Leading UK Retailer Refuses to Stock Bully

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Topic started: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:58
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Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:25
PreciousRoi wrote:
Personally, even though I think its a shame that R* was more or less forced into changing the name of their product, perhaps it was ill-chosen from the beginning, and I actually prefer Canis Canem Edit (and like the more correcter version even better), it fits the political aspect (and private school setting) of the game better than Bully.

Nice points, well made.

It was the fact that the guys here at SPOnG seem to be calling it Bully that made me slightly confused, and can't have made the UK name any clearer to you.

Canis Canem Est was, I think, the alternative latin interpretation. Certainly, that's what I kept calling it until I decided to simply revert to Bully. I went and bought a copy of Unwin, Wittering and Zigo too.

I think a look into the dark heart of public education in the US would have been chilling to the UK, because where you lead - we invariably follow. That aproach may have made for a more G.T. jr game too. Having said that, I don't really know what public education is like in a suburban US school, we only really get to hear about the Columbine and Cazenovias... and it sounds pretty scary. I guess the truth for most students is closer to the knockabout antics in the game.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:18
"dark heart of US public education", I like that...

Thinking about the different factions you'd have to represent (in a US public school) I was unavoidably reminded of "The Breakfast Club", with its inclusion of a specimen from each...

'course seems like nowadays you got more specialized sorts of cliques than in my day, though I suppose theres also lots of overlap
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