The Nintendo Game Boy: New Micro Outsells PSP as Backlit SP Sneaks Out

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Topic started: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 13:56
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Joined 9 Mar 2005
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 12:21
Joji wrote:
Sony got the PS2 out early, sold it on the backfoot of DVD movies (strangely like they are trying to with UMD movies for PSP) as an option, and as had plenty of support from the previous PSone developers, along with being backwards compatible. As for Xbox technically better but a lot less games and support. Had it (and this goes for GC too) arrived earlier it might have had a chance against Sony.

Not to sure about that, Sony had massively pushed the emotion engine and there marketing of the PS2 managed to convince the easily lead out there that the PS2 was going to change the face of gaming forever. The dreamcast was released before the PS2 and was better IMHO than the PS2. You only have to look at games like shenmue and Jet set radio to see that the machines were similar in power just that they did the same thing differently. The problem with Sony is they will bend the truth regarding there systems but never actually deliver the goods. The PSone was a fluke. The right time the right market. The PS2 was sold through peoples ignorance and off the popularity of the PSone. I'm hoping as a games player the same won't happen with the PS3. I hate what sony has done to the market and so truly believe that they will not be able to deliver the machine they are raving about. Compare this to the xbox 360 which although i hate to admit it will be a good machine and will bring communities of people together through there live network. But will the 360 face the same fate as the dreamcast because people are too stupid to learn from there mistakes with the PS2? We don;t know yet lets hope that the market can recover from the endless pap that is being churned out on the PS2. OH i don't say i'm a sony hater, i'm not, i just have a problem with the way they do things. The PS2 has some fantastic titles that are PS2 exclusives but there are Sooooooooo many titles out there that mean these really good titles are diluted and lost to the market of crap.
If sony can release a truly market expanding machine then i will retract my above statement but the popularity of the PS3 is already massive world over (just look at the surveys done in japan) and people will buy it because of the success of the PS2. Please don't let this happen microsoft and nintendo we don't need a rehash of the last 5 years. I am getting bored of sequels and really need to have some more fun titles like the gamecube warioware, a game incedently none of my PS2 owning friends had heard of :(
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:42
Why the PS2 sold even if the DC kicked its ass and the long drought of good games months after the release:
1) Sony's hype which in no way delivered
2) The Playstation brand
3) DVD capability
4) backwards compatiblity
5) Nintendo en Microsoft's consoles only releasing a year afterwards.
The problem with the PSP is that it does add new things to the handheld scene but they're all BAD things... the first handheld with loading times and memorycards! YEAH! Plays movies that are cheaper if you buy them on DVD, YEAH! You get my drift.

And sorry if i brake any feelings but Microsoft is actually no hair different then Sony in regards to the console market. There's a reason why some pleople call the Xbox HaloBox and not because it has innovative games... (and don't even try calling Halo an innovative game... Goldeneye will turn in its grave twice!). Yes the Xbox also had some very nice fresh games (a few from SEGA even) but nobody bought them because it didn't play like Halo... nice fanbase, jeezs.

Which i don't mean that Nintendo is the allmighty saviour and N-fans speak the undeniable truth. All have done sins and wrong, on purpose or not. But a new generation is on the horizon, a time for cleansing and maybe a innovation or 2 to keep my appetite going (however i do like the blaststuffmindlessly-games time to time). With the choices sequelbox, boomerangstation and wandlution i prefer the wand (gives me a extra reason to dress up like a wizard while playing rpg's too) thank you very much.
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