PS3 Backwards Compatibility Boost in Firmware 2.40?

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Topic started: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:06
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Joined 4 Jul 2007
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 16:23
Rutabaga wrote:
haritori wrote:
And now we have the current gen, all wireless and all very high quality, Six axis/Dual Shock 3, 360 Controller, and WiiMotes its personal preference to what you like, but its plainly obvious that the current Sony controller is the bastard child of Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft, Nintendo for Analogue use and motion control and rumble and wireless, Sega for Triggers, and Microsoft for the Guide Button, in fact Sony has no claim on inventing or coming up with anything first! [Edit], Dual analog is sonys claim sorry.

Your last sentence contradicts, the whole paragraph! Why single out Sony as copying from everyone else when they have all copied of each other (evolved) You should of said all the controllers are the bastard child of everyone else's bar, the Wiimotes, motion sensing idea.

it does i agree, so i agree with what you say, i suppose my post was bias on the basis that pretty much the whole design of sonys Dual Shock 3 / Six Axis has nothing original and has taken ideas from everywhere else, although so do the other companies they at least have one original feature, and copying is something Sony does good, its not a bad thing or nor was i meaning to point out that only Sony do it, my wording and layout maybe was a little off but it does show overall that all controllers are bastardisations of previous designs, but hey it benefits us in the end.

Also Tim, your welcome matey, slow day at work :)
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 23:46
haritori wrote:
it does i agree, so i agree with what you say, i suppose my post was bias on the basis that pretty much the whole design of sonys Dual Shock 3 / Six Axis has nothing original and has taken ideas from everywhere else, although so do the other companies they at least have one original feature, and copying is something Sony does good, its not a bad thing or nor was i meaning to point out that only Sony do it, my wording and layout maybe was a little off but it does show overall that all controllers are bastardisations of previous designs, but hey it benefits us in the end.

Cheers! but you said yourself that Sony were the first to have Dual Analogue controls so that's an original major feature, that other's have copied, yes? Your then claiming originality from Microsoft for the solitary innovation of ... adding 1 extra button.
Mr Reason
Fri, 4 Jul 2008 13:00
Rutabaga wrote:
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Sony's PS3 is simply a media box, its capabilities as a games console are very lacking 99% of its cross platform games look s**t in comparison to the 360 versions and the online play is absolutly crap on the PS3.

Bentley calm down! It's not worth arguing with the complete tool that is SS4. The above statement proves it. What the idiot doesn't realise is that by Sony "matching" some of the features of Xbox live for FREE it removes the case for Microsoft CHARGING for it. IE benefiting him/her/it. Something that seems to completely wash over his/her/it's head. BTW SS4 what the hell is wrong with the word Trophy? It seems to of worked in the sporting world for the last 100+ years

Yep. The guy is a tool alright. He/She/It is in denial. Sounds like someone who has to go on the defensive to defend the "I have to pay for mine...and you don''s not fair"...and throw the toys out of the pram. The truth is, companies always copy business models / products / features that they know are a success. What this idot fails to realise or even acknowledge is the fact that Microsoft have openly copied the business model of Sony following the success of the PS1/PS2. Likewise Sony before them learned and copied from the success of Sega and Nintendo. The list goes on. All 3 current gen hardware manufacturers have come up with a novel idea that has been implemented in a different way by the others.
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