PlayStation 3 - A Losing Battle for Sony?

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Topic started: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 14:49
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Joined 5 Aug 2005
Fri, 4 Aug 2006 16:40
I wonder about the 40/30/30 situation. It's probably about fair for what it's predicting, but it doesn't take account of the Wii as everyones second choice console.

For installed user base and software sales you might find things are very different. It would be funny if
50% bought PS3
50% bought 360
80% bought Wii.

Just by being everyones second choice it could end up as the top dog. If Wii does end up as a universal second choice (and I'm not sure it will) the software sell through rates could be different from ususal, and if they are, that could do scary things to Nintendo's bottom line.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Mon, 7 Aug 2006 12:00
I think the next gen console's are looking at very different portions of the market, if games weren't made for multi formats you really wouldn't see a link between them.
It all comes down to what you consider a "Next Gen" gaming experience to be?. Better Graphics, Online gaming, motion control?... it's good that there is a choice & it would be just Nintendo's jammy luck if while Sony & Microsoft where battling it out for 1st place that the Nintendo slips through & takes gold.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 00:58
Enough with the wishful thinking Nintendo fanboy fantasys and anti-MS fear propaganda...

Both scenarios are equally extremely unlikely.

MS is not going to "take over" the console industry any time soon. full stop. Nintendo is not going to dominate the console industry this generation. full stop.

I will say this. Nintendo is uniquely positioned to "grow their own" market by adding casual and non-gamers to the already legion faithful. I also have no doubt that the Wii™ will not lack for "killer apps". But if Nintendo is fated to squat triumphant atop all consoledom it will be after they release the Poo™.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 01:54
if nintendo can carve out its own healthy, unique market then it wont be long (as we saw with the ps3's dubious steps into directional controllers) before the bigger companies enter that too.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 03:03
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
if nintendo can carve out its own healthy, unique market then it wont be long (as we saw with the ps3's dubious steps into directional controllers) before the bigger companies enter that too.

Thats not really the way it looks from here. In the current generation the various consoles are aimed at at least two very different consumers. The main differentiating criterion is price.

Wii-Affordable, Family-friendly, Casual Gamers, Nintendo Aficionados

360-Dominant Online Service, Hardcore Gamers, Power Users, Older Gamers not from Japan

PS3-Expensive, Will probably dominate Japan, Early Blu-ray Adopters, PS2 Owners
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 04:29
yeah, in this generation for the most part, Nintendo are going alone in a different direction

but still, if theyre successful it wont stay that way. whereas the Wii being referred to as 'new gen' is partly down to the companies new line on affordable entertainment, the thing that sets it apart is its innovative, intuitive, 3d space-detecting controller.

which is a pie any other company could get a piece of. there will be new technologies that dont infringe on nintendo's patents whilst doing the same things as nintendos's tech, and im sure others will be beavering away on them; especially if nintendo are a success

if nintendo manage to suck in whole families of new, maybe casual gamers, sometime down the road when they really appreciate what fun gaming is with this 3d controller malarky theyd probably upgrade to a more 'premium' console if there was one offering the same controller functionality with more oomph say a ps3/ps4, and if i know this, sony do too
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 05:06
I really don't see the controllers novelty as being as much of a selling point as Nintnedo's reputation, library of revered IPs, and of course, price. Their mojo ain't as easy to steal as all that. So I guess I don't see Nintendo's position as being as fragile as you seem to, being predicated upon a gadget peripheral whose true utility remains to be seen. However immune I may be to the Nintendo mystique myself, its yen in the bank, barring a botch.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:24
Ok, then from a serious gamer's point of view, surely you see its massive role?

im a lifelong intendo fan, andi havent been this excited about a nintendo console (or any other :P) for about a decade, since they made the leap to 3d.

yeah the virtual console is sweet (but you can do all that and more on your pc for free), the price is great, connect24 sounds like a tremendous idea, but i can take or leave these things, im gagging for a piss because of that damn controller!

it is the big factor for me and every gamer ive met
Joined 16 Sep 2005
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 14:04
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
if nintendo manage to suck in whole families of new, maybe casual gamers, sometime down the road when they really appreciate what fun gaming is with this 3d controller malarky theyd probably upgrade to a more 'premium' console if there was one offering the same controller functionality with more oomph say a ps3/ps4, and if i know this, sony do too

