Gran Turismo 4 to be released this year - but without online features!

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Topic started: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 11:03
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Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:34
Mecha Ghandi wrote:

>part: especially considering how devoted the GT
>fanbase is...

I'm part of that fan base. But if they think I'm gonna buy this twice thaey can suck my nuts!

BTW, does it have a Lancia Stratos in it?
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:50
Kaxxx wrote:

>The game will still be superb, and who here was
>honestly going to take it online anyway?

>dont know what all the upset is about.

Come on, GT4 would have possibly been worth it online - after all, they'd gotten the cars, tracks and handling all perfect. The only problem is, the AI always has played like an orderly procession along the racing line, so an online mode would have meant some actual intelligent and competitive opponents. As it is, it's just more GT, so it's now far less likely to be denting my wallet.
Joined 22 Jun 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 18:38
some people that are saying why are we so mad about gt4 not being online dont understand that the reason why it was delayed so damn long was because of the online mode. they previously stated that they wanted to get the online mode perfect because this type of game only deserves perfection. we coulda already been playing this game if they would have just stopped trying to make the online part altogether. this really pisses me off. i was going to buy the new PStwo because they said that it was going to come bundled with gt4 and has a network adapter built in even though i already have a ps2 cus i have the old ps2 that doesnt read some games. i cant believe they are doing this to us. this is basically saying that they lied to us all. me personally, i am not an xbox guy, but now, i think im going to buy an xbox and get forza. this is really supid on their part. i wanted to play this online or atleast they coulda scratched the online play and we coulda already been playing it. im gettin an xbox now and playing halo 2 and forza. F-POLYPHONY AND SONY
Joined 4 Aug 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 19:19
The reason this is big news is that this is Sony admitting that their console cannot handle online play. If zerocool or anyone else wants to play online, there is only one option. Want to play Pro -Evo online? same solution. It is sad, but the fact is Sony are stuck until they can bring out the PS3. Which will not be soon. They are lagging behind the opposition for the first time ever. New territory for them. Their solution? Release the same outdated console in a different case.That should sell well over Xmas and beyond.

They will make loads of money with GT4 - first of all you buy a demo disc for £20, then the full game without online play for £39, then, if they can ever get it to run, you buy an online version - probably for another £39. I think I prefer Project Gotham 2 (free demo,£39 game with online included,then updates at £2.99 as a bonus.)
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 20:55
I'll never play online anyway so I don't really care, but come on Sony, this isn't good.
Joined 22 Jun 2004
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 22:47
its just that they said that the ONLY reason that they were delaying the game was that they were making the online play perfect now only to axe it when its already months overdue??? wtf is up with them. if we have waited almost a year already, why not just make us wait a little bit longer??? i dont even own a network adapter but its just that they freakin lied to us all.
Joined 4 Aug 2004
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 16:41
The problem is two -fold. First, they cannot get it to run online and after a year they are still too far off to get it running before xmas. This is the second problem. They must release it this year because the sales around xmas are way higher than at any other time of year. As usual, $ony put revenue first. Stuff the gullible ( sorry, loyal ) fanboys. It will sell millions.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 10:00
saurian wrote:
The reason this is big news is that this is Sony admitting that their console cannot handle online play.


Of course the PS2 can't handle on-line play.

Everybody knows it's boring old off-line console!

It's the very reason why Socom and Burnout 3, to name but two, are both very successful on-line titles, neither of which crash frequently during on-line play.


You just made my day! :)

Joined 22 Jun 2004
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 22:02
i swear im just going to go xbox now. this really pisses me off.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 28 Sep 2004 07:08
saurian wrote:
As usual, $ony put revenue first. Stuff the gullible ( sorry, loyal ) fanboys. It will sell millions.

Yeah, right. Because Microsoft, EA, Nintendo, Sega et al are only in it for the good of the end user. They never do anything for bottom line, or shareholder value!

Sony are guilty of many things, but there isn't a listed company out there who will put their customers before their shareholders - it's what shareholder capitalism is all about.

And the thing is, no-one is making anyone go buy GT4 without on-line features. If it sells millions, that's because there are millions who aren't bothered about on-line play. Maybe these people have enough real friends who live nearby.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Tue, 28 Sep 2004 07:18
Exactly. Ive never been one for online play mainly because i prefer multiplayer games with friends,a bottle of beer and twenty bines.

I doubt their will be many PS2 owners out there who care. If you want online play get an XBox or PC.
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