Nintendo reeling – Resident Evil 4 confirmed for PlayStation 2

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Topic started: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 12:02
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Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 12:23
Namco has finished porting Tales to PS2 and has released it.

Tales is GC exclusive in America and Europe because Nintendo paid for the localisation into English. Namco have no plans to release the PS2 version in the US/UK, and rumour suggests the new Tales game will be Japan only.

With reference to The Wind Waker, I actually perfered this game to the N64 incarnations. I feel that Zelda needs to be an escapist game that doesn't have any relaity or even maturity to it at all. I think that the Wind Waker was the best Zelda since A Link to the Past. It has everything the old N64 versions lack - fun, good controls, good storyline and engaging gameplay. (As you can probably tell I didn't like the N64 versions, although MM was quite good).

Having said that, the new Zelda should be quite good fun, although I'm not expencting anything as good as the Wind Waker.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 12:30
I would disagree with you and although i loved WindWaker and LTTP i dont see how you can say they are better than Ocarina of Time. No where near it in my opinion.

All the Zelda titles are classic though and ive actually only recently finished Majoras Mask.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 12:47
I think that you either like one set or the other.

I really don't like OoT - I think it's clunky and has a lack of humour, yet I find LTTP and WW creative and amusing.

All down to your genes ;).
Joined 2 Jul 2004
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 14:36
btnheazy03 wrote:
first of all, you have to realize that capcom is a business. to make the highest amount of revenue possible, you have to make the decisions that you have to make. this is one of those decisions. true, capcom do look foolish because they're practically munching their own press releases (would you like some salt or pepper with that paragraph, sir? a side of asparagus with your sentence, perhaps?), but gamecube is clearly not as profitable nowadays as playstation or (hate to say it) even microsoft's xbox.

but then again, what were you expecting? most best sellers coming from nintendo itself. the whole gba-gcn 'connectivity' gimm.. er, feature. giving online multiplayer the cold shoulder. if you ask me, this is dreamcast 2.

Actually, if you check Capcom's own sales figures, for the last year or two, their PS2 releases have nearly all sold under expectations whilst GC games have regularly sold over predictions. Now, when you are posting losses and you can see one system is regularly selling more games than you expected, whilst another is causing you to lose money, why would you shift upcoming games to the system that loses you money?
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 16:41
Yeah, Capcom will lose some GC sales when the game isn't exclusive.

Considering the strong sales of Capcom's other GC titles, and especially with Outbreak selling so poorly, a PS2 converstion did take me a bit by surprise.

However, that's life.
Joined 17 Jan 2004
Sun, 7 Nov 2004 03:30
Arrgh capcom! you breached contract we'll see what nintendo does..
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