Manhunt 2 Petition on Prime Minister’s Website

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Topic started: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:20
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SLick 89
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 02:52
agen its total crap if the prime minister bans this hes no better than tony blair sucking up to bush going to war u know bets millions off peoaple beleve me and its that mothers fault for letting some 1 that young play a 18+ game and its roackstars fault i think not they made the game for adults and adults only a resposable parent would at least watch there child while playin such a game jeez this new game i thik 18+ have id no prob yeah but adults buying a game for some 1 else should be asked quetions bout kids aka 13 year olds and under it aint rockstars fault its the partent for being so iresponable im going to be a dad myself soon but i woodnt let this happen listen to me coause millions off people will agree with me
BiG Pete
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:31
im in my 50s and i still think this is shocking ive got a son at 18 years old wanting the game and sayin what a waste off time to rock star if it just going to get banned like that it aint fair they should at least give it a trail and see what happens the utter c**ts the bbfc have no idea what it is like to be 18 19 or 20 coause there probalby all 50 60 odds hey im old but still i have say get a grip and get over it
Sam Thomson
Tue, 9 Oct 2007 13:50
I am only 18 years of age, and already I have been exposed to some pretty f**ked up things in the world of cinema.

One only needs to look as far as the SAW series, Specifically SAW 2, where in the very first scene, the man has to cut open and remove his own eye so that he can escape the trap.
And in Hostel 1, when the man is melting the womans face with a blowtorch, just for kicks.

I was browsing the ratings recently made by the BBFC, and most of the 18 rated games and films where rated as such because of Strong graphic violence which is nothing more than Manhunt 2 has.

If you played the original Manhunt, then you will be aware that the game enviroment is one of "Kill of be killed". In other Rockstar games such as the Grand Theft Auto series, it is not necessary to kill, people get the choice whether or not to do so. More people in Britain have the choice to kill someone, and anyone (If any) are in a kill or be killed situation, then likely they wont have played Manhunt, as they wouldnt have a games console.

So what will influence someone more? Giving them the choice to kill in a open world enviroment, or putting their character in a live or die situation, which we rarely see in modern society?

I am against cencorship, as countires like the United Kingdom and America are founded on Free Speech. So why is it when the creators of SAW, Hostel, hell, even Trainspotting are allowed to produce works of art which can influence people, Rockstar are penalized?

I have emailed the BBFC asking them this, and am awaiting a response. I cant wait.
Mon, 25 May 2009 19:16
@Sam_If you are already aware please forgive this intrusion.

Hi this e-mail is to WARN you, your love ones, friends and claques and urge you to sign the ever-growing petition opposing the CODEX ALIMEMTARIUS. (CODE ‘X’) This law plans to ban Vitamins/minerals now or in the further, and make Nutrients in food illegal like HEROIN. All fresh food including organic foods irradiated killing VITAL nutrients. All food, meat etc SPIKED with DEADLY POISONS made legal. Affecting everyone.

Invisible NEW WORLD ORDER global manufacturers through the W.H.O using food as a weapon to kill, proposed as a tread agreement to 120 pluses countries pushed through Europe into the UK (Optimum Population) for implementation on the 31st of December 2009 ‘NEW YEARS EVE!’ “Who’s celebrating?” (Free Masons) ‘It’s Kill the jobs then the Workers.’ This is no joke. We must raise awareness, talk about it!

It’s going through parliament now. Show your courage and distain
PLEASE sign the official on line petition

( ***n00b weblink removed*** )

Any Doubts.
( Youtube Population Reduction NANP Conference )

Eye opening
( YouTube The Money Masters: who REALLY rules the world )

Petition ends 5th September and time flies.

“Do Not Go Gently”. For Queen, Country and Church.
My, very best regards. (PLEASE mail on)

PS. WARN others as you have been warned and urge them to sign the on line petition opposing the CODE ‘X’, it has to be stopped by our MP’s!

e.g. Chloride/Bleach in water is HIGHLY carcinogenic. (Poor children)
HITLER and the Nazi Party first banned smoking!
If you can make the sheep give it up, you can get them to do anything (Holocausts)
(Smoking is still allowed in the bars of the Houses of Parliament.)
No nutrient supplements when in hospital no matter how ill you are.
(Loose your appetite you die!) Reradiated fresh food in shops, Estrogen in plastic, Mercury in fillings, Fluoride in the tooth past, Aspartame should never have been but, all nothing to that, we have YET not seen! Masons big on child abuse and those that let the CODE X lose. Big money in cance
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