360 Is More Powerful Than PS3 Says Microsoft

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Topic started: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:43
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Joined 24 Jan 2004
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:18
schnide wrote:
Your avatar is really, really crappy.

I've always thought it was quite good. A bald guy with a dreadlock comb-over.

Joined 23 Apr 2004
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:20
Rod Todd wrote:

I've always thought it was quite good. A bald guy with a dreadlock comb-over.

I know you're probably not, but I'm going to pretend that you really are Keanu, just so I can say I spoke to him today.

Dude, I LOVED you in a Walk in the Clouds! You rock!
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:31
Wait wait wait, stop this bullsh!t!! You're all missing the point!!

Since when can Keanu Reeves act porperly??
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:49
"M$" wrote:
360 is the most powerful console in the world

isnt that a big, steaming, s**t eating lie?
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:55
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
"M$" wrote:
360 is the most powerful console in the world

isnt that a big, steaming, s**t eating lie?

Sony fanboy! Sony fanboy!

There you go losers, I've saved you the trouble.

(Otherwise yes, you're right)
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:04
schnide wrote:
Microsoft has been on the constant offensive recently. This happens when someone is aware they are under threat [see: your spurious posts in this thread].
The only thing spurious here is your logic.

Being in the States, somewhere where both consoles are competing currently, I can tell you that MS has no reason to feel anything close to 'desperation'. Theres one(1) game worth owning on PS3 currently, on this almost everyone is in agreement. Ooooh, scary...the offensive you claim MS is continuing is more likely a case of 'kick Sony while they're down' than anything. You mentioned the 360's failure in Japan (which everyone knew was going to happen in advance anyway). MUCH more relevant is the hometown PS3's failure...reference recent SPOnG article on top games selling in Japan and PS3's abscence there.

I will admit that Resistance looks absolutely brilliant, if not as good as Sony said it was going to be, but its definitly not the letdown that Killzone was.

schnide wrote:
I own an Xbox. So I'm what, a Sony fanboy was it?
So what? Your ownership of an Xbox means nothing. You have fullfilled the criteria for fanboyism, irregardless of other console ownership. Maybe you aren't a Sony fanboy, but you sure do act like one.

schnide wrote:
And it's common knowledge that Microsoft called the 360 what they did so that it would sound more advanced than the PS3.
Allright, so they wanted to give it a name that compared favorably with the competing products...I won't dispute that. I will however dispute that the name was the result of 'desperation', it was a marketing descision, no more no less, I don't think anything approaching desperation entered into it.

Now as to desperation of someone under threat, attacking my choice of avatar? Really.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:12
schnide wrote:
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
"M$" wrote:
360 is the most powerful console in the world

isnt that a big, steaming, s**t eating lie?

Sony fanboy! Sony fanboy!

There you go losers, I've saved you the trouble.

(Otherwise yes, you're right)

Uhm actually no, you didn't save anyone the trouble, you just continued your desperate offensive campaign. See, its quite possible that that statement in question is a big, steaming, s**t eating lie...besides any moron (aside from you, that is) can see that hes a proud SEGA fanboy. Since you appear to care so much about people avatars I'd have thought you'd have known that.

Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:14
perhaps they were weaselwording it, as the PS3 isn't quite global yet?
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:16
PreciousRoi wrote:
schnide wrote:
Microsoft has been on the constant offensive recently. This happens when someone is aware they are under threat [see: your spurious posts in this thread].
The only thing spurious here is your logic.

Being in the States, somewhere where both consoles are competing currently, I can tell you that MS has no reason to feel anything close to 'desperation'. Theres one(1) game worth owning on PS3 currently, on this almost everyone is in agreement. Ooooh, scary...the offensive you claim MS is continuing is more likely a case of 'kick Sony while they're down' than anything. You mentioned the 360's failure in Japan (which everyone knew was going to happen in advance anyway). MUCH more relevant is the hometown PS3's failure...reference recent SPOnG article on top games selling in Japan and PS3's abscence there.

I will admit that Resistance looks absolutely brilliant, if not as good as Sony said it was going to be, but its definitly not the letdown that Killzone was.

schnide wrote:
I own an Xbox. So I'm what, a Sony fanboy was it?
So what? Your ownership of an Xbox means nothing. You have fullfilled the criteria for fanboyism, irregardless of other console ownership. Maybe you aren't a Sony fanboy, but you sure do act like one.

schnide wrote:
And it's common knowledge that Microsoft called the 360 what they did so that it would sound more advanced than the PS3.
Allright, so they wanted to give it a name that compared favorably with the competing products...I won't dispute that. I will however dispute that the name was the result of 'desperation', it was a marketing descision, no more no less, I don't think anything approaching desperation entered into it.

Now as to desperation of someone under threat, attacking my choice of avatar? Really.

Goddamnit, after all you've said it doesn't matter which way you look at it..

