It’s Finally Happened! Nintendo Announces Actual Online Plan!

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Topic started: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:06
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Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 08:08
Greg2k wrote:
One thing you don't want to do is argue with Nik. He know's his s**t =P

Especially his Sega stuff. Wireless pads were available for 16 bit consoles too.

I know the DS can do Wi-Fi, but maybe it can't go through all the WEP/WPA authentication, while the Broadcom chip can.

From what I can remember the encryption/security built into Wifi is useless anyway. Chances are if they were to apply a security system, data would be encrypted in the DS and decoded by the Revolution.
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 22:20
Adam M wrote:
Greg2k wrote:
One thing you don't want to do is argue with Nik. He know's his s**t =P

Especially his Sega stuff. Wireless pads were available for 16 bit consoles too.

Heh, thanks guys. On the wireless pads front, Nintendo's solution with the Wavebird was far better than Sega's wireless pads for the Master System and Mega Drive. Whereas the Wavebird runs on a radio system, the Sega ones were infra-red which meant annoying loss of control if an object ended up in the way.
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