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Topic started: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 09:42
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Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 1 Apr 2010 13:52
petrit000 wrote:
will i be able to sign in on playstation network if i do this update and what is 'OS'

Yes you will be able to sign in if you apply the update. "OS" means 'Operating System' - in this case the Linux operating system.


Thu, 1 Apr 2010 18:01
I find it funny that sony is teh only company that as its product life continues, it removes more and more fatures from them? usually as they age they add more to them but sony is doing the opposite. My friend got rid of his because the linux support was going and he is now on 360, i migh do the same as he was my main playing buddy :) honestly sony listen to the people, its they who buy your products you retards !!!
Thu, 1 Apr 2010 19:05
Well, I bought my PS3 to get the most from it. So I decided to use this capability. I really do think that this is unfair. People will complain about their money, other, about the fact that they can't use their PS3 like a computer with 1080p screen resolution, 5.1 audio, etc... anymore.
I personnaly do like the idea to be free and use something as you want, I have been seduced, really. NOW THEY are taking all back. I HOPE this is just a joke from Sony...
A really dessapointed customer...
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Thu, 1 Apr 2010 19:06
my 60gb ps3 is updated
my 40gb is not but i am thinking of sellling it as it only sits in a arcade cabinet for use with soul caliber and street fighter iv and mame running on linux and i will just put a pc in it for my mame
Fri, 2 Apr 2010 12:33
I waiting and hoping this was some bad April fools joke... guess not.

I had a bad experience with Sony, I had bought a CD burner several years ago that was packaged as a model that had all the features that I was looking for. I got it home, unboxed it and to my surprise what I had was not what was advertised; the device was originally the model that was on the box, but Sony had done the old bait-and-switch and swapped model numbers. With the PS3, and its capabilities, I thought I'd give Sony another chance... one of the reasons I bought a first gen machine was because I had the option to install Linux and develop on a big endian platform and on the cell processor. To take away a feature that has VERY little to do with hacking or reverse engineering or what have you is, I'm sorry to say just like the Sony I remember. We bought the features and the device as advertised, and now Sony is removing the hypervisor to protect the consumers for fear of piracy... just pure BS (more so since the hardware requires modification too). Sony, you want to discontinue features in a new line of your product, that is your choice; no one could say word one about it because the feature list is right there for everyone to see. Changing your tune and dropping support of a long-standing feature that was a selling point is just plain evil in every sense. Further a real hacker will find another way of doing what they want, because that is what they do... its about getting into the nitty gritty and making the device do more; the only thing Sony has done with this is isolate and annoy a section of its consumer base... '
Joined 23 Nov 2009
Tue, 6 Apr 2010 11:38
Sorry to burst the Linux bubble over here but you guys do realise that the "Other OS" option wasn't in the PS3 at the start right? It was realised on a later firmware, thats how Sony can get away with a lawsuit. So anyone who says they brought the PS3 at launch because of the "Other OS" Feature is speaking crap because it wasn't there until a few months later.

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