Microsoft: Xbox 360 CAN Run Metal Gear Solid

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Topic started: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 11:18
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Joined 23 Sep 2005
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 15:10
do we really need to have the my cocks bigger than yours if metal gear 4 comes out for 360 which it will some day just looks at all the other metal gear games to no that and yes it probably can run on 360 the big problem the they have is the fact of the size of the dvd compered to the blu ray
dvd 4.7 GB (single-layer), 8.54 GB (double-layer)
blu ray 25 GB (single layer) 50 GB (dual layer)
and mgs4 on the ps3 uses dual layer blu ray (50 GB) as stated in a issue of Famitsu Konami had to take stuff out of the game so it would fit on to a dual layer disc
i hope that you are seeing what i am seeing but if you do not to get MGS4 to run on 360 they would have to put the game on around 6 double layer dvds or 11 single-layer discs which would be pointless as this would make people think twice about buying the game
Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 23:57
PreciousRoi wrote:
I dunno, but from my POV, it looks like the Wii is winning only on hardware NorAm at least 360 software sales look strong, with the 360 looking like it has a clear advantage over the Wii in multiplatform titles for both consoles, and enough sales of other games to match Nintendo's first party title they're selling twice as many Wii's but selling fewer games? I'm not sure you can put the Calvin sticker on the back of Nintendo's truck yet.

see Zero Punctuation's treatment of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the Wii.

Fair point, my comments were more aimed at the two willy waving fan boys. However I'll add that Nintendo claims to make money on every Wii sold, and they'll make more money still on the extra controllers they sell so that the whole family can get bored of electric tennis together, not to mention all the next gen bathroom scales they sell. Whereas, I’d guess the 360 and the PS3 would need to shift a fair bit of software per console to burn back into profit.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 00:33
Meh, from my perspective, I could care less who makes money...if MS is content to throw money at the problem, while at the same time satisfying me as a consumer...well, the fact that Nintendo is making money on every Wii they sell is trivia. MS (maker of my console of choice) making more money than Nintendo or Sony isn't going to make my cock any more huge than it already is, my truck any newer, or my hairline retrograde, the fact that others appear to feel otherwise doesn't signify. My sense of self-worth doesn't depend on how much money my console makes, or schadenfreude, for that matter. (Its actually delicate dichotomy, balancing a hairline that resembles the Eastern Front in the late stages of WW II, and the aftermentioned huge cock.) Some other chap's balance sheet sounds like an accountant's idea of a scoreboard, not a gamers...

For the record, I'm thinking the Wii has yet to truly prove itself more than a(n admittedly highly profitable) toy/gadget/fad/Tickle Me Elmo.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 00:54
Also, for the record, the fact that SW:TFU on the Wii stinks on ice makes me sad...I have a buddy who got one for his birthday, but hes an odd, anti-social duck who hasn't even opened it yet. If TFU was any good, I'd make him bust it out and get my Force on. Even the 360 version was lacking something...oh wait, what was it?


Yahtzee would have wrote:

I think its safe to say I'm pretty much over the Wii, it was a nice experiment, but when the first party Nintendo games were still fresh and sales were still utterly crushing the comeptition 'neath its sandalled feet, it towered overhead in a turgid postion of power and manliness, but now the honeymoon's over, and what once stood boldly upright, has become limp and floppy in my hand. Whenever its brought out the cruel laughs of onlookers savage my self-esteem, and its started to leak a strange brownish fluid, but I'm too embarassed to see a doctor...its essentially just like playing any other console but with all the buttons randomly reassigned every couple of seconds...
Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 01:19
PreciousRoi wrote:
Meh, from my perspective, I could care less who makes money...if MS is content to throw money at the problem, while at the same time satisfying me as a consumer...well, the fact that Nintendo is making money on every Wii they sell is trivia. MS (maker of my console of choice) making more money than Nintendo or Sony isn't going to make my cock any more huge than it already is, my truck any newer, or my hairline retrograde, the fact that others appear to feel otherwise doesn't signify. My sense of self-worth doesn't depend on how much money my console makes, or schadenfreude, for that matter. (Its actually delicate dichotomy, balancing a hairline that resembles the Eastern Front in the late stages of WW II, and the aftermentioned huge cock.) Some other chap's balance sheet sounds like an accountant's idea of a scoreboard, not a gamers...

For the record, I'm thinking the Wii has yet to truly prove itself more than a(n admittedly highly profitable) toy/gadget/fad/Tickle Me Elmo.

