Microsoft Denies Watchdog Xbox Disc Scratch Claims

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Topic started: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:37
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Joined 4 Jul 2007
Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:37
never had a sngle disc scratched and my kiddy knocked it off the cabinet once while i was playing COD4 with teh playa nd charger in (my own fault really) but the disc and console was fine,

maybe i was lucky? quite honestly until it effects me i dont care :-))
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 04:59
I have posted several comments in the BBC Watchdog forum related to the disc scratching problem. I have had several discs ruined by the console, which is in a horizontal position and never moved according to original instructions. MS support just tell you the machine is not at fault, even though I have offered my console to them for testing. Their disc replacement scheme only covers MS published games (which are very few compared to the number of games on the market) and costs £10 PER DISC to cover postage. £10 seems quite steep to post 1 game. I assume the scheme is a way of keeping the unhappy Xbox 360 users fairly quiet whilst generating some cash back to MS to help cover the RROD fiasco.
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 05:39
I would also like to add, like RROD, disc scratching Xbox 360 consoles are replaced free of charge in the Netherlands.
This is largely down to media coverage there especially from the infamous TV report from the programme Kassa. When will it also apply to the rest of us?
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:48
Please Microsoft.... Xbox 360 is one big problem. Also, Microsofts 'Call-in Centre Support' is far from any kind of support at all....

Mister pip
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 16:11
Install to hard drive then the disc doesnt spin whilst playing. This doesnt let m$ off the hook just a way for peeps to not lose games
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 17:13
I had 3 discs get laser burnt... MS has a $20 damaged disc replacement plan, but that only works for MS games...
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:59
Yes, this has happened when playing Guitar Hero World Tour. I reckon it is because of banging the drums. I got a replacement disc, and after playing a couple of times that one also had concentric scratches. Concentric scratches are worse than straight ones, as error correction does not work well when consecutive bits are damaged. I called MS on the Watchdog number, and they were not admitting fault and had not seen Watchdog. As my system is out of warranty it would cost £68 for them to look at, which I am not willing to pay. Hopefully enough users will report this issue that they admit there is a fault. If MS only test without vibrations it shows they are not comparing with actual home conditions. Also, I heard that some DVD drives are missing protective padding, so they need to ensure they test with such drives.
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:17
I've had the same concentric sratching problem playing rock band, was realy anoying as it happed during a party
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:18
I have had scratching playing halo 3 only had consol 5 weeks and was the only one at hone at the time, so no movment
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 23:40
for thoses people saying, until it effects me, I don't care, well, all I can say is, your idiot to think that, microsoft are constantly losing in the stockmarket due to their poor progress and by the looks of things, they will not be going on for long if they keep it up, they vista operating system is failing to sell and xbox 360 systems sales profits are decreasing, including this recession is not helping, but the gaming company and many pc stores are profiting on their sales as people are buying more games and softwares.

If you have a xbox 360 and warrenty won't run out for another 12 months...etc, it doesn't matter, once microsoft is out of the picture, your screwed, just remember, that xbox you got is a ticking time bomb, it's just a matter of time until it fails on you and you will have to fawk out £50 to have it repaired.

If i was you, I would take it back to the store and ask for a refund why you still got the chance, sell it on ebay while the prices are fair, you won't get much for it as you will have to much compition trying to flog it.

if think i'm a liar and some sony or nintendo fan boy, then you are wrong, I am a pc engineer who has used all forms of microsoft, including worked for retailers working in the compaints department and I am also gamer, I'm only advising you not to be an idiot and end up being a victim.

If you still don't believe me, please research it for yourself, including taking time to look at the microsoft stockmarket chart for over the last 5 years, you will notice that 2005-06 was their profitable years, this is due to release of Vista and Xbox 360, it stayed stable till 2007 and now, they are rapidly losing money.
Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:13
I've had an Xbox 360 since Christmas 2008 and it has destroyed 5 of my discs. Microsoft must except reponsibility surely?
Mark H
Tue, 30 Jun 2009 22:21
My 60 gig developed a disk error and wouldn't read the discs, it was 7 months old so i sent it back, got it back 3 weeks later and it' worked for a months then it scratched my CoD WaW and Fifa 09 i'm really annoyed that a console that was supposed to have been fixed managed to eat two disks, neither of which is covered in the disk replacement programme, and thye won't accept liability, if they dont sort it as soon as I get my xbox back it will be traded for a PS3, and i'll never buy another xbox, which is annoying as most of my friends have xboxes, but im so hacked off with their customer service
Wed, 9 Sep 2009 22:14
Pesky thing chewed up Halo 3. Only fit for a beer glass coaster now. I wasnt exactly lobbing plasma granades at it to cause the" Microsort movement get out of jail free" excuse. My mate has traded his for a PS3. might follow suit.
Karen Mills
Sat, 7 Nov 2009 13:30
My sons Xbox360 was purchased christmas 2008 and so is not a year old and has damaged Fifa 10.
Wed, 11 Nov 2009 11:59
Rock Band, my brother in laws, who had received it as a gift for his birthday the day before the 'incident' - playing, then suddenly and error message - can't read disk, wiped as they said on screen, restarted the system, nothing.....when I examined the disk, burned to bugg*ry!!
Tried to find a replacement for the evening as he was having a party, searched for ages!!!
He's also had his XBox re-conditioned 3 times !
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