I'm sure I've read in places that most consumers remain loyal to brands, (which is what Sony are depending on for the PS3). If true, this means if nintendo gets people interested in gaming they're likely to continue buying nintendo consoles in the future. Unless of course Sony or Microsoft have some ploy to get people to get their consoles instead. One thing I can say for nintendo consoles is that they last much, much better than any other consoles I've ever had, which is why I plan to continue buying them.
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 01:00

Actually, for a new format, I'm rather impressed with UMD. It's stocked by almost all games shops, a lot of online shops here in the UK. For a brand new format, supported by one piece of hardware, that's pretty impressive.

well in February 2006, Paramount Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, and even Sony Pictures Home Entertainment announced that they are cutting back releases for the PSP, citing very disappointing sales of about 50,000 per title.

In March 2006, Reuters reported that Wal-Mart was considering abandoning sales of the format, and that Universal Studios Home Entertainment and Image Entertainment had ceased production. Other studios have reportedly reduced their commitment to the format as well and this is why thay are so cheap shops are trying to get rid of them coz people do not want to buy two copys of somthing and will go for some thing that you can wach with mates / famly and not have to swint around a small screen
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 01:18
i think that you are fogeting the in all types of gameing hardware that their are three types of gamers in cluding handheld . home console and pc
you have the hardcore gamer. the devoted gamer and the casual gamer
but most of the hard core gamers play on pcs not consoles
and also if you look at ps2 most early sales were with a dvd not a game coz it was the cheaper way to get a good dvd player
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 02:55
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
Ok, then from a serious gamer's point of view, surely you see its massive role?
If it fails, I can see it as an albatross around Nintendo's neck. The N64 controller was enough to put me off the console permenantly.

RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
im a lifelong intendo fan, andi havent been this excited about a nintendo console (or any other :P) for about a decade, since they made the leap to 3d.
Wow, thats saying a lot. Not.

RiseFromYourGrave wrote: gagging for a piss...
quaint British expression I'm sure...

RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
it is the big factor for me and every gamer ive met
Well thats just your own short-sightedness, what SHOULD be making your panties moist are the innovative and unique SOFTWARE that this gadget is going to enable and inspire Nintendo and its 3rd party partners to create. Sony might be able to duplicated the controller function, but Nintendo clearly has the advantage when it comes to having original thoughts and ideas.

There has (and still is) much discussion about who wil "win" the console war, etc, ad nauseam... Ultimately consoles and their peripherals are merely delivery systems for software. Some of the people keeping score seem to forget this...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 06:09
philneedshelp wrote:
i think that you are fogeting the in all types of gameing hardware that their are three types of gamers in cluding handheld . home console and pc

No, I was pretty much give handheld to Nintendo, but as the topic is consoles, I didn't think Nindendo or Sonys performance in those areas affected consumers' console preference except though the casual gamers Nintendo is already poised to bring into the fold.
philneedshelp wrote:
you have the hardcore gamer. the devoted gamer and the casual gamer
but most of the hard core gamers play on pcs not consoles
the argument being that no one can be a hardcore console gamer because if they were really hardcore they'd be playing PCs...rubbish...
philneedshelp wrote:
and also if you look at ps2 most early sales were with a dvd not a game coz it was the cheaper way to get a good dvd player
People who did this, and never played games on it inflated the install base, but its really only a PR victory unless they sell some software, yo.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 09:43
WOW someone got outta the wrong side of the bed!! hahaha... i think the thing with Wii is it looks FUN!, if ur a casual gamer or getting into gaming. When your wandering around Toys r us with all the game Pod's set up the Wii pod will be surrounded by people & Nintendo will sell a lot of console from the fun pick up & play factor. I don’t see Sony of Microsoft being able to emulate that feeling or experience, it's definitely a Nintendo thing, It’s why the DS is so successful.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 10:18
hollywooda wrote:
... Nintendo will sell a lot of console from the fun pick up & play factor. I don’t see Sony of Microsoft being able to emulate that feeling or experience, it's definitely a Nintendo thing, It’s why the DS is so successful.

yeah, thats what I meant about their mojo, and their market position being based on something more than a gadget.

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