GameCube killer-app swansong PAL dated

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Topic started: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 20:26
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Joined 14 Jul 2004
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:51
Back to topic. I expect Resi4 to sell the Gamecube by the bucketload. Why would anyone not like to play it? Why would anyone wait for the PS2 release in a year and a half?

I honestly love my Gamecube collection so far and with Zelda and Resi4 in the line-up for 2005 that can only help Nintendos sales.

Joined 1 Jan 2005
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 01:23
there is most likely no xbox RE4 it doesn't matter how many times you say it the chances are very low

PS2 version will obviously look rough around the edges and have annoying loading times every few seconds with hugh drops of framerates as soon as an enemy appears on the screen. You also have to wait at least 7 months for the ps2 version.

You would have to be mental to buy the ps2 game over the GC version
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 08:03
fluffstardx wrote:
From what i can gather, there are 3 PS2 owner groups: multi-platformers, casualites and Sony fanboys.

Presumably you gather this from speaking exclusively to short-sighted, arrogant, solipsist fanboys.

Because no objective person could ever reach that conclusion.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:43
I own a Gamecube and an Xbox at the moment. I have owned a PS2 (twice) but only ever got it to play a few main titles. But Doc, i do tend to agree with most of which was written there. PS2 is sold through name and name alone, like Hoover. Parents call a console a Playstation and a handheld a Gameboy. Maybe the games just dont appeal to me or maybe im slightly biased in my opinions but personally i think that the Playstation is full of mediocre crap. The majority of games are poor, the market they sell to is destroying the originality of the industry and the future will fair no better.

Look at the PSP. Fair enough its a cool looking handheld with superb graphics but where is the originality and the innovation? If all you want is current generation games on a handheld then fair enough ut personally i want something new, from a different viewpoint and something that isnt aimed at a market who couldnt care less if the industry disappeared tomorrow.

It still hasnt occured to me why Nintendo called the DS, DS and not GameboyDS, if it was me i would have stuck with the name that sells. But fair play to them for trying something new eventhough they get slagged to death for doing it.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:56
Kaxxx wrote:
I own a Gamecube and an Xbox at the moment. I have owned a PS2 (twice) but only ever got it to play a few main titles.But Doc, i do tend to agree with most of which was written there.

I'm not saying no-one believes that. I'm saying that believing that is a self-serving viewpoint. I think PS2 is crap, therefore it must be, and the opinions of the millions of people who bought one are irrelevant. I've been playing games longer than most of you guys have been alive, both personally and professionally, and if any one of you dares call me a casualite, I'll hunt you down and kill you like a dog in the street. But I prefer PS2. Clearly, I have several other consoles too, but that's mostly because I co-run SPOnG. I only have PS2 and GameCube at home - and If I had to lose one of them, it'd be GC.

Plus, Nintendo and Microsoft are chasing exactly the same audience that you are deriding Sony for having. If they could sell to those same people they would. They wouldn't go, "Oh, no, you 'casualites' are not welcome on our platform".

In fact, all of the main platform owners want the "casual" market far more than they want the hardcore market. It is way bigger and less demanding.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:34
DoctorDee wrote:
I've been playing games longer than most of you guys have been alive, both personally and professionally, and if any one of you dares call me a casualite, I'll hunt you down and kill you like a dog in the street.

He really has! Are you the one in the middle, Doc?

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:46
kid_77 wrote:
He really has! Are you the one in the middle, Doc?

On the left. Guffawing in a slack jawed manner, and pointing like I'm in a hip-hop video.

Guy in the middle is "Blind" Joe Johnson, he was world Worms champion in 1996/7.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:25
I can see what you are getting at Doc and TBH i think im getting annoyed and bored in equal measures at the whole industry. Im no kid myself and have been playing since the early years (was a 3D model artist as well for 3 years) but im not looking forward to the next generation at all. If Nintendo can come up with something new ill be interested but ultimatley im not interested in another 4/5 years of rehashes, football sims and lacklustre development.

The reason i slash out at Sony at times is that they are the worst of the bunch at promoting s**te, repetitive gaming. They having the spending power and influence to change the direction but why should they when people will blindly buy into what Sony tells them is new and cool.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:04
Kaxxx wrote:

The reason i slash out at Sony at times is that they are the worst of the bunch at promoting s**te, repetitive gaming.

I'm with you, but I don't think Sony is *particularly* to blame. I don't think they are blameless either. But I think the bulk of culpability must lie with the big publishers. Let's face it, Sony will allow almost any game onto their console - but if all they are offered is repetitive unimaginative s**te, then that's all that will get released.

They having the spending power and influence to change the direction but why should they when people will blindly buy into what Sony tells them is new and cool.

And as long as people buy that crap, softies will keep releasing it. And pretty much, people buy it on all formats (maybe a little less on GC???). True every format has its stand out titles, the GT4s, GTAs, Metroids, Pikmins, Halos. But equally, every platform has its glut of me-too FPSs, and sports sequels.

