N-Gage 2 and the Dreamcast Irony

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Topic started: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 12:27
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Joined 30 Mar 2004
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 13:35
The problem with the N-Gage QD is that people compare it to other gaming platforms.
If you instead compare it to other telephones that play games, there's no comparison.
Sure I'd rather play a GBA, DS, or PSP if I had to choose a gaming platform. But if i'm trying to decide on a phone that I'm going to carry around 24 hours a day, I'll pick the N-Gage QD everytime.
Not only can I use it as my everyday phone, but I can also play some cool games on it.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 13:53
jhorto1 wrote:
If you instead compare it to other telephones that play games, there's no comparison.

Absolutely. Every other phone that plays games is a FAR better phone than the N-Gage. No comparison.

Not only can I use it as my everyday phone, but I can also play some cool games on it.

Presumably, you are as undemanding of your phone as you are of your games.

The N-Gages real point of failure was not that it was bad at games, but that it was bad as a phone. If it had been an awesome phone that had played games poorly (and there are many of those) it would not have met with so much objurgation.

If you like it, good for you. But that doesn't excuse the fact that is it a poor phone that plays poor games poorly.
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 17:31
DoctorDee wrote:
The N-Gages real point of failure was not that it was bad at games, but that it was bad as a phone. If it had been an awesome phone that had played games poorly (and there are many of those) it would not have met with so much objurgation.

Believe it or not, I saw an N-Gage owner using his unit as a phone for the first time ever today. What surprised me was my reaction - before I realised it was an N-Gage, I didn't even consider the possibility of someone using one: "Oh no, they've not made another sidetalkin' phone..."
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