"Ze Share Buy Out! Eet Eez Ostile!"

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Topic started: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 14:04
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 18:02
Adam M wrote:

For a decade they've been accused of anti-competitive practices. Evil leopards from Hell never change their spots, or their twisted ways.

I am under no delusions to the effect of microsoft fighting sony in some sort of humanitarian effort. How ever sony's market share is currently very frightening indeed. I like to root for the under dog. Do my part to keep things level.
If some day in the future M$ has a strangle hold, like sony does now, then i will throw more support behind sony (or whatever other company migth be takign a stab at it by then, google/friendster seem like a likely choice for massive online comunity type games!). but as of right now M$ is the only thing keeping sony from putting out utter crap! if the xbox didnt exist i am pretty positive the PS3 would not be anywhere near as awsome of a machine as it seems like it is going to be.

I mean think about it, how impressive is the psp? its pretty freakin incredible if you ask me! and the PS1 was an awsome peice of hard ware. comapred to the other 2 the ps2 is kind of a sad showing on sonys part. I believe thats because they knew they didnt have to really wow people to sell systems.

if you want to keep Games fresh and exciting and prevent further EA style homoginization i recomend we all stop supporting people who dont support our best interests as gamers and consumers in general. Is it really so hard to not by EA games and Sony Merch? I personaly have never paid for a copy of windows :P

Has anyone here bought any new EA games since the spouse and ubi soft and NFL news came out?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 30 Dec 2004 15:20
LUPOS wrote:
Adam M wrote:

For a decade they've been accused of anti-competitive practices. Evil leopards from Hell never change their spots, or their twisted ways.

I am under no delusions to the effect of microsoft fighting sony in some sort of humanitarian effort. How ever sony's market share is currently very frightening indeed.

Sony's market share is strong thanks to its competitors, and former rulers of the games hardware industry having so royally fscked up.

SEGA proved it had little a clue where to go following the Megadrive/Genesis, and delivered itself a double whammy in the form of the Saturn and Dreamcast. Both excellent machines, both pathetically marketed.
Nintendo followed suit with the N64 and the Gamecube. The N64 came too late and offered too little in both the hardware and software departments. Gamecube is a beautiful machine that has, just like a SEGA product, been marketed by retards. Right from the console design through to the range of AAA titles, the GC smacks of the Nintendo "kiddie" status. Ick.

Today, Sony finds itself winning by default. There really has been no competition.

Microsoft, on the otherhand, intends to win by any means necessary. Subterfuge, sharp business practices and all manner of unspeakable goings on are part of the company's repertoire, as demonstrated by recent high profile court cases.

I like to root for the under dog. Do my part to keep things level.

I fail to see how anyone could deem Microsoft an "under dog" - it's neither disadvantaged or expected to lose. Today, MS may not have the market share, but it sure as hell will do. If you want to "keep things level" you must look at the bigger picture, because when MS does rule the roost it will be a sad day for gaming.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 30 Dec 2004 15:29
Adam M wrote:
config wrote:
You could also try searching SPOnG's company database (on the right, change "games" to "companies") and you'll find this entry

I had a look at the Games Database last time you mentioned it. Very impressive. Even managed to find information on some quite obscure games. Nice little tool!

little? ... *shudder*

We've spent the last eight years capturing game screens, packs, credits, press releases, along with writing thousands of summaries/overviews and news articles. There are entries for nearly 60,000 different releases in our little database. :)


Of course, any help you can offer in filling in the gaps would be much appreciated ;)
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