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Topic started: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 21:03
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vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 22:07

Oh that was fun to say. Here I am. Lupos' (best?) friend who "adores" GTA. I don't think he has any other friends who defend GTA as much as I did (do?).

What I think Lupos is trying to say is that GTA is overrated, or the two previous installments were. And also he had a hard time differentiating his personal opinion from commentating (and has a hard time pooing). What I agree with him on is that, and this is a tricky subject to talk about because of the peroid the game came out and of how much importance it has on the game, is the aiming, the odd camera controls, the lack of NPC diversity, AI walk paths, the bad car physics, etc.

Now let me first say that GTA was and still is a fine game. But games degrade over time. Herzog Zwei can't hold a candle to any RTS anymore, but it was the first and we commend them on that. We try not to say it was overrated and it should of had certain features, and that the unit path detection code is horrible. It's all too common for fans to bitch about stuff that still sells well two or three years after it comes out just because they hate it. Lupos here hates GTA so he brings up the argument that GTA is an unfinished game. They had a hard enough time making it as good as it was. Just because things disappear if you turn a corner or that there's only 20 character models or that you can't swim. All things which have now been resolved in San Andrea.
GTA (III I'm speaking of here) was a damn fine game. Sure it had some problems, but we overlook them because flying off a ten foot ramp with a oil tanker into Luigi's restaurant killing a whole lot of pedestrians was soooo f**king awesome. It's the fun factor that makes a game good. Not awesome graphics (look at Kakuto Chojin), not rude humor and nakedness (look at BMX XXX), but a solid, fun game. Running over hookers, stealing cars, shooting innocent pedestrians, it all worked together sooo well. I think if Rockstar "finished" the game as Lupos would have liked, he still would hate the game. He doesn't like the whole underlying premise of a do anything, go anywhere world. If he's gonna go race, he'll play Burnout 3, if he's gonna go shoot, he'll play Halo, if he's gonna go swim, he'll play Athens 2004(?!). He wants every aspect to be spot on. And well that just can't happens. It's very difficult to make a game like this work well. Look at every game that came out after (Driv3r, True Crime, Roadkill, etc...). So those games are a testament to how good GTA was and still is if they can't make a game that is as fun to play as GTA.

If you want a game that Lupos thinks is good (in the same vein as GTA), look at Fable. That flaming piece of crap does actually have a solid, if mostly repetitive and boring, fighting engine. I mean all you usually do every fight is use magic to support your fighting style(be it melee or ranged), hold the lock on button, and jam the attack button. But the thing is, as boring and repetitive as it is, it is still solid. GTA at it's base is solid. What both games falter on is all the cool extra stuff there is. The farther you get from the core of each game, the more the ideas don't seem to work so well. But usually their fun and original enough for us to forgive them.

I hope I've shedded some light on the subject.

ATTENTION: Lupos has never played Knights of the Old Republic more than 5 minutes. Or even a Final Fantasy game more than five minutes. He doesn't like playing either game and therefore not a good judge of either game. Knights was a fine game, but I feel very overrated. That's for another thread. The Final Fantasy games much better...

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