PlayStation 3: March 2007 Launch in Europe. Official

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Topic started: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 08:50
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 12:48
Guys guys, what on earth is a PS3???
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 13:05
LOL!! Good lord, of all the incompetant f**k ups. U.K and Europe get shafted once again. Sony, you really have taken the cake and the cookie jar too now. After the debacle of the PSP NINE MONTH DELAY, I thought they couldn't do any worse. How wrong was I?

I can understand customers being pissed, we've already waited long enough. Why is it that when Sony get an oppurtunity to go toe to toe with another console launch, they bail miserably. Same thing happened with DS and PSP.

All MS need do now is reduce 360 down by a reasonable amount and xmas might be theirs. It'll put the Wii high on lists because of its cheap price as an xmas present.

Don't see anyone buying a PS2 this xmas, Sony really have themselves to blame and should have given us this info earlier.

Shame on you once again, Sony.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 14:08
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Guys guys, what on earth is a PS3???

It seems like we may never know.

Joined 24 Jan 2006
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 14:25
Europe is just not "Special" enough for Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft really, we miss out on so much stuff, or get it so late everybody has forgoten about it.

How about some Europe only stuff to get em back...

Barstuards !
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 14:39
This sucks to say the least, why has europe always gottenthe s***ty of the stick when it comes to launches?, it happened with the PSP and now it's happening with the PS3, I suppose you could import a US/Japanese PS3, but that would be more trouble than it's worth, I am so p***ed off with Sony right now, and have lost all respect for them, how dare they treat european gamers like this!, the irony being that the CEO of Sony is european himself.
Joined 11 Jun 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 14:46
In the games arena I'm a Sony fanboy by default. Given a choice I won't have anything Microsoft within my household, and Nintendo has historically f**ked up its own patch all by itself.

Now Sony really has crushed a crate of eggs all over its face, bent over and greased up for Microsoft and Nintendo.

Given my loathing for the Microsoft way and the disdain I have for all this HD BS (certainly until the prices of sizable displays become reasonable), I think I'll shift my allegiance to the Nintendo offering.

Goodbye Sony, you've f**ked things up just once too often.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 15:09
well done that man - finally they are seeing the light!
Joined 29 Jul 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 15:22
Sony lie through their teeth, anyone who hadn't caught on 10 years ago happens to be pretty Naive. Don't get mad over such news, just recognise this is what Sony does best and expect it 6 months after the US no matter what they say.

Also, it is understandable for a company to release their product in Europe last. Japan has one language, The US has one language, Europe has 20+ languages for everything to be translated into. That takes a few months at least.

Besides, the EU being the world's biggest economy by several million sports cars and some regal palaces, one might have thought Sony would like some of that cash a little faster. oh well.
Joined 18 Jan 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 15:57
As disgusted as I am with Sony like everyone else seems to be, I fear it is all wasted 8~(

Give it 5 years maybe even 1 or 2 and this will be all but a faint memory, Sony will have won over the masses as it seems so good at doing and the PS3 will be selling like the PS2 did.

I guess only time will tell!
Joined 4 Aug 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 17:05
OptimusP wrote:

On a brighter note, they're not making the same mistake MS did with their Xbox360 so shortages will be lower...hopefully.

Why do you keep calling it a mistake?? As I come from Europe I think being treated the same as Japan & the US is a change for the better. True there were not enough consoles to go round, but at least we had an equal chance.

Sony have quite clearly stated that we in Europe are the "third place'. I think its disgusting.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 17:05
Glad someone is so confident for Sony, guess someone has to be even in times like these. Whether they'll sweep the competition away is debatable.

This has the PSP similarity stamped all over it (though I know it pros and cons are different). PSP turns up too late to the party and never recovers from its late showing.

Now that was against the DS, but how will Sony cope against 360 and Wii. If you tag that Toshiba HD-DVD player to the list of damagers, PS3 has now made it's launch and long time success very hard to achieve.

The biggest question is will fans hold their money this xmas or buy a 360 or Wii? Sony die hard or not, we will see.

majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 18:21
i picked a 360 up cuz i had a nice lil sum of money,but that was only to play oblivion other than that i mainly lookin forward to the Wii.this is a random post but it kinda has a point because ther aint much to look forward to on the PS3,PES and MGS4,what else.bring on the most exciting inovation in computer game history,bring on the wii.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 19:21
Just been playing Saints Row. Being a big GTA fan, it could be the killer app for me, but so far it's just another Grand Theft Also with conmtrols that feel like they need a bit of polishing - on foot, shooting in particular.

So far, no reason for 360 for me, so it's looking like Wii for Chrimbo...
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 19:37
TheEliteSamurai wrote:
Sony lie through their teeth, anyone who hadn't caught on 10 years ago happens to be pretty Naive. Don't get mad over such news, just recognise this is what Sony does best and expect it 6 months after the US no matter what they say.

Also, it is understandable for a company to release their product in Europe last. Japan has one language, The US has one language, Europe has 20+ languages for everything to be translated into. That takes a few months at least.

Besides, the EU being the world's biggest economy by several million sports cars and some regal palaces, one might have thought Sony would like some of that cash a little faster. oh well.

Us being naive? How about you being a complete tool. For one, Sony doesn't really have all that much to translate... at all. Big deal, change the language on the interface. And you speak of the US, but forget about North America as a whole. Generally speaking there are 3 main languages. That being English, Spanish, and French.

And if you think the launch is being held up due to language differences, then you my friend are naive.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 19:51
aymen to that.

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