Hysteria Subsides as PSP SPS (Sales Prove Strong)

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Topic started: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 16:35
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Joined 8 Apr 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 22:11
haha nintendo fanboys are funny for pretending they have a psp :) silly people. honestly people that are ignorant and fail to know all the facts surprise me. psp is awesome. to deny its power is stupidity. yes im not using punctuation because i don't feel like it so don't use that as a way to attack. both have their good traits and bad so theres no use in saying one way or another. i for one prefer the psp. also as for why i say your ignorant? "blah blah samsung has this guarentee" obviously you didn't know that samsung won the subcontracting title to produce psp lcd screens. the sharp screens sold on japan units have no dead pixels and look brighter on the same scales. why did samsung get the deal? they gave a lower price. is it sony's fault? partially probably in some way you would say but in reality the same company you praised is the one producing the faulty screens. haha owned. :) now im gonna go play my psp now bye
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 00:01
haha nintendo fanboys are funny for pretending they have a psp :) silly people. honestly people that are ignorant and fail to know all the facts surprise me. psp is awesome. to deny its power is stupidity. yes im not using punctuation because i don't feel like it so don't use that as a way to attack. both have their good traits and bad so theres no use in saying one way or another. i for one prefer the psp. also as for why i say your ignorant? "blah blah samsung has this guarentee" obviously you didn't know that samsung won the subcontracting title to produce psp lcd screens. the sharp screens sold on japan units have no dead pixels and look brighter on the same scales. why did samsung get the deal? they gave a lower price. is it sony's fault? partially probably in some way you would say but in reality the same company you praised is the one producing the faulty screens. haha owned. :) now im gonna go play my psp now bye

[mrgarrison]haha what a retard [/mrgarrison]
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 00:37
Svend Joscelyne wrote:
kid_77 wrote:
but is the handheld market really saturated with just Ninty fans?

You could say the same thing about the home console market being saturated with Sony fans. ;P Seeings as there are people who purchase about 6 PS2s (not all at once, lol).

And neocarrillo, how about speaking objectively rather than sounding like a Sony fanboy? ;D It's all well and good saying "wurgh, PSP kick DS arse", but you could just as well say the same thing the other way around - if you were a Nintendo fanboy. :P

The truth is, nobody knows what's going to happen. Nintendo has the edge of experience, and the consumer pull - people associate Nintendo with quality in the handheld place (despite the majority of "cool", "hip", and "edgy" teens picking the PSP). However, Nintendo as a first party are not as yet promoting the unique abilities of the handheld, which could squander it. Then you have the shortage of games problem. The games Nintendo are showing seem very original, but the actual gamer appeal of "non-games" like Electroplankton and Puppy Times remains to be seen (I would buy them though =P).

The PSP is more desirable, it has the added bonus of being a portable media machine, and the graphics are top notch compared. But on the flip side, nobody's buying the games, instead just buying one because of the "it plays MP3s" novelty, which soon wears off on a convergence machine (how many of you play DVDs on your PS2 still instead of a proper DVD player? Honestly now). Games are more important than hardware to some degree, so people are buying PSPs like nobody's business right now - but once everyone that wants one has one, then what? Nothing. It's what killed SEGA's Game Gear in the long run, aside from the crappy battery :P

So yeah, objectivity is the key, lest you want to sound like a fanboy prat. ;)

True the psp isn't doing well in games right now but their taking their handheld baby steps now, give sony sometime, I bet when the psp hit's europe it will be cheaper and have more features then what we at the usa got, also better and more games.
The psp and ds could very well coexist in the future who knows.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 02:08
Have to agree with you there about Sony being in it for the money.

Notice we've never been told why the PSP was delayed at the last minute which resulted in it not coming out in the same month as DS in March. Was it because Sony didn't want to go up against Nintendo at the same time outside of japan? Were they a bit scared of losing?
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 02:39
Dude good luck to you with your PSP, hope you have lots of fun. We all know how slinky sexy it is. How the games looks just like those on our PS2s but in smaller wide screen format. The evolution of the handheld would have gotten to this PSP quality eventually Sony just pushed it out earlier than Nintendo.

Some may look at DS and see N64 but to behonest N64 tech was never really exploited fully since many developer bailed on it and it's brave and some may say also stupid that Nintendo are taking the handheld evolution in steps with the DS. It's interesting that Sony got such high quality so quick which has me wondering if PSP is really a PS2 like emulator (my first thought but probably false info). Seems they've done an okay job on despite some gripes.

