DS Stomps On US Hardware Competition

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Topic started: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:01
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Sun, 22 Apr 2007 13:44
Thing is, the PS3 is tanking. Everyone says so. And the 360 is flying away with the market. Everyone says so... But PS3 seems to be selling 2/3 what 360 is selling. And that's before Home is launched, and when there are no games for it.

Doesn't seem quite as bad as everyone is making out if you ask me.

In fact, just listening to the forum fanbois, I was expecting PS3 to be selling a third to a quarter what 360 is selling. I guess that shows that you should get you opinions from facts and data, and not second hand from people who can barely spell.

Sun, 22 Apr 2007 16:42
In response to Frankenvater, the problem with the fact that the PS3 is selling 2/3 of what the 360 is selling is that the 360 already had a 10 million consoles sold by the time PS3 launched. Sony was expecting to catch up with the 360 by the end of this year but it appears that they may actually end up farther behind. It's unfortunate since the PS2 was such a great system. I think Blu-ray must be the greatest mistake of all time (oh wait...or was it Betamax. Sony should not join format wars!).
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:12
ozfunghi wrote:
The list of games Config mentioned is funny. Him being a mod on a videogames news website, I would expect a better argument and more knowledge of the games he listed. Blazing Angels being a reason to buy a PS3? If anything, that's actually an argument NOT to buy a PS3.

The point I was attempting to make is that there is much more than FPS games for PS3, so I chose a selection of disparate genres to demonstrate this. As for Blazing Angels - given a choice I wouldn't play Sonic either, but, you know, different stroke and all that.
Joined 12 May 2006
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 16:29
I was expecting something like this to happen. If the Wii's were available i would have expected that to outsell everyone by miles. The DS, i was a bit surprised with the way its been selling recently. I thought that the PS3 sales would have been lower than what is stated as the interest in it has just gone through the floor rather than through the roof. In fact the only interest i have at the moment in it is "Will it go down in price? (at least £100 to be reasonable)" and "Will better games become available? (Not to mention will they be available with all the HD quality, not just 720p)"
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