..your avatar's STILL really crappy!
Joined 19 Dec 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 18:40
schnide wrote:
alexhooren wrote:
wow! someone doesnt like the xbox...

I own one.

I own an iPod... Do I like it? No. Do I regret buying it? Yes. Ownership proves nothing. Your argument is flawed!

its a games console, hence most people dont give a f*ck whether it plays next-gen video, it plays next-gen GAMES and dvds which is all that matters.

This is why you don't have a job which involves launching games consoles, and nor do you understand why the PS2 is currently the world's most popular system - DVD playback carried the PS2 when it's games lineup was lacking. That was in the infancy of DVD, and the fact that the 360 does it is old news now. You need as many USP's as you can get and Blu-Ray is one of PS3's.

Lets see: DVD replaced video cassettes, providing a more conveniate and fullfilling solution with far better picture and sound quality. The public loved it and all round uptake was massive and rapid. Plus it had no competitors.

Bluray "replaces" DVD, providing no added bonuses except more pointless commentaries and high definition visuals (limited improvement compared to upscaled DVDs). Also comes with a higher price tag and is DRM laden! It currently competes with HD-DVD and there is still no indication who, if either, will win the war. Most importantly, the public are not interested and have largely ignored it, favouring instead to keep and build there numerous and expensive DVD collections. I pose to you the case of CDs replacing tape cassettes and the then total failure of SACD and DVD-Audio.

Your argument is flawed!

omg, a power brick! because that really is a sign of desperation. i think your find its probably more due to heat issues ;)

Tell the Japanese that. How's it doing over there again?

The Japanese are xenophobia, common knowledge, and in general do not like Xbox because its American. Secondly, most of the games are western and dont target the market well. Looks have NOTHING to do with success in Japan. Your argument is flawed!

ill give you the name, although it is only and name! it wont stop me buying a wii even tho i hate the name.

It's psychological. How badly do you think Microsoft want to win this thing? Possibly the same as they do ever other market that they attempt (and sometimes succeed) in monopolising. Any edge they can get with the consumer is a plus, and that means naming a console bigger than it's rival, or dripfeeding press releases about how they're not scared of Sony.

Seriously, M$ are not some *evil* company. EVERY company wants to succeed and will use press releases and marketing any way they can to get the upper hand. Sony and Nintendo want to win as badly as M$, Sony probably more because failure is more finacial damaging to the overall company. Claiming M$ are desperate because they do what all other companies do and use some clever marketing to portray their product in a better light, you are wrong. Your argument is flawed!
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:25
PreciousRoi wrote:
NEWS FLASH:tyrion HATES Microsoft.

NEWS FLASH: PreciousRoi picks up on anything Tyrion says against Microsoft and blasts it, he ignores times where Tyrion speaks against Sony or compliments Microsoft. From this selective sampling of the data, PreciousRoi claims Tyrion is a Sony fanboy.

As alexhooren pointed out there were Word versions 3, 4 and 5 for both Mac and DOS, which my 5 minute trip to Wikipedia to compare Word and WordPerfect versions made even more clear to me.

It was a frick'n joke!

FFS, what do I have to do to make a joke round here? Do I honestly have to put f**king smilies around everything where I make a joke and it's slightly against Microsoft?
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:32
how care all next gen consoles are trying new things all nextgen consoles will and do have good ponits bad ponits thay will all do well 360 will do good in the weast conpade to the ps3 coz of the price the wii will do well coz of the easy ness of use and the funness of it the ps3 will do well coz of the blue ray like the ps2 did with dvd
the only things that i have agenst the ps3 is
no vibration
price i cant just pop in to the game shop and bye a new
game coz i got a little bit of spare chash in my pocket
and the size of it
also theres no ponit in playing one on a sd sreen and no vga cabble out of it so i cant play on my pc sreen like i do with my 360
but i will get one in a years time when some one has got bord of it
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:58
alexhooren wrote:
omg, a power brick! because that really is a sign of desperation. i think your find its probably more due to heat issues ;)

Tell the Japanese that. How's it doing over there again?

The Japanese are xenophobia, common knowledge, and in general do not like Xbox because its American. Secondly, most of the games are western and dont target the market well. Looks have NOTHING to do with success in Japan. Your argument is flawed!

The Japanese love Dyson vacuum cleaners, hence your argument is also flawed.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 21:58
oh, tyr, I quit calling you a Sony fanboy a loooong time ago. You do however, in my opinion, borne out by your own past statements, have a bias against MS which is not based upon anything they've done as a video game company.

Then Sony started taking a pasting in the media, and you started your 'FOX News' routine...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 22:05
bah, vacuum cleaners don't coun't...Japan doesn't have an emotional stake in vacuum cleaners.

the only flaws in that argument were his use of the noun rather than the adjective, I'd also replace 'American' with 'Not Japaneese'...

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