I'll agree with that (maybe leaving your dick and your dichotomy out of it) so long as they make enough money to keep making better games, and better consoles, or the next gen after this could be very dull indeed, 3xWii and 3xShort term family entertainment (How good would that not be?).

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 16:34
Was p wrote:

I'll agree with that (maybe leaving your dick and your dichotomy out of it) so long as they make enough money to keep making better games, and better consoles, or the next gen after this could be very dull indeed, 3xWii and 3xShort term family entertainment (How good would that not be?).

At least there would be still fun to have and not formulaic halo-clones that bore the piss out of me after an hour. Yes i said it! Call of Duty 4 was boring! it had all the faults of the last ones, added the faults of present FPS's and added more bump-mapping, huzzah! The best parts of the game were the ones you weren't allowed to use your a shooting game.

*pant pant* Anyone excited by Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New world?
Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 19:16
OptimusP wrote:
Was p wrote:

I'll agree with that (maybe leaving your dick and your dichotomy out of it) so long as they make enough money to keep making better games, and better consoles, or the next gen after this could be very dull indeed, 3xWii and 3xShort term family entertainment (How good would that not be?).

At least there would be still fun to have and not formulaic halo-clones that bore the piss out of me after an hour. Yes i said it! Call of Duty 4 was boring! it had all the faults of the last ones, added the faults of present FPS's and added more bump-mapping, huzzah! The best parts of the game were the ones you weren't allowed to use your a shooting game.

*pant pant* Anyone excited by Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New world?

Well at least at the moment you can choose games targeted at a wide range of users. My hope is that Nintendo’s success popularises gaming. My fear is that the Nintendo model becomes overly dominant. It’s good that Nintendo gets everyone thinking about good, basic, game play and good that they don’t just target the core gamer market but, bad if the market narrows too pursue only the lowest common denominator.

And hey, it’s okay to not like CoD4. I enjoyed it but didn’t like feeling that it was targeting the “Guns and Ammo” reader.

So how would you shake up FPSs? Turn base combat maybe?

Joined 13 Oct 2008
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 20:09
Seriously speaking though, the PS3 was designed to run HD stuff. WHy it has that piece of garbage of a gpu is beyond me. But I think that it is possible to get MGS4 on a few DVDRoms. Believe it or not, the game itself isnt taking up all of that space...its the multiple audio tracks.

MGS4 Bluray Disc contents:
Kojima wanted initially to put all languages on one disc.That means all of the sounds, and voices must be mastered in high def audio...roughly around 7.1/Theater quality. And it is ALL UNCOMPRESSED SOUND DATA. That is why the sound is great on Bluray(and HD-DVD's audio was great as well.). You can't really compress audio that well,without quality loss. For instance..I found that the PAL version(of MGS4) has 6 language audio tracks. Now multiply that by Dolby 7.1/DTS/Theater sound and you'll probably see how(and why) BluRay's mammoth space was needed. Next is the sound efx data...just mulitiply that by Dolby 71./DTS/Theater sound and add that to the language track sound data.

But also the game is optimized to run off the PS3's HDD, which is odd because not all of the game is on it. Else the initial install time would be longer. If MGS4 allowed you to install the ENTIRE contents of the discs,the install would have been easily at least 20gb. Gears of War for PC was on a DVD9, yet it was a 12gb full install(w/ map editor). I refuse to believe that its not possible to squeeze MGS4 to 3 DVD9's. Lost Oddessy was 3 discs..but it had plenty of high quality CG on it. FF7-3 CD's (CG present) shouldve been 2, FF8 & 9 where both 4 CD games( with 2x more CG on them than FF7). MGS4 may have great visuals, but it has no CG at all. Its possible for MGS4 to be 3 DVD9s, with a single language audio track,and Dolby 5.1 audio for sound efx.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:06
How about a single DVD9, with the cutscenes availible streaming via LIVE!, if you can be arsed to sit through them.
Mon, 3 Nov 2008 20:31
The new hardware that enables the xbox360 to install games on the harddrive might be a factor in MGS4 on the xbox360 but you still need to put the cd in whilst playing.Changing cd's like a formula one car tyre won't workbecause of the HD-DVD and Blue ray disc situation so it's likely to be impossible. I also want MGS4 to come out on the xbox360 but let's face reality instead of pointless dreams. This is why it came out on the Ps3 and not on the Xbox360

Ps Im a Playstation3 fan but i'm not like the others who think with their dicks instead of their heads.Xbox360 is currently the best but Playstation3 has his advantages just like the xbox360

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