primarily a discussion about the high price point if you remember (although I do have to keep reminding you!)

>in Europe
>but the NGPC made a relatively strong
>against the GBC, and a factor in that was
>similar price. Do you have a point?

Yes, my
>poit is that you seem to be a Nintendo fanboy
>with a secondary affiliation to SNK (which is not
>uncommon). Neo Geo Pocket was a total

The NGPC was abandoned and then withdrawn by Aruze who had absolutely no interest in the European market. Its not the same as simply being beaten by a superior product. In fact, the Neo was doing fairly well until Aruze froze all the budgets of SNK in Europe, and effectively stoped them from promoting their products, before closing them down.
Again, try and understand your 'field'.

Still your point is PSP will be a
>failure, my point is that it will not. I say
>let's meet here two years after it's UK launch
>date, and see who's right.

Again, my initial point was that the way to compete is not by releasing a product at twice the price of the DS (How many times must I say it?)

>Really, still
>missing it actually ;)

It doesn't surpise

>Like you missed/ignored the rest of my

>Just looks like a fanboy,

LOL, guess you'd know!

If you'd
>seen the mails Sony and I have exchanged in the
>last few days about the story that started this
>thread, you would not suggest I was any kind of
>fan of the company.

>hoping for a freebie PSP to

On the other hand (and please don't be
>conceited enough to think I'm trying to impress
>you here), we might not have a journalist at all.
>We might have the guy who runs SPOnG, and the
>company that supplies the press extranets for
>THQ, UbiSoft, Eidos, JAMDAT Mobile, Sega Europe
>and Midway.

Still trying to impress us rather than make valid points.... Bit of a theme isn't it?

>Gonna have to pucker-up

Wrong again!

Really, lets let the public decide shall we, it's pointless trying to discuss this with you when all you seem to want to do is stroke your own ego while ignoring the obvious failings of Sony's PSP strategy ;)

I'll let you have the 'last word' if you feel the need (lol, I imagine you will). I can't say I'm really interested in lowering myself to the level of 'name dropping' or trading insults, I thought this was a serious site, how sad that it's you who is lowering the tone from serious discussion to playground banter.

Joined 8 Sep 2004
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 17:22
Metal Slug wrote:

>I'll let you have the 'last word' if you feel the
>need (lol, I imagine you will). I can't say I'm
>really interested in lowering myself to the level
>of 'name dropping' or trading insults.

Hey, son. You fight like a girl. Can I interest you in a commission in the US army?

Joined 26 Feb 2004
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 17:25
Metal Slug wrote:

>LOL!! More trying to impress us with your credentials?
>Some of us don't need to bother with the whole 'my
>dog's bigger' BS to get a point over!!

Some people don't have a dog, so they have to bark for themselves!

DoctorDee has credentials, he has seen the inside of the industry for some years and has some insight into how things work. He shows how he might know more than you, while you hide behind anonymous postings.

You keep saying "it will fail" just because it has a higher price than the DS. He keeps saying you are forgetting it is aimed at a broader market.

I must say, I agree with him more readily than I agree with you.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 17:52
Metal Slug wrote:

>*yawn* Try actually reading the thread. The point
>was (once again) that a super high price point
>for the PSP is not the way to try and overturn 15
>years of Nintendo domination.

But it isn't a high price point, let alone a super high price point.

As was pointed out earlier, the original GB launched at a price that, when you adjust for interest and level of income, launched at around the same price.

It had a s**t screen (Paperboy was impossible) and no movie or music playback. For about the same price.

Joined 24 Sep 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 03:52
This is hilarious!

This reminds of the days when people bickered about the SNES and Genesis. Ahh the memories!!!

Anyways I think the PSP will have high initial sales and eventually fade.

-The PSP has to really justify any price point over 250 dollars for a handheld. Handhelds are different than consoles you can drop them you can leave them on the bus the screen can get scratched or cracked, buttons can stick and when things go wrong your only option is to replace the whole thing not just a controller ir what not.

- too many this is a strong point it can hold a lot more then the DS(this is a good thing) it enables CG sequences in games with much more ease and other benefits BUT they can scratch you need to carry around a memory card in order to save the game and they chew battery power(the motor for the UMD-ROM).

-Which leads me to my next point the media is new and only for the PSP. I have to buy the same movie twice if I want to watch it on my PSP.. I f I were able to copy movies I own onto a 1.7 gig mini DVD-R it would be a different story but this to me is a gimmick and even if the PSP thrives this will fail.

