Minecraft Maker: Piracy is Not Theft

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Topic started: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 11:48
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Joined 26 Mar 2007
Fri, 4 Mar 2011 15:49
@Spoon. I'm not saying it's ok to copy a game at all. It is theft. It is wrong.

I'm say it's not OK for publishers to claim that every copy someone makes of their game is a lost sale. That's nonsense.
Fri, 4 Mar 2011 16:57
I don't want to get into an argument here, I think we all broadly agree.

I think my point is best described by this bit of whimsy - Just because it doesn't exist, that doesn't mean it's not real.
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Fri, 4 Mar 2011 17:05
i think that amy 1 how says that they have never used a pirated game is a lier i all so think that i will get bigger with the fact that people buy download games. and most people want to try a game before they give £40 out on some thing that they are not going to enjoy. i think if every game had a good demo people would go and buy the game i want to get bulletstome on pc but im not going to pay £29.99 before iv played a little of it and yes i could go get the demo on my ps3 or 360 but it might not play the same as the pc version.
i also do not mind older gen stuff being coped as you do not buy new they are all ways second hand there for the developers are not making any money from them its people on e??y am??on making the money i would buy from town stores to keep them alive but they were the 1s the stopped selling them.
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