When it's time for GBA2 it will come, but PSP is here now and obviously i has a cool wow x factor because its the first time we have had such high quality on the move. My cousin has one and has already pitched his tent in Sony's camp (and yes I eagerly wanna play Ridge Racers but I'll wait til I get my PSP) and decided not to get a DS. Fairplay to him but I like to experience more games regardless of format. I need somethng more and DS is that for me, a PSP will plug another gaming gap later on. Each to their own mind.
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 19:01
Svend Joscelyne wrote:
Damien Knight wrote:
So my question is? Square Enix where is and Rpg for this lil' thing?

Too busy making DS games I'd imagine.
Yeah, but its only like two or three projects. I would settle for a direct port of any of the Final fantasy's, or heck even Vagrant Story with Ps one graphics. Now that would be cool.
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 19:04

As for the square enix comment posted by Damien Knight, don't worry ds may be getting final fantasy 3 and crystal chronicles but psp is getting the movie final fantasy 7 advent children and the game sequel crisis core - final fantasy 7.

Then the only thing I can say Is YAY!
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 19:18
Joji wrote:
Dude good luck to you with your PSP, hope you have lots of fun.-

Hey first and foremost dude. I am a gamer! Hardcore I like to think. So yes I do own a Dual Screen, and A psp. I'm there for the games just like you. I bought my Game Cube waaaay back when i heard that Capcom was going to release a new version of Resident Evil. I bought my X-box back before Halo, I did that so I could play Shenmue 2, Now I'm there for the games. It sucks to be a gamer 'cause its getting pretty darn expensive. I'm starting to think that I might be prone to only buying games from certian developers. Square Enix, Capcom, Konami, Ubi soft, Bio-ware, and bungie will be the ones that I spend fifty bucks on for a new game. All of the others I'll wait until I see them on the used bin. but none the less I plan on buying those games eventually!
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 20:10
Joji wrote:
Have to agree with you there about Sony being in it for the money.

Dude how your gonna say sony is in it for the money. All company's are in it for the money, in my opinion nintendo is in it for the money more so than sony. Why else does nintendo come out with cheap products? so they don't lose money and just gain, that's why. Meanwhile sony makes the psp and sell's it for 250 when the device costs 400-500 bucks to make.
Sony is a business just like nintendo and microsoft but they are always looking out for the consumer, that's why they have gotten support from all game developers and consumers for over a decade.
Also about the comment that sony was affraid to come out at the sametime as ds, that's bullshit, sony came out no more then 2 weeks after ds in japan and sold 500,000 units in the month of december. If anything nintendo was affraid to wait for sony. The psp is alot more complicated and expensive to make than ds so of course it will take more time to get them to stores. The psp even sold 500,000 in it's first 2 days in the usa just like ds did in europe. Psp didn't sell out because we had 1 million psp's compared to the 500,000 ds had in stock.
The fact is that even though ds has had all this success nintendo knows it's only a matter of time when psp will overtake ds's market share. Just like ps1 and ps2 lead so will psp.
Dude I don't care if you hate sony or psp and love ds and nintendo. The fact that everyone on spong and everyone around the world needs to realise is that the psp is not gamegear, lynx, tiger, neo-geo and all the other handheld failures. This is sony makers of the most successful consoles in the history of video games, 1.
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 22:00
Well, Neo, they're lowering the price to $250, because people wouldn't pay $400 for it. Would you?
I'd still rather it be made out of cheap plastic like DS rather than whatever the hell the PSP is made of, purely because it's cheaper. I was only going to ever buy one anyway, and that was going to be the cheapest or the first one out, and the DS was both. I'm too poor to get a PSP as well.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 22:06
Pilot13 wrote:
I'm too poor to get a PSP as well.

Well if you can afford a xbox than you can buy a psp. Also my point on the 250 price point was pointing out how sony is willing to lose money to make money.
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 11:57
Yeah I know I got an XBox and stuff, but I can't see much point in having both anyway. And most of my gaming is done at home in front of a console, not a sub-par graphics handheld on the bus. For that I only need one handheld. Plus money's getting a bit tight round here, as I'm going to uni next year.
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