The Charts: A Paradise for Burnout?

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Topic started: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:27
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Joined 26 Jan 2004
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:03
Tim Smith wrote:

"If you have a well-constructed alternative review, send the bloody thing in to me.

Okay Tim, I'd like to go off at a tangent here and submit a review of SuperSaiyan4, albeit in the style of SuperSaiyan4 (SS4).

Firstly, let's go for the obvious mark downs - the username and avatar. Both are frankly rubbish. Dragon Ball Z reference and some spooky goth photo ferchrissakes! Grow up, play soccer and listen to Broken Social Scene.

Inbetweenly, a brief search for SS4 posts on your forums yields the following slivers of genius comment...

1. Re: Wii for Europe: £179, 8th December
This is bullshit! £180 for a console that doesnt play DVD's, isnt even HD, devs arent keen on making online games free for the console and no hard drive?
Its only a bit more powerful than an Xbox 1 for crying out loud!
Nintendo can go f**k themselves for all I care!

(Obv. SS4's Trivium tee shirt shrunk in the wash a few hours b4 this was posted. "Damn you to hell, mom! What's for dinner?")

2. Crackdown: More 'Down' Than 'Crack'?
This game is the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever played it seems to be a mix of everything and ends up being garbage. It feels very experimental that its trying to be something else and fails miserably.
I knew this game was going to be cack before it was even shown as a demo and proves it further but not only adding HALO 3 but confirming the game to be a hard sell and had to include the beta in order to sell the game...

(Maybe today was the day the dye made your hair go a bronze-y color instead of the none more black you were craving?)

3. Rumour: Rumble Confirmed For PS3
Hang on I thought Rumble was last gen?
Sony have to be the most contradicting and have the most stupidist spokespeople ever in the history of gaming...

(I love Cheesy Poofs We Love Cheesy Poofs If we didn't eat Cheesy Poofs We'd be lame. Damn tangents!) Where was i? Oh yeah.

Lastly, SS4 gives the impression that it didn't really want to be developed, never mind published. What's on offer here is a tired old model, stunning in its unoriginality and with a level of mulishness that beggars belief. And the visuals suck too. Well, there have been times when I wished I'd never been born too, Steve.

And really finally, and more importantly, SuperSaiyan4, do us all a favour and f**k off with these inanities that masquerade as valid comment on the state of video games. Forum users here have given you the benefit of the doubt for long enough. It's about time you went quietly. If only I was EA and you were Chicago (gazes wistfully into middle distance).
Joined 19 Jul 2006
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:29
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
If anyone calls this game The Club a game they are clearly stupid. Its not a game but pure garbage.

(My emboldening).

I... wow. I just... Did you just...?

Yes. Yes you did.

You told the world that you're... stupid. In your very own words...
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 18:47
This is fun. I've been thinking for a while that if only it would go away, back to the dark bitter place it came from, Spong would be a much nicer place with birds singing in blue skys, happy smiling kids and all that other stuff you might get at the end of an RPG.

PS We all love you SuperSaiyan4, just not right now.

PPS And now can be a very long time.
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