-MP3's are a nice feature and from what I understand you can load the music on a memory stick people who own a PSP will probably use this feature but I also suspect if you can afford one (initially at least) you probably already own a IPod which can hold more and probably indexes music better.

- unless they improve this I hear 2 hours for a movie and 6 hours max depending on the game(I heard 10 hours for MP3's)

-I hear all this talk a bout a new market. Truth is a I see the PSP bringing in some new people but not enough to break through.
-MP3-Market is already taken(IPOD)
-Movies-not really taken and they could have really shown through here except they created new media so I explained why I think it will fail on this one.
-Games-This is the PSP's technical shining point, a brilliant screen, incredible handheld graphics, analog controlbut the battery will be drained by those features.

The PSP is an awesome home console to handheld machine that will provide minimal loss in quality but a mediocre all in one machine.

The DS will also sport 3D graphics but on a much lesser level, The innovative features will be underutilized or poorly utilized but some games will shine. Its advantage is that it will come out much earlier in Japan and the States and be about half the price. I saw someone blow off backwards compatabilty with the DS but don't underestimate it lots of peope own GBA's and it was one of the features that helped propel the PS2(play older games on your new system while you wait for more titles to come out after you beat the new ones with out lugging around 2 systems). The DS can also play MP3's via a GBA add on and it can also play movies--but that is a hack.

Well that is for starters I have more to say if anyone replies.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 07:41
redspear wrote:

>This reminds of the days when people bickered
>about the SNES and Genesis. Ahh the memories!!!

Holy wars.

>Anyways I think the PSP will have high initial
>sales and eventually fade.

Hmm, I think kinda the opposite. I think there will be resistance to the inital price, there'll be OK initial sales: early adopters, Sony fetishists, tech-junkies, mooching journos who fail to blag one etc. But I think mainstreat adoption won't happen until after people see it in the hands of their tech-fetishist friends, and Son'y's marketing campaign, which is bound to be HUGE, kicks in.

>-The PSP has to really justify any price point
>over 250 dollars for a handheld.

I hear this, and I still can't believe it. In real terms, the PSP is LESS than the Game Boy cost at launch. And it is significantly more technically advanced than any other handheld.

>Handhelds are
>different than consoles you can drop them you can
>leave them on the bus the screen can get
>scratched or cracked, buttons can stick and when
>things go wrong your only option is to replace
>the whole thing not just a controller ir what

Yeah, but for the sticky button stuff there's a warranty, and for leaving on the bus there's insurance or just being more careful. Most everyone in the UK is carting £250 of phone with them, and those same issues don't worry them about that.

>- too many this is a strong point it can hold a
>lot more then the DS(this is a good thing) it
>enables CG sequences in games with much more ease
>and other benefits BUT they can scratch you need
>to carry around a memory card in order to save
>the game and they chew battery power(the motor
>for the UMD-ROM).

I'm ambivalent on the medium. True it's a new format, but what do you want, it to take CDs? Any cartridge medium is likely to be new and proprietary too - so there's not really a strong argument against the UMD. And as for the "carry round" a memeory card. Put it in the slot in the machine and forget about it - what's the issue?

>-Which leads me to my next point the media is new
>and only for the PSP. I have to buy the same
>movie twice if I want to watch it on my PSP.

Yeah, agreed. But what would you prefer, they drop movie capability (which I think they should do) or include a hard drive? Then is would cost an arm and a leg - you seen the price of the Archos AV-420, and that can't even play games.

>I were able to copy movies I own onto a 1.7 gig
>mini DVD-R it would be a different story but this

Yeah! Agreed. That prolly would have been the best route for them to take...

>-MP3's are a nice feature and from what I
>understand you can load the music on a memory
>stick people who own a PSP will probably use this
>feature but I also suspect if you can afford one
>(initially at least) you probably already own a
>IPod which can hold more and probably indexes
>music better.

This remains to be seen, but there's really no reason to expect that the PSP will be any worse at indexing music than iPod. Apple have shown the way, and all Sony has to do is copy iTunes features - plus they have a much better screen fro navigation, visualisations etc. But I agree that it won't "kill" iPod, there will still be those (me included) for shom size/capacity ratio is the major criterion for choosing an MP3 player.

>- unless they improve this I hear 2 hours for a
>movie and 6 hours max depending on the game(I
>heard 10 hours for MP3's)

But these are about industry standard. My iPod doesn't get better than six hours, most of the personal DVD players just manage a couple hours. The six hours for games isn't exemplary, but it's not hideously bad. It'll see me on a train to London and back, or (with no electronic items windows at both end, and a meal break, a flight from London to New York.

