World Plays Catch-up. Xbox 2 to Hit Q4 This Year

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Topic started: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 17:36
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Joined 20 May 2004
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:29
Yep, the same arguments, recycled for your pleasure!

Yeah, maybe we should all just stop now. They BOTH want your soul.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:48
LOL. That wasn't directed just at you, fluffstardx.

Basically, I can understand XB owners defending against these M$ attacks, because it seems (at least to me) that it's a slur on the console... that in some way it's not as valid as PS2 or GC, which is BS (acronyms a go-go!).

And I can understand why the conscious-minded (??) have concerns about M$ convergence. But I'm a selfish w@nker, and I've bought an XB and modded it because I was convinced it would improve my life... and it has. So when M$ own everyone's soul, go ahead and blame people like me.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:34
kid_77 wrote:
So when M$ own everyone's soul, go ahead and blame people like me.

How could anybody blame you with such a cute avatar?
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:43
But how can I compete with an original animation sequence of a lemming? It's off the cute-omitor.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 12:39
shearDS wrote:
Autobot wrote:
Now for the "news" I find it that the NeXtXbox or Xenon has been the most secretive console ever to be released.

Actually i think the revolution is more secretive because we don't even know how the games will be played!

What about ps3?
There's no announcement about the control system, whether it will be a joypad or a clit-stim educational device.
We don't know which games will be available for it (other than NfS: Moist Wanked)
We don't know anything about it other than it will contain a Cell, of come sorts, at its heart.

And we don't even know if Cell will ever see the light or day and, if it should, whether it will be any good.

So you see, we know bugger all about PS3.

The one big thing we do know about Revolution is that it will be doomed to failure if Nintendo continues the way it's been doing for the last two generations...
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:16
kid_77 wrote:
But how can I compete with an original animation sequence of a lemming? It's off the cute-omitor.

Aw, shucks! You know all the lines!

However it's not an original, I had to piece it together from about 12 screen grabs of the original game and then re-draw it by hand. The Christmas one was much easier! I may look into getting some others together, some of the skills animations were quite nice.

Now there's a though - Lemmings Smileys!!
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:44
config wrote:
What about ps3?
There's no announcement about the control system, whether it will be a joypad or a clit-stim educational device.
We don't know which games will be available for it (other than NfS: Moist Wanked)
We don't know anything about it other than it will contain a Cell, of come sorts, at its heart.

And we don't even know if Cell will ever see the light or day and, if it should, whether it will be any good.

So you see, we know bugger all about PS3.

The one big thing we do know about Revolution is that it will be doomed to failure if Nintendo continues the way it's been doing for the last two generations...

i do know that the ps3 wont be out in japan for atleast a year and it wont be out here for probably another 6 months to a year after that... on the other hand the xbox2 will be out in less than 9 months and all we know about it is... its better than an xbox... considering its a new console... that is the most important thing

as for the ps3... if sony keeps to form... it should have an optical disc drive... 2 controler ports... 2 memory card slots(that stuff hasnt really chnaged)... but it will also have... soem fire wire and usb2 ports... the controller will include such inovations as the analog start and select buttons... and it will be able to be played laying face down!

oh... and it will have better graphics than a ps2... so basically it will be an xbox1 minus some of those frivalities(spelling?) like controler ports and networks support and a hard drive.

i know the ps3 will look better than an xbox... its an exageration... just so we are clear.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 16:34
TigerUppercut wrote:

Hey, we might be able to blag in some of our regular readers. Worth a shot anyway!
If you were to contribute to the site, it'd even be legit!

i would gladly contribute a kidney to go to such an event... any need for one of those... how about insane hipocritical rants... i can do that... you let me know.. im your man!
Joined 11 Aug 2004
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:16
A lot is being said about Xbox 2 and PS3 being mere technically upgraded versions of their former selves; but seriously, haven't all consoles ever released been just that? What kind of huge innovation should we expect from the proper console itself? Innovations come from accessories and originality in software development.

Every now and then we get stuff like the EyeToy, voice-controlled games, connectivity, fishing rod controllers, maracas, ripped music listenable in-game, Steel Battalion controllers, VMUs etc. I know that some of these are quite specific, and other more universally adopted "innovations" could be interesting, but what exactly would they be?

Even if the console itself has built-in innovative features, how many developers would be willing to fully explore them? How many DS games will be like the new Yoshi, in which you can draw clouds and interact with them by blowing in the mic? Time will tell.

If only we knew what the hell the Revolution is... I guess we'll just have to hope for new games that are as revolutionary in content and gameplay as the original metal gear was in 1987, until Nintendo enlightens us.

Joined 20 May 2004
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 20:56
config wrote:
So you see, we know bugger all about PS3.

This sums up beautifully what i said on another thread: when PS fans get vague promises from Sony, they froth at how good it'll be; the Ninty fans have to translate from toddler; the Xbox fans get... pelted with eggs.

It's like politics: Labour and Conservatives make vague promises and everyone says they will/won't vote for them, the Lib Dems put forth valid ideas and everyone acts like a mouse farted.
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