PSP Redesign Rumours: Sleeker, Folding Screen, Soon

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Topic started: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:08
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Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:18

You really have to be kidding me. That's the answer you're giving me? Ignoring the facts? Buddy, if one of us is ignoring the facts, it's you. Check how many PSP software titles you usually find in the top 10, and you can include Japan for all i care.

Edge -that UK magazine with a slightly better rep than Spong, you might have heard from it- reported MASSIVE losses (as in "losses bigger than retail price itself") for Sony per hardware unit sold at launch. I'm happy to believe those losses aren't that massive anymore, but don't forget, we've also witnessed a price drop as well. Sony IS still losing money on hardware, take my word. And if not, prove me wrong.

Also, you're probably in a better position than me to find out how many games have been sold per PSP and what amount of cash goes into Sony's pocket. I know it's not going to be over 4, more like 2 to 3 maybe. So if you want to drive your point home with facts, let's have 'm. You chose to neglect that point by the way, knowing very well that THAT's where Sony's money comes from. Oh, that's right, you didn't neglect that point. You chose to bitch about X360 doing even worse, sidestepping the point. The point was that PSP (and its software) is NOT making Sony a lot of money, and adding a costly feature (not only manufacturing costs, but R&D costs as well) like that would never happen untill the unit starts paying off. You can wallow in pity all you like, it won't change the facts.

No need for repetition.

For the record, i never claimed PSP was a flop, nor that it doesn't make Sony ANY money, just not too much (yet). That will probably change as the unit ages, more software per unit will be sold, and costs go down even further. But untill that happens, don't count on this happening. There is no shame in admitting PSP isn't like DS. The system is still young, and the bigger profits are usually not made the first 2 years. Hell, MS NEVER made money off the xbox. Sega lost money on both Saturn and Dreamcast, and Dreamcast had sold more units than PSP after 1.5 years.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:41
vault 13 wrote:
So don't tell me the DS has the edge.

Hello, how long did the hibernation last? 14 months? (j/k)

Anyway, you can't possibly mean what you said. DS is OWNING software charts in both US and Japan. I'm not so sure about Europe, but i hear Nintendogs sold better over here than anywhere else, so i'm guessing not too shabby either.

Than there's Sony, with their "shipped" numbers, supposedly outdoing DS (the first one that believes that PR crap deserves to get smacked). Because unless they are selling by the millions in obscure or 3rd world countries, anyone that can count knows that can't be true. PSP is being slaughtered in Japan, and is "keeping up" in Europe and US. But in all 3 (or at least 2) regions, it's getting kicked around on software sales.

I'm not talking about the quality of the product, merely about its success.

PS: titles like Mercury, VF, Lumines... might be great software, great for gaming fanatics, but as far as sales and mainstream attention go, those aren't the ones you want "keeping your system alive".
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 04:09
DoctorDee wrote:

But Gamegear sold around 8,650,000 units, in around 10 years on sale.

PSP has shipped over twice that many with over 12,000,000 of these sold, in under two years.

Oh no... oh no, you've used the magic words. "Shipped" and "Sold".

You can ship, but not sell. Just like I can throw 5 apples at you and miss with all 5.

Sorry, I had to do that. Those magic words pop right off the page for me. It's instinctual...
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 07:56
As I've said before in other discussions, in the UK the PSP is kicking the DS's arse in software sales.

The only week the DS has outsold the PSP in software sales is the week before the PSP launched. There were a few games available and they sold in modest amounts.

Overall, the PSP has sold over one and a half times the number of software titles that the DS has. That's over the lifetime of 66 weeks for the DS and 42 weeks for the PSP. On average weekly sales, that's over two and a half times the sales.

This is all based on over-the-counter sales as tracked by Chart Track for ELSPA.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 08:06
warbaby wrote:
You can ship, but not sell. Just like I can throw 5 apples at you and miss with all 5.

That's why DoctorDee made the differentiation between shipped and sold in the post you replied to.

Perhaps you should pause to read comments instead of lashing out at the words that jump off the screen at you.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:17
ozfunghi wrote:
You really have to be kidding me. That's the answer you're giving me? Ignoring the facts? Buddy, if one of us is ignoring the facts, it's you.

Strange then, that you keep peddling opinions that I keep rebutting with facts.

Check how many PSP software titles you usually find in the top 10, and you can include Japan for all i care.