>-I hear all this talk a bout a new market. Truth
>is a I see the PSP bringing in some new people
>but not enough to break through.

This will definitely be the big test. Thing is all the analysts are predicting a big growth in portable MP3 player, mobile gaming devices, and portable movie devices. PSP is all three, so logic suggest that unless Sony have messed up big style, it should enjoy some of all of these growing markets.

>-Games-This is the PSP's technical shining point,
>a brilliant screen, incredible handheld graphics,
>analog controlbut the battery will be drained by
>those features.

This has always been the issue. The Game Boy's battery life was OK, but then it was puching three black pixels around a screen the size of a thumbnail.
Gamegear or Lynx battery life was much worse. If it manages six hours, I think it will be perfectly adequate. Not great, but not terrible either.

>The PSP is an awesome home console to handheld
>machine that will provide minimal loss in quality
>but a mediocre all in one machine.

I feel this way about all such devices. They should do what they do best. But the holy grail of the hand-held market is still an all in one machine. Sony will have doen a LOT of research before they decided to take this route.

>I saw someone blow off
>backwards compatabilty with the DS but don't
>underestimate it lots of peope own GBA's and it
>was one of the features that helped propel the

It was me who dismissed backwards compatibility. And the reason was, every so often here is a paradigm shift. And when this happens, I think backward compatibility is redundant. Take PS1, if it had been able to play Megadrive games, do you think anyone would have cared? Ridge Racer was soo much better than any MD driving game that no-one woul dhave ever used the backwards comptibility. My point is that no ones wants a DS to play Tetris (even though it would rock for Tetris)

>The DS can also play MP3's via a GBA add on and

Yeah, but everyone's complaining about having to "carry around" a memory card for PSP, so it's not fair to then propose carrying around an add-on for DS.

>it can also play movies--but that is a hack.

Not only is it a hack, but it doesn't have the medium to carry a full feature film.

>Well that is for starters I have more to say if
>anyone replies.

There you go. I'm not really disagreeing with you, just that there are multiple perspectives. PSP might tank. But (and this was all my point was originally) I don't think price will be the reason why it does> That and anyone who casually dismisses Sony as incapable of taking on Nintendo is ignoring what recent history has taught us.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 09:33
Some fantastic points there Doctor Dee. :D

What i would like to add is that Sony can bring something to the market that Nintendo have declined to do so far and that is adult orientated games. TBH im sick to death looking at piss poor twee games come out on the SP. Dont get me wrong, im a huge fan of the SPs style and look and love certain titles on it such Zelda, Final Fantasy Tactics, Shining Force etc but outside of this is a huge mound of childish crap. But at the end of the day Nintendo markets towards this audience and it pays them well.

Im sceptical however that an older audience can provide the profits that Sony will need and i suppose thats maybe the biggest if in the tank. Sure it will attract the 'disposable income' generation that buys the ipod but wether or not that will be enough im not sure. Kids parents buy loads of games for them these days, i think my nephew has about 15 games or so. What i cant see is a part of the market for the PSP investing this much money into it. Certainly i think that alot of parents will buy their kids DS's due to the Nintendo image of goreless family games. Wether these kids will leap into PSP is one thing,wether we want them is another.

The DS will provide some classic titles such as the usual mario franchises and Metroid etc etc but i doubt we will see more darker titles that the PSP will no doubt have available.

For myself i know at the end of the day i will own both systems, maybe not at the same time but thats the way ive always been with systems. DS is very attractive to me but if it does go GBA in terms of very twee games then im heading to Sony.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 11:57
DoctorDee wrote:
>redspear wrote:

>>I saw someone blow off
>>backwards compatabilty with the DS but don't
>>underestimate it lots of peope own GBA's and it
>>was one of the features that helped propel the
>It was me who dismissed backwards compatibility.
>And the reason was, every so often here is a
>paradigm shift. And when this happens, I think
>backward compatibility is redundant. Take PS1, if
>it had been able to play Megadrive games, do you
>think anyone would have cared? Ridge Racer was
>soo much better than any MD driving game that
>no-one woul dhave ever used the backwards
>comptibility. My point is that no ones wants a DS
>to play Tetris (even though it would rock for

I have a PS2 and a heap of PS1 games. I even bought Syphon Filter 2 after upgrading for PS1 to 2. It almost hurt my eyes to play the game :) Aside from the visual side, I found it too slow and clunky - maybe the game, maybe the technological constraints it was built within.

