Mario Revolution to Emerge on December 2?

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Topic started: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:27
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Joined 2 Jul 2004
Wed, 2 Nov 2005 14:08
Kidfried wrote:
YenRug wrote:

Zeo, per chance? Hmmm, well, for starters it would help if you quoted a source which actually backed up your claim of disproval. With regard to the Revolution launch, Iwata has already stated that they intend to make as near simultaneous a worldwide release as possible. Jim Merrick is only the Marketing Director of Europe

I know the interview with Jim Merrick is being held. The whole Iwata-thing is only a rumour.
I trust a Marketing Director more than a rumour, what would you?

Personally, I take the Iwata statement over Jim Merrick. It's generally best not to claim things are a rumour when they're not:

Nintendo Seeks Worldwide Revolution
Iwata sets high stakes for next-generation console
by Wade Steel

October 26, 2005 - Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced today in an interview with Nikkei Business that his company plans a simultaneous global launch for its upcoming Revolution next-generation gaming console. Iwata went on to state that while the console is planned for a 2006 release, it will not be available prior to the end of the company's fiscal year which ends in March.

The Nintendo president also raised the corporate stakes for the console's success by stating that if the Revolution did not outsell the company's current GameCube console, which stands at 18.76 million units sold to date, the next-generation platform would be a "complete failure."

The Revolution will be globalized
Nintendo prez targets simultaneous worldwide release sometime after April 2006; says Rev will be "complete failure" if it doesn't outsell the GameCube.

TOKYO--Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that the company is aiming for a simultaneous worldwide release of its next-generation gaming console, the Revolution. Iwata also confirmed that the system will be coming out after March in 2006.

Talking about the Revolution in an interview with Nikkei Business, Iwata stated, "I can only say that it's coming out during 2006, but it will be after the current fiscal year. We hope to make it a simultaneous worldwide release as much as it's possible."

Since the current fiscal year for Nintendo ends on March 31, 2006, it means the Revolution, as predicted by analysts, will likely be released somewhere between April 1 and December 31, 2006.

When asked by Nikkei Business if he has any specific sales figure targeted for the Revolution, Iwata stated that he hopes the console will sell at least more than the GameCube, which has shipped 18.76 million units as of June.

"It [the Revolution] would be a complete failure if we didn't sell more units than the Nintendo GameCube," said Iwata.

The system's controller, which was revealed in September, was the focus of much of the console's buzz. Surprisingly, Iwata revealed to Nikkei that Nintendo's former president, Hiroshi Yamauchi, was not involved in any way with the creation of the Revolution's controller.

Iwata told Nikkei Business that the Revolution's controller uses several different types of technology, though he did not go into specifics. However, he did note that the controller can be used with any kind of monitor, even digital projectors.

By Hirohiko Niizumi -- GameSpot
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