Nintendo DS priced and dated for Europe

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Topic started: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 12:08
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 6 Nov 2004 15:12
If The DS price is 130, even if I dont like that I will still buy it because I still want it. Damn, when I first bought my PSone it cost me 275 quid, and my N64 wasn't that much far off that price. You might have missed the bit several times where I said I'm still gonna buy a PSP, not really for the PSP but for the games that are on it. If Sony get my money so be it, it doesn't change the PSP problem (I like to play my hand helds for longer periods than 6 hours you see, though this might not bother most folk until they experience what it's like to be playing a game and have to power cut on you. This used to happen when I used to play GG games like Shinobi and Castle of Illusion).

LOL, I like that. Someone who points that alledged loyalty out. Despite whatever you think I give Sony a hard time just like I do Nintendo and MS. If that info isn't speculation then I'll most likely import one.

You are quite justified to suggest my loyalty, so what I like Nintendo product, but I also like a lot of things about Sony and MS. It's a love/hate relationship with all of them for me, I love games but I hate some of the jibe these three give you to get what you want.

I know all their mistakes from the past and present. If I see something I like regardless of what system it's on I'll say so. I grew up on Nintendo and Sega games and though they amongst the humble Speccy, Commodore 64 and Amiga 500 and all recent consoles help shape my view, I still stand by that you can enjoy anything regardless of what machine it's on.

Fairplay, perhaps the fanboy horns of pre release excitement is getting to me. Any new console release is like Xmas, my faith is restored for those who try to improve things. My main gripes with Sony are just like my list for |Nintendo and MS, a list of a few problems that could be sorted but aren't.

I got love for Sony from PSone, but I feel they have to earn it again. Yes, they changed the industry for the better but that's old news now. In some areas with the PS2 they have but not all (like their stance on 2D games). Now the PSP is on the way, it's not even out of the door yet and it's got problems with the battery life, which I still think is poor. It's very bad work PSP has turned out this way from SOny, who are really a hardware company and have years of experience with portable technology.

I reserve the right to criticise or praise anyone in the industry from a game fan and consumer standing. I you feel that I criticise more than praise then so be it, because this industry still has a lot of bullshit problems that shouldn't be there.

In the past I have busted Nintendo's balls for not making enough mature games from themselves for GC, as well as them selling NES games for 15 quid, that's kind of taking the piss, and not letting us legally download old game roms. I also kinda hate Pokemon so much now, because though it's anime (and I love anime), it's piss boring now, even though it's not aimed at me. If it brings the money in then good for them, which in turn can go on new games development. DS is still looking sweet for games and battery life.

I have slated MS for their lack of rpgs to sell Xbox in japan properly, and them cancelling some games, as well as them having a go at folk for modding their Xboxs. Other gripes with them are the huge Xbox and controllers, the latter of which has now been sorted out with Controller S. It's great that they fixed that. MS even changed my mind on Xbox Live, which I wasn't sure about to the point where I'd buy an Xbox now and the next version.

My main gripes with Sony are the sometimes bad online service, which MS clearly know what they are doing with Live, and ten times better. Bad PS2 design with lack of 4 pads ports (in this day and age this is unforgivable, n64 came out ages had them ages ago and even MS and Sega got that bit right, surely a ploy to make money out of multitaps again even with PSX), over priced memory cards and accessories, the PSX and PSP problems. On the flip side I like the UMD idea, and it should curb piracy for PSP (something similar I hope they will do for PS3, and even MS with Xbox2, because it's clear the DVD player option and format unchanged has helped fuel piracy, even though they would never admit it really), like the GC discs. Sony marketing and advertising is a force to be reckoned with, and I bet they are planning something special for the PSP ad campaign. PS2 and PSP also have lot of games I want.

All three criticised and praised equally like I always try to. If you feel I do more of the former it because through criticism (and praise) things can get better for everyone.

Sometime back in a news post, I had a go at Capcom about RE4, and about the stupid survival knife in the RE games. IMO it was useless and cumbersome. I also made the point that from the makers of the Street Fighter series, that you can't punch or kick the zombie horde as a melee last resort to empty ammo. Strangely a while later such an melee attack appears in RE4. I don't know if the post was read by someone at Capcom or if I had any effect in this, but whether it did or not, it's improved the game surely. Probably deluding myself but it would be nice to know that your opinions count all the same.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Sat, 6 Nov 2004 15:13
Let's just wait until Nintendo confirm then :).
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:42
Personally i cant see the £130 price tag being true. I really doubt Nintendo would sell the system that close to the PSP price. Seriously, expect a price around the £100 mark. But dont quote me ;)
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:34
Yeah, £130 sounds excessive to me. I would expect about the £100 to £120 mark. If it were to launch at £130, I would expect a drop to £100 by next Christmas.
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