As with all democracies, we're all at the mercy of the lowest common denominator.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:55
OK here it is... my plan to save video games! Instead of the lto of us sitting aroudn and bitchign about how the indusry is being run into the ground and we cant do anythign about it, i think we coudl indeed do something about it!

Video game celebrities! we need a tony hawk and a Bam! we need peopel who play video games at a profesional level... and we need them to be relativly atractive whiel maintaing an air(grammar/spelling?) of believability. IF we had real hardcore gamers in soem sort of a national/international spot lite ttellign peopel what good games are then the rest of the counrty woudl be more likely to follow suit. The problem is when i walk into an EB half of every systems display space is taken up with spiderman2 lord of the rings and whatever other iffy crap may be popular at the time... but if we had soem sort of role model out there talkign smack about the softcore games liek those and how thigns like ninja gaiden where for "real gamers" then peopel would buy alot more of the really good games and softies would be forced to actually try again... we need some sort of organized gameing leage that can produce recognizable vide game all stars to push our agenda! I know there are already plenty of video game competitions but gettign them all put together under one banner woudl be the trick... and we coudl even get the really good developers in on it... how hard coudl it be for the bungie guys to throw in soem sort of watch mode with multipel cameras to switch through and control... throw in soem instant replays and you coudl have the next monday night football. The biggest challenege woudl be presenting it in a manner that woudl be aceptabel by the actual hard core gamers so that it is believable to the rest of the world.

leagues coudl be devided by game category and then the winners of each category coudl have some kind of game off super bowl to see who is the best overal!

ol so im rambling but i think tis a good way to force companies to make better games (if they want to be considered for inclusion in the competition) and it coudl be an added source of revenue... if your game get sincluded it basically garaunteed to sell more plus there woudl be soem sort of licensing agreement for it to be used in the contest!

ok i shut up now... thoughts?
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:03
LUPOS wrote:
IF we had real hardcore gamers in soem sort of a national/international spot lite ttellign peopel what good games are then the rest of the counrty woudl be more likely to follow suit.

But how can we possibly compete with Desperate Housewives?
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:18
LUPOS wrote:
Video game celebrities! we need a tony hawk and a Bam! we need peopel who play video games at a profesional level... and we need them to be relativly atractive whiel maintaing an air(grammar/spelling?) of believability.

ok i shut up now... thoughts?

I think you are right.

The problem is, that many of the very best computer gamers are rather pale and wan, the only light they ever seee being that of the cathode ray tube. And they are often either very thin from staying at the console malnutrition, or extremely fat from snack close at hand feasting. And often they are quite frightening to look at.

Often their personal hygene is not to great either. This is not because they are naturally smelly and dirty, but because sometimes it's a toss-up between beating this level or going to the toilet... and sometimes, you just have to do both.

Being a professional couch potato hust doesn't attract the same kind of people as skateboarding, snowboarding or playing beach volleyball does.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:38
kid_77 wrote:
But how can we possibly compete with Desperate Housewives?

we would need some hot chicks as well... the fragdolls are a start... even if they are corporatly sponsored... its ubisoft so i dont mind so much! Plus the first time rummors start going around about how "the winner of last years gamer of the year award is now dating paris hilton" we can actually draw in more female gamers with some decent looking male gamers in front of the camera... sadly as most gamers arent known for their good looks i would like to volunteer my lovely face to the cause...

carefull hot plate!

god bless shameless self promotion through anonimity! except for the fact that the spong guys probably have my home address and could come and beat me with ugly sticks in a fit of bitter rage!

much like the allman brothers... i am a ramblin' man!

P.S. notice the ever sexy work unifrom shirt! chicks dig guys in uniforms... with name tags... i hate my job : (
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 16:51
But... but... aren't the avatars actually supposed to be REAL portaits?

You've smashed my illsuions of you LUPOS, I actually though you were cool enough to go around in a Master Mario Chief costume.

My avatar is stunningly accurate. Too much Sun-In, and too high pressure - what a lovely combo.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:02
kid_77 wrote:
You've smashed my illsuions of you LUPOS, I actually though you were cool enough to go around in a Master Mario Chief costume.

i assure you amigo... if i had the kind of scratch required to buy one of the sets from nightmarearmor i very well may wear it every day... including during sex (my girl friend would probably like the idea of getting it on with master chief more than i care to think about, i may be required to wear it... im a very lucky guy)

kid_77 wrote:
My avatar is stunningly accurate. Too much Sun-In, and too high pressure - what a lovely combo.

on the plus side, despite your obvious over exposure to the elements your still a very handsome young man... you dont look a day over 1988... i feel you would also make an excellent addition to our tournament show(bring alot of old school cred*)... perhaps as a commentator... i think the idea of your blocky little head in the bottom left corner of my screen yammering away classic starfox style is just fantastic!

*blip blip blop blip blip blip blop blip* = "...and lupos takes the lead using the classic hide in a dark corner with the plasma sword like a bitch technique!"

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