Xbox 360 in "actually not small" shocker

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Topic started: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 10:52
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Joined 20 May 2004
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 13:46
The first gen is bound to be quite disappointing. Does the "HD cable" not have HDMI or DVI on it? It looks like it does...

Anyway, don't ask me how but someone I know has had a 360 Premium with Kameo sent to them. Apparently, very nice.

Reviews in 360 Magazine I've seen:
PDZ 5/5
PGR3 5/5
COD2 4/5
Kameo 4/5

The guys over at Penny Arcade seem quite enamoured with Condemned, and frankly I lost all faith in Edge half a year back when they slayed a game I played and loved. Have to see what Games" give it, I suppose.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 19:43
Well... the argument that first-gen games aren't that good anyway just wait untill second-gen, well it doesn't count, it's just some lame excuse fanboys use and the consolemaker use and even the press uses (we can't be hard on this first-gen game, because it's first-gen everbody knows that).
I mean if all first-gen games suck anyway then man what a bad game Super Mario 64 (its only the blueprint for every third person game to date...nothing special) would have been in it's day, pfioe... or Rogue Squadron 2 (looks better then the Special Edition DVD's and was made in 8 months), or Wave Race Blue Storm (best water effects this gen by a long shot).

It's a stupid excuse for hardware that's being rushed and were games have been rushed. And yes PGR3 looks freakin great but it's a racinggame, it's a realistic racinggame...they don't model/design anything from scratch, they take pictures of the cars, scan those in and polygonize the models in 3D and refine that technique. Orginal designinput: zero. So yes it better looked as good as it was or else the whole line-up was a disgrace (some do call it that allready but i have a good heart).
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 20:03
OptimusP wrote:
Well... the argument that first-gen games aren't that good anyway.

Of course it does. At least for thrid party first gen games it foes. Their programmers have not had time to begin to really extract the best from the platform.

Sure compare them to Mario 64 if you like. But it was the level design that made that great, not how much power it got out of the heardware. And the programmer were in-house... so they had had dev kits long before anyone else.

Super Mario 64 (its only the blueprint for every third person game to date...nothing special)

It's a good game. But that's a mighty big claim. I think modern 3D games owe as much to Doom and quake as they do to Mario.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 22:31
I was referring to the exclusives, third party multi-platform releases suck 99% of the time anyway, be it first or sixth gen or whatever, but i didn't say it so sorry about that.

Well, it is a big claim, that's why i specifically said 3rd person, first person games (your examples) don't apply since the gameplay changes greatly. In bleuprint i mean the fundaments like leveldesign, gamecontrol, cameracontrol, basic gameplay mechanics. Take all those in regard and saying Super Mario 64 was and still is the blueprint to every 3rd person game being made is a claim the game can cope with. offcourse the N64 and especially its controller was built around the game to Shigeru's and his team wishes, they do go hand in hand game and hardware.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Sat, 26 Nov 2005 14:37
fluffstardx wrote:
Please review Condemned. Nobody else is...

real breif:
condemened is totaly fun
graphics are nice, game play is a bit shalow but doesnt get old, its really all about the atmosphere... and with the lights down and the surroudn sounds its really crappy as hell.
story is kinda of like a watered down "seven" but still interesting, havent finished it yet but im fairly sur ei know the ending, dont care though cause its still fun to play... if i where required to give it a number i woul dsay 8.5, but compared to most of the launch line up, more like a 9.5, only safer bets are probably PGR and the sports games if those are your things.

hope that helps :)

Config: if tiger is to busy playign geometry wars I could handle some of those bothersome Fitst party titles, already have Kameo started.

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