Galaxy Is Fastest Selling Mario Game Ever

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Topic started: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:47
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 22 Nov 2007 13:40
Oh dear, Super, just when your posts were improving, you spring this one.

You've got to get over your fanboyisms, friend (perhaps you are still young). Back in the day, Mario and Sonic once went toe to toe for the market, but back then the industry was a totally different place.

Super, you should try to learn, appreciate, accept and have fun with games, despite any reservations you may have. Some games like Trauma Center are not much to look at but play excellently, Mario Galaxy is perhaps in that vein a little. Zack and Wiki on Wii is like this too. Many will judge it on its SD stylings, but beneath that veil is a solid fun game.

I don't really dig the Masterchief, but besides that i can recognise Bungies series, play and have fun with it etc. I guess its down to how much you love games as a whole, to appreciate the best it can offer.

If I thought Super's way, I'd still have Nintendo only consoles and would have never experienced so many other games and consoles as a result, and I'd be a poorer gamer too. I'm glad I'm mature enough to understand that and rise above it.

Sometimes its health to play something you might not play, so I suggest you should open your mind, play Galaxy and take it for what it is, a solid well designed Mario game, that at last puts Nintendo back on Mario 64s success formula. Bravo to that, come back when Sonic trumps SotRs on Wii.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Thu, 22 Nov 2007 16:44
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I have no idea why soo many people like this game, I watched this game being played and it was absolutly rubbish.

This attachment that many have for Mario I will never understand just a fat plumber that apparently can now run as fast as Sonic thanks to the new Mario and Sonic at the olympics and this.

With Zelda I can understand, I played a couple of titles and can see the interest but Mario? Oh come on!

Nintendo have minted the Mario name a lot and it wont be long before the only type of game on a Nintendo system is MARIO.

Hey you are entitled to your opinion and wether you like a game or not, i mean if i sat there and watched halo online on id be bored or PGR on bores the feck outta me and it does looks rubbish, but you what i would do, i would pick up my controller and play it and then make an informed decision, just like everyone who likes mario did, i mean FFS name one person who likes mario but never played it just watched a video of it, you tit.
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Thu, 22 Nov 2007 22:29
i watched mass effect on gamertv, it was the most bored i have been watching a gameshow. and everyone loves that game dont they.

the lesson: gamertv is boring. long live consolevania/videogaiden.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 01:41
mrAnthony wrote:
i watched mass effect on gamertv, it was the most bored i have been watching a gameshow. and everyone loves that game dont they.

the lesson: gamertv is boring. long live consolevania/videogaiden.

and may gamesmaster RIP
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