Medal of Honor: Taliban Dropped

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Topic started: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 14:29
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Joined 17 Sep 2010
Sat, 2 Oct 2010 21:14
apologies i did miss the pipeline bit but I replied to the "If anyone seeks to destabilise an area America gets oil from, they are "the enemy"" .

I still believe there is a little more to 'they screwed up our oil pipeline lets go get them.' but i wont deny that is a factor. i firmly believe the invasion was as revenge for 9/11 to hunt down osama and to make it seem like the US would do something if attacked hence why it did so within a month.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Sat, 2 Oct 2010 21:40
I agree with the 9/11 position, it made America appear weak in the eyes of the world or at least America thought it did, or should we Say Bush thought it did, so how does America show its not weak, well like all bullies do, kick the s**t out of a weaker country, not to say I don't think Oil was a major factor too, but Bush had all ready shown how large his penis was by invading Iraq to `protect the Kurdish and remove nuclear threat (ha)` and sure Sadam was taken down along with his sons so that made it look like America got a result, and by chance they take control of the country and oil fields and also appoint a government that they thought was acceptable, of course the troops did as they were told and America was shown to be a savour of the middle east, so next on the list was the Taliban (and protection of American assets aka a big f**king pipe), and 9/11 provided a nice scape goat.

A favourite quote of mine from a Iraq Citizen during a news report is "I have nothing against the American people its your Government that i hate"
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 3 Oct 2010 07:35
But my point is, America already WANTED to attack Afghanistan. 9/11 was an ideal excuse. But if 9/11 had not happened, they'd have found another reason.

Remember, they attacked Iraq for WMD that DID NOT EXIST. If they had not been able to claim that Usama bin Laden was in Afghanistan, they'd have fabricated some other pretext.

The US does not care about the atrocities the Taliban allegedly visits on the population of Afghanistan, the US does not invade a country for sex discrimination and human right violations. If they did, they'd have invaded Algeria, Brazil, Burundi, Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Liberia, Nigeria, many countries of the Middle East, Congo, Russia, Uganda, China, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Cuba, Kenya, Sudan, Panama, Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan, Tunisia, Vietnam ...

If the Taliban would come to the table and support a US backed oil pipeline in Afghanistan, and pay some lip service to moderation, they could get back into power, and abuse Afghan women's rights all they likes, the US would not give a damn.

And that's why I think it's wrong to say that America is at war with the Taliban. The idealogical differences are secondary to the economic ones. THe UK, of course, just does what it's told.

Let me be clear. I support the troops. Not the war. Young men and women should not be forced to go to a foreign country to die in order to perpetuate some politician's backhanders from the oil industry. On the other hand, our troops should have the conscience to refuse to fight in immoral wars. They are there to protect us from invasion, not extend our colonial ambitions.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 4 Oct 2010 09:02
Haritori wrote:
Yep sure is going to be fun in the future as that oil (and gas) disappears.

The thing is, if we invest sufficiently in renewables, we can reduce our dependence on hydrocarbons. But right now, the big money is invested in hydrocarbons, and they need to keep us addicted.

There is HUGE money to be made in battery and generation technology, but it requires huge investment. It needs government backed projects... but in a world where people do not want to pay taxes, governments are being forced to cut back, so it is down to the private sector. They are making progress, but what we really need is major renewable infrastructure projects. It WILL happen, indeed it is happening: the UK opened the world largest offshore wind generation plant recently. But it will only really take off when the price of oil rises to the point that renewable energy is price competitive, and that's some way off unless we have some pretty big breakthroughs.

But we can massively reduce our reliance on hydrocarbons... it's water that will be the problem. If global population continues to climb like it is, some places are gonna run out of water, and there's no alternative to that!
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