I can include Japan if you like, but the fact is these figures are confidential information that we have access to because of websites we do for other companies such as ELSPA. I cannot reveal these data, but I can assure you, PSP has sold WAY more software it the UK than DS. If PSP is a flop, DS is a bigger one. And before you willfully misinterpret this, I am NOT saying DS is a flop, I am saying that both are successful.

Edge -that UK magazine with a slightly better rep than Spong

A reputation it has never deserved. I worked for Future when Edge was launched, I was friends with the editor (who took over my job when I left) and while stylistically it is an impressive magazine, it's also a vapourware whore, writing off the current technology as soon as the next one is announced, and more bothered about shaders and HDR than about gameplay.

you might have heard from it- reported MASSIVE losses (as in "losses bigger than retail price itself") for Sony per hardware unit sold at launch.

MY POINT EXACTLY! AT LAUNCH. A year and a half ago. R+D costs are now written off, production processes are more efficient, chip yields are increased. Do you (Or your mates at Edge) know that they are making a loss per unit now?

Sony IS still losing money on hardware, take my word. And if not, prove me wrong.

That's not how it works buddy. If you want to assert something, you prove it's true.

Also, you're probably in a better position than me to find out how many games have been sold per PSP and what amount of cash goes into Sony's pocket.

As I've said, I cannot divulge commercially sensitive information. So you can call me a liar if you wish to reduce matters to a peurile level. But the fact is, PSP is outselling DS and 360 on software sales and software value.

You chose to neglect that point by the way, knowing very well that THAT's where Sony's money comes from.

You've lost me now. I didn't ignore that point at all. I stated clearly that PSP is outselling DS on software, and I alluded that it was outselling 360 too.

Oh, that's right, you didn't neglect that point. You chose to bitch about X360 doing even worse, sidestepping the point.

Ah, so you even admit that I didn't neglect the point. I didn't sidestep it, either. I pointed out that, if you are going to mock the PSP for failure to deliver revenue, you ought to be mocking the 360, and possibly the DS as "failures" too.

The point was that PSP (and its software) is NOT making Sony a lot of money, and adding a costly feature (not only manufacturing costs, but R&D costs as well) like that would never happen untill the unit starts paying off.

Hmmm. OK. But I personally never suggested or thought that the PSP was up for a foldable screen. Much more likely Sony are going to apply this technology to a portable data aggregation or electronic book device.

All I responded to was your assertion that PSP isn't making money, and I think you are wrong.

You can wallow in pity all you like, it won't change the facts.

Well, that's an interesting turn of phrase. Where exactly is this pity I am "wallowing" in emenating from?

Joined 14 Jul 2004
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:08
DoctorDee for the win.

I wonder how a topic about PSP redesign resulted in yet another pointless debate of "ONOS PSP teh suk!". The fanboyism and out-of-date sales facts (although I can talk, lol) is starting to hurt my head. As for EDGE, well I like it to an extent, but I don't buy it - I think that speaks for itself.

And yeah, maybe I should check out Game Gear sales properly, lol. That was a stupid blunder on my part, eh. Never mind. :P
Joined 25 May 2006
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:33
"I can include Japan if you like, but the fact is these figures are confidential information that we have access to because of websites we do for other companies such as ELSPA."

Oh, really? Well then I guess all the forums I visit that have weekly sales updates from every territory are SUPER SECRET SPY FORUMS.

PSP sales are beating DS sales in the UK? No s**t? Innovation doesn't go over too well here, the chav nation requires FIFA, Need for Speed, GTA and bugger all else.
Does it matter? Not at all. The UK market is a pathetically small market. Try looking at sales for the whole of Europe.

As for the Game Gear comment, it was actually true a mere couple of months ago. But what I really meant by it was that just because it's done well so far it doesn't mean it will turn out okay. Game Gear did great at the start, then support started dropping and sales started waning and it slipped into the shadows. If you take a look as PSPs nonexistant E3 showings the past 2 years you'll see that that's already happening.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:48
Monkton wrote:
Oh, really? Well then I guess all the forums I visit that have weekly sales updates from every territory are SUPER SECRET SPY FORUMS.

Media Create publicly publish hardware sales figures and top 10 software sales figures weekly for the Japanese territory. However Chart Track and NPD don't publicly publish sales figures, software or hardware on a weekly basis for the UK or US.

If you are seeing those figures posted to forums, then the posters have got access to subscription figures and are posting them, probably in violation of their subscription license.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:05
Again, no facts all talk.

And since the PSP HAS been losing money (which is the only info we BOTH know is correct) it's up to YOU to prove that this isn't the case ANYMORE. You're the one arguing that the situation has changed since the last confirmed info we got. Your point to prove. THAT'S the way it works.

