Analysts Predict PS3 Will Win Next Gen War

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Topic started: Tue, 2 May 2006 14:02
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Joined 29 Sep 2005
Thu, 4 May 2006 10:51
vault 13 wrote:

As for all of you folks who think that DVD quality is just fine, well your gonna be forced to upgrade no matter what. For all of you who are using component video or any other analog cables to achieve HD will also have to upgrade.

HDMI cables are being forced by the FCC as a national standard for HD. Basically for HDCP (copyright protection). Sucks balls for anyone who bought HDTVs early. Sucks even more for dubbing, burning, taping, copying stuff in the future. Wonder who's gonna crack that code.

And the whole, "I'm fine with DVD quality...", I don't buy it. We're all graphic whores. We all buy new systems for better graphics and we will all end up buying new dvd players for better quality. I'll bet 2 dollars on it.

P.S. I was one of the biggest opponents to the DVD format among my frieds back in the day. Now I'm loving it and can't wait for HD and Blu-Ray.

Well hopefully the fcc won't be forcing it on me straightaway in sunny manchester, although I realise it'll have knockon effects.

I truly am fine with dvd quality, I've no doubt that once I start getting a substantial disposable income I'll be forced to upgrade to some degree, but given the comparatively low uptake on HD tvs in the u.k.(and few hd broadcasting services, sky have only just launched theirs and the main other digital broadcasters aren't due to launch theirs until the summer) I imagine lots of people have yet to purchase one, let alone be able to take advantage of it with fancy new dvds or consoles (i've currently rigged up my 360 to my monitor because dropping £500 for a new tv is low in priorities right now) - I can see HD tv is the next big consumer purchase in the U.K. but that will prevent purchases in the immediate future for next gen dvd players from the average household stuggling to get by.

I guess I'll start frothing at the mouth for this new stuff when they start offering HD to me at reasonable prices (say beginning of 2008 IMO for a decent 42 inch tv), until then I am gonna struggle to justify spending cash for a next gen player that I'll use infrequently without the facilities to display it (unless of course i just buy a ps3 and be done with it).
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Thu, 4 May 2006 16:39
Yeah I forget that you guys are like 5 years behind us here in America! (*stands proud like a good ol' Bush loving army inlisted brainless republican should) And of course we're 20 years behind Japan. I'm not sure how Japan is doing with it, but I think the US is the only place that really has a decent amount of HD content if even at all. Hooray, score one for the nation obsessed with the middle east.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 4 May 2006 21:05
This whole new HDMI and new media format junk is a complete waste of time. I speak from experience when I say my current rig is just fine. 20 000 yamaha front projection display. DVD's look fine on a 100 inch display, and if your disagree, your welcome to come up to Canada and take a look. HDTV is freaking brilliant. I can already see the 5 o'clock shadow on the pitcher during a baseball game, do i really need to see his pores?

vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 5 May 2006 02:21
warbaby wrote:
This whole new HDMI and new media format junk is a complete waste of time.

As for HD cable or HD transmission from Blu-Ray or HD-DVD players, the FCC is mandating it.

As for your argument of seeing people's pores; do you plan on buying a 360, PS3, or any other future game systems? Because then you'd be a admiting you do care about better graphics. I don't believe for one minute that people don't care about a better looking anything; a girlfriend, apartment, wardrobe, game graphics, tv resolution! Granted that most people can't tell the difference between DLP vs. 3LCD but I think we can all agree that Fight Night Round 3 on 360 looks better than Round 3 on XBox.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Fri, 5 May 2006 03:40
vault 13 wrote:
warbaby wrote:
This whole new HDMI and new media format junk is a complete waste of time.

As for HD cable or HD transmission from Blu-Ray or HD-DVD players, the FCC is mandating it.

As for your argument of seeing people's pores; do you plan on buying a 360, PS3, or any other future game systems? Because then you'd be a admiting you do care about better graphics. I don't believe for one minute that people don't care about a better looking anything; a girlfriend, apartment, wardrobe, game graphics, tv resolution! Granted that most people can't tell the difference between DLP vs. 3LCD but I think we can all agree that Fight Night Round 3 on 360 looks better than Round 3 on XBox.

Kinda missed your analogy somewhat. Sure I like things that look better, but to some extent. The difference between FN3 between the two gens of xbox is quite a bit more night and day than other such comparisons. The visual difference between a highend TV right now, compared to one running with HDMI and the whole bit in a year will be nill at best. Even if there is a difference, does that justify the cost of "upgrading"... Not this time, not gonna have this one jammed down my throat. I'll wait until Sony takes up their patent rights to feed signals directly into our brains...

Thank God I won't have to be dealing with this, it will be all Revo-... er Wii, for me during this next gen.
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