Gates: Xbox Live Will Become Windows Live

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Topic started: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 14:25
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Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 17:34
Would they really be a better monopoly than either Sony or Microsoft? I don't think so.

I don't think any of them would be a "good" monopoly. I much prefer the games market to have three strong players, each offering something different, be it mainstream acceptance, online excellence or just simple fun.

You seem to forget that back in the days of the GB, Technology didn't evolve like we see it today, ther were battery issues and price issues, making a more powerfull GB would have meant: less hours of play or huge expensive battery, more powerfull GB = expensive hardware, more costs of developement as so less variety of games(one of the good points of the GB was its huge library of all kind of games), consoles are made so the owner have fun with ,them, not for him to act like a peacok with his flashy hyped new device, in today business, companies "creates" necessities, you have to own a new device and the sooner the better.. for them, not for you, because it fills their pockets, look at the mobile market, always new devices, but be honest, you can do what you do everyday calling, send SMS, with your 5 years ago cell phone, the truth is they convince you that you need the new product, but could live as well with your current one, the same applies with the PC market and the monthly "evolving" new Intel processor, all this is marketing and almost everyone fall for it... so sad, we are, for our shame and stupidity, letting more & more ourselves being told what to do, what we need, what we want, society are sheep, waiting to go to the slaughterhouse with stupid smiles...MEEEEEHHH
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 17:52
Would they really be a better monopoly than either Sony or Microsoft? I don't think so.

I don't think any of them would be a "good" monopoly. I much prefer the games market to have three strong players, each offering something different, be it mainstream acceptance, online excellence or just simple fun.

On this point if you really want three strong players in the videogamong scene, support Nintendo, because Microsoft isn't going anywhere of the videogame market and they have enough money to keep their billions record loss strategy for tthe decades to come, the same applies to Sony though they don't as the $$$$$$$$$ as Microsoft.
And yes I'm quite sure that Nintendo would make a 10 Million light-years better monopoly than the other 2, but I don't wish that and never say so, I want for Nintendo good competitors, ethical competitors, not ones that push the videogames down, Sega was a good competitor to Nintendo, it's not casual that the golden age of gaming was during the Sega/Nintendo era.
Microsoft is truly a despisable company in every way, you can not point one good thing in the way they do things, not to mention that they are outlaws... Hear a good advice: Try to see a little bit far than your shoes!!!
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 18:32
A monopoly has never been a good thing anyway in any market.

What would happen if Nintendo would own the gaming monopoly, well geuss what, it practically did with the NES. So what happened? Nintendo used its marketpower to force developers paying huge royalties and limiting the number of games any publisher or developer could make. Financially bullying third parties is not a good thing offcourse but limiting gamereleases was a ver good thing. Developers were forced to actually make good games because their means were divided among a limited number of games anyway. By controlling the flow of games Nintendo could garantee a steady flow of good-quality games, not like the diarria we have these days.Also by limiting the offering of games the games that were on sale sold good anyway.
Would the same thing happen again if Nintendo had the monopoly? Well, Iwata is no Yamauchi offcourse.

Bottom line anyway is that a monopoly is not good in no form or way and by no company.
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 19:36
You DO make sense OptimusP, unlike other sites or blogs where there is a "diarrhea" of commentators/posters, the few at Spong are well in touch with the videogaming scene!!! The people at: ***n00b weblink removed***
are worth talking/debating with. Take care, cya!
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