So now basically all your arguments are bundled into: PSP sells software in the UK. Bravo, so this is your irrefutable evidence the PSP is a success. ROFL. In case you haven't noticed:

World >>>>>>> EU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UK

I know you Brits like to think otherwise, but alas, it is no other way. I could argue that Luxemburg has sold more Dreamcasts than PS2's in a crazy attempt to prove a point about Dreamcast being more (financially) successful than PS2. Well, no need to make fun of your logic any further, you get the point.

Oh, and by the way (i got this info by bribing members of the FBI):

Where are these PSP games you speak of? Enough with the bullcrap already.

(PS: look how bad X360 is selling in the US, it's humiliated by the PSP, a 12 month older system in software sales!! -Note the sarcasm-. But i'm sure UK software sales are-a-plenty to make up for Europe, Japan and the US, lol.)

Tsss, some people.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:13
Svend Joscelyne wrote:
DoctorDee for the win.

I wonder how a topic about PSP redesign resulted in yet another pointless debate of "ONOS PSP teh suk!". The fanboyism and out-of-date sales facts (although I can talk, lol) is starting to hurt my head. As for EDGE, well I like it to an extent, but I don't buy it - I think that speaks for itself.

You would do well to READ what has been said. I'm no fanboy, i merely stated facts. I don't see how you come to the conclusion of "DoctorDee for the win" since he has yet to make a valid point to counter my statements.

I also never said the PSP sucks. I also never made a statement in a childish manner you would like to have people believe. In the contrary, i said it has a bright future ahead. I merely said it isn't selling SOFTWARE like it could RIGHT NOW, and that the unit is still sold at a loss and it isn't bringing Sony A LOT of profit AT THIS POINT. If you argue with that, fine, but it won't be me that is the fanboy.

PS: see how out-of-date the sales are in the links provided above.

PPS: Also, this would never have turned into yet another pointless debate of "ONOS PSP teh suk!" had Dee not blown it out of proportion, screaming bloody murder with zero facts backing up his nonsensical gibberish.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:57
ozfunghi wrote:
Again, no facts all talk.

The facts were there, you just chose to ignore them.

PPS: Also, this would never have turned into yet another pointless debate of "ONOS PSP teh suk!" had Dee not blown it out of proportion, screaming bloody murder with zero facts backing up his nonsensical gibberish.

You love your clichés, don't you? Rather than "scream bloody murder" I merely argued against your groundless evaluation of the PSP with facts. I don't know too much about what's happening in the USA, nor did I claim to... we're a UK site, and I only have access to EU and Japanese sales figures.

I am aware of where the UK stands in the global heirarchy... We're a signficant market, and representative of Europe generally.

You don't like the facts, so you resort to groundless accusation and insults. I'm off to Le Mans now to watch cars, you can argue amongst yourself.

Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:02
Yes, the fact about PSP selling software in the UK. I noticed that interesting yet highly irrelevant little fact.

Where did you ever get the idea i was talking about only the UK??? Isn't it kind of logical that when Sony decides to update hardware (the initial point, remember?) it will NOT do so for just the UK, but rather look at how financially viable the project is, was and will be GLOBALLY? And whether or not the current system is performing well (financially) GLOBALLY?

Have fun at Le Mans. Buy some PSP games ;)
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:08
ozfunghi wrote:
Yes, the fact about PSP selling software in the UK. I noticed that interesting yet highly irrelevant little fact.

But not as irrelevant as sales in Belgium, eh?

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:17
It's official! PSP is playing second fiddle to DS. OMFG!!!! It must be doomed! SPOnG readership figures never lie. Here, from the last 28 days, you can see just how much a pounding it's taking;

27.48% Sony PlayStation 2
24.87% PC
08.53% Nintendo Game Boy Advance
07.85% Nintendo DS
07.20% Sony PlayStation Portable

05.74% Microsoft Xbox
05.19% Microsoft Xbox 360
04.06% Nintendo GameCube
02.43% Sony PlayStation
00.77% Sony PlayStation 3
00.75% Nintendo Game Boy Color
00.61% Commodore Amiga
00.60% Commodore C-64
00.52% Sega Megadrive
00.48% Nintendo Wii
00.46% Sega Dreamcast
00.42% Nintendo Super NES
00.32% Nintendo 64
00.28% Sega Master System
00.25% Arcade
00.25% Sinclair Spectrum 48K

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