The only other time I've gone back to PS1 was to play Tomb Raider 1 & 2 after a debate on the TR UseNet group about which was better.

The point being, how many people cared about backward compatability, and out of them, how many actually used it?

The DS is going to "suffer" in the same way. It's far more advanced than the GBA, and the majority of player will very soon drift away from any thought of playing GBA/GBC/GB games on it.
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 12:37
config wrote:

>I have a PS2 and a
>heap of PS1 games. I even bought Syphon Filter 2
>after upgrading for PS1 to 2. It almost hurt my
>eyes to play the game :) Aside from the visual
>side, I found it too slow and clunky - maybe the
>game, maybe the technological constraints it was
>built within.

>The only other time I've gone
>back to PS1 was to play Tomb Raider 1 & 2 after a
>debate on the TR UseNet group about which was

>The point being, how many people cared
>about backward compatability, and out of them,
>how many actually used it?

Good point. Generally I do use the PS2's backwards compatibility, but when I look at the games I'm playing it's not difficult to see why. See, I'm playing 2D games - Metal Slug X, Bust-A-Move 4 and Street Fighter Alpha 3. Looking at the PS2 incarnations of each, they're very similar - the gameplay hasn't significantly dated as compared to newer entries in the series, and these games are some of the best examples of 2D graphics. They don't feel hideous and dated because they're pretty much the same products as they're selling today, coming later in the evolution of 2D games.

By comparison, 3D PS1 games are early examples of what developers would do with such environments, and it shows. Tomb Raider feels fiddly and unrefined, Actua Soccer is twitchy and basic, and Tekken now feels limited and restrictive. It's only the very best examples of PS1 games that still hold up today - Metal Gear Solid, Wipeout 3: Special Edition, Final Fantasy 7.

I guess that it's partially because in terms of 2D, the Playstation was really the final evolution. Yes, the Saturn handled it better with the back-up RAM for extra animations and the Dreamcast has the lovely hi-res Guilty Gear X, but 2D gameplay had pretty much evolved fully, and the graphics had peaked (besides that higher resolution, of course).

The DS backwards compatibility will prove useful for a while, simply whilst developers get to grips with the new functions it offers (though I'd expect the original 3D games to be a bit more quickly refined, given that most developers have had time to experiment with that extra dimension now). But when the 3D games get good, will we be playing GBA Doom or F-Zero anymore? Probably not. If anything, we'll likely be playing Street Fighter Alpha 3, Metal Slug Advance and Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:04
Kaxxx wrote:

>The DS will provide some classic titles such as
>the usual mario franchises and Metroid etc etc
>but i doubt we will see more darker titles that
>the PSP will no doubt have available.

That's likely to be true. But Nintendo won't thank you for pointing it out. They are very aware of the "kiddie" reputation they have, which is in part why the GBASP is designed the way it is.

Nintendo was very focussed on changing this reputation and were actively courting developers and publishers for like Resident Evil and GTA for Gamecube. Thing is Gamecube support ran out before they got chance to shrug the reputation. But they'll be trying hard, with DS and Revolution, to attract older gamers. Simply because old farts like me that have been playing games for nearly 30 year are still buying and playing, so the adult market is becoming more significant.

There is every chance that DS and PSP can co-exist, particularly if the market is expanding as projected by the analysts. Maybe with DS being the choice for kids, and PSP being the choice of adults, who want to be able to watch porn on the move ;-)
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 14:44
>able to watch porn on the move

That will probably end up more true than you think Doc. N-gage sites are full of downloadable real media porn clips.

I have alot of mates who own PS2s but they are PS2 fans in the most loosest of terms. Basically they own the PS2 for its football titles and nothing else really. These guys will never own a PSP though, they would never want to and there are many like them. This is a market i dont think Sony will be able to transfer to their handhelds and it will be a huge loss for them in sales initially but i think they will attract older GBA owners and thats where Nintendo will have to watch. But Nintendo have Zelda and the like on their side and this makes their handhelds a must for serious players. It will be a intersting year to say the least.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 18:39
Kaxxx wrote:

DoctorDee wrote:
able to watch porn on the move

That will probably end up more true than you think Doc. N-gage sites are full of downloadable real media porn clips.

Eeeew. Man spooge could really make a mess of the keypad. God knows picket lints is bad enough...

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