Manhunt 2 Is 'Fine Art' Says Rockstar Boss

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Topic started: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:59
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Joined 20 Dec 2004
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:19
That's a seriously hideous portrait photie btw.
and why brown?
Who wants brown in 2007, seriously.

Aye, anyway.
I heard that Manhunt 2 got banned because of the Wii version since it has you doing actions.
You know like you have strangle npcs by wrapping the cord between the nunchuck and the Wiimote around something, preferable small and defenseless, optionally furry.

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:58
'Since it has doing actions'. All Wii games have doing actions, but do they mean shaking and such? They have to elaborate but the news media never do, as this isn't about a film. Even if the game did, that what the Wii does and it's an adult game anyway, in mature adult hands it's not a problem.

This is kind of like saying because you use a knife to chop up veg in Cooking Mama, that you are then gonna go out to do the same to a real person. Or because you can use a frying pan in the same game, you are gonna burn someone with it. There's no evidence to back this warped thinking convincingly at all, on its own or up against other similar media.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:40
Joji wrote:
How the hell can a game be less immersive than a film? Headscratcher that one.

Do you drive? Have you been driven? Everybody likes car analogies, so here goes!

Have you ever noticed that you see more of the area you are being driven through than you do when you are driving yourself? Surely you must be more invested in the experience when you choose the route to take?

Well, no. Not in my experience. As a driver you have to concentrate on the road, other drivers, where you are going and just the mechanical acts necessary to get the car from A to B, enjoyable though they may be. As a passenger, you don't have those distractions and can more easily appreciate and absorb the experience of travelling through the scenery.

Similarly, in a game you have to work out how to get close to that bloke over there in order to stab or garrotte him. You have to concentrate on the restrictions that the controls put on your actions, you have to worry about which bits of scenery are going to mask your approach and which are going to hinder you. When you do manage to kill the enemy, you just top off the long sequence of events.

In a film, the star jumps over a wall, runs down an alley, gets to his target and snaps his neck. You didn't have to think, you didn't have to wonder if he'd make it, you just sit back and absorb it.

By being interactive, games are (so the BBFC claims) less immersive than films, because reality in the form of the control mechanism intrudes on the experience.

So why'd they ban this one and not Hostel, for example?
SLick 89
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:10
i completely agree why violence what about hostel and hostel 2????? what about the texas chainsaw massacre films i think u are all so hipocritalcal sheesh get a grip and give the game a chance
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