Final Fantasy VII For PS3 - Confirmation Coming in Last Remnant?

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Topic started: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:01
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Joined 13 May 2006
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 15:50
I'm undecided myself on whether or not remaking FF7 would be worthwhile - for PS3 sales obviously yes, but I don't know if it could ever live up to those dreamy childhood years when first seeing that motorbike scene was really special etc.

Also, as much as I love FF (well, 7 & 8) I haven't cared enough about the lead character in any FF since. Tidus was alright I suppose, but Yuna was a little yap. I know she threw away her staff and picked up some shooters eventually, but not only did she then look easy, the game was rather easy too.

FF12 was only interesting until about 20 hours in, at which point you realised you were going to be stuck with that little Vaan boy for the whole story.

The point is I could develop little to no emotional attachment to any of the characters really, never mind the lead man. Squall, now that was a lead; brooding, quiet and serious. Ah... oh, actually, I've just remember Rikku, she was lovely in 10. Lovely.. But yes, I haven't truely enjoyed an RPG since Dark Chronicle, maybe because I haven't had time but still, the originality of most I have seen is lacking to say the least.

P.S. FF8 is better than 7 regardless, and if they were to remake one it should be 8.
Joined 14 Feb 2008
Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:55
p wrote:
Fanboy = Moron

Grow up. The 360 has a lot of good games, the PS3 will (hopefully) have a lot of good games in the future so to avoid disappointment buy both ... and a Wii for that jumping plumber game. Or stop bitching and get over the fact the only good thing you can only play on the PS3 at the moment is a small part of GT5.

I like how you started "fanboy=moron" that's true, but then you went on to be one yourself such a shame.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:15
Daz wrote:
p wrote:
Fanboy = Moron

Grow up. The 360 has a lot of good games, the PS3 will (hopefully) have a lot of good games in the future so to avoid disappointment buy both ... and a Wii for that jumping plumber game. Or stop bitching and get over the fact the only good thing you can only play on the PS3 at the moment is a small part of GT5.

I like how you started "fanboy=moron" that's true, but then you went on to be one yourself such a shame.

I don't really see anything in here that would qualify him as a fanboy.

I'd disagree that someone should buy a PS3 before theres good games out...but thats justified...who knows what features the next revision of the PS3 will delete...but aside from that hes pretty much spot on...

Which part did you object to and find fanboyish? The dismissal of Mario as "that plumber" or the statement that theres nothing worth playing on the PS3? I'll stand behind both...and I'm not usually given to standing behind the statements of anon fanboys.

Its not like he says Sony sucks, in fact, if you read what he said, he advises you to purchase both...a bridge I myself won't cross. Right now the PS3's lineup looks anemic. full stop. In fact he completely absolves himself of fanboyism (in this statement at least) by saying that (hopefully) the PS3 will get better games in the future. No self respecting fanboy wishes success on his rival, they wish only for the defeat of their enemies and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Joined 14 Feb 2008
Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:05
True the PS3 will get good games in the future, but what about the good games that are already out for it? like, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Resistance, Eye of Judgment and Uncharted to name but a few. Yeah ok, maybe fanboy wasn't the correct wording, my apologies.
Sat, 20 Jun 2009 02:27
yea thats right they need to make it on the 360 too..f**k
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