Killzone 2: Guerrila Admits "Some Areas to Improve"

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Topic started: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:19
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:19
I still don't think that the game looked that great to be honest, graphically it didn't blow me at all like Gears of war 1 did.

But I think for the PS3 only owners out there this something to be happy about, I played the demo and was underwhelmed by it.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:29
Every game has areas to improve on.

Personally I feel that the graphical elements of it are amazing. But perhaps that's because I'm coming from a CG and technical standpoint.

The Unreal 3 engine does a very good job of looking a lot better than it is. I understand why people can think it looks better than KZ2 but beyond the demo there's no denying it's stunning.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:48
how much did you get paid to put "first verse in its swansong" in this then or are you just a fan boy?
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 14:35
polo wrote:
how much did you get paid to put "first verse in its swansong" in this then or are you just a fan boy?

The same amount that we put in for writing, "the game that could either breathe new life into PlayStation 3".
£0.00 (that's $0.00, AU$0.00 and ¥0.00).


Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:14
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I still don't think that the game looked that great to be honest, graphically it didn't blow me at all like Gears of war 1 did.

So exactly how much did you pay GoW for that blow?
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:32
SuperSaiyan4 is a dumba**
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:32
Tim Smith wrote:
polo wrote:
how much did you get paid to put "first verse in its swansong" in this then or are you just a fan boy?

The same amount that we put in for writing, "the game that could either breathe new life into PlayStation 3".
£0.00 (that's $0.00, AU$0.00 and ¥0.00).


yes but why did you feel the need to add "first verse in its swansong" is what i want to understand
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:44
I gotta appologies for all stupid Sony fanboy comments here. Being a Sony fan myself I am so looking forward to play this game. Some stupid comments in anything KZ2 related (from both "camps") just drags the whole experience down for me. Can the moderators just introduce a voting system where, every time you get a vote on a stupid comment, the font simply gets smaller ? Then its just easier to ignore. And is not moderated down, either.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:45

wow - how could you not be impressed?- it blows geow out of the water and then some.

the really sad thing is that you cant say another game on a console that comes up to the bar GG did with kz2.

you really cant.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:51
As always an Xbox troll lurks in the shadows.....
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:12
an FPS games have very little of a story. doom had a meek story - the are sum demons on mars, kill them to save the world- so killzone probably is going with a similar linage. Gears of war 2 is hardly ground braking ether. it has a weak story - your on a planet, there are aliens, one bloke wont shut up about his wife, your task, kill everything that moves to advance the story with the help of cole. gears of war in my opinion is not very involving. killzone 1 was not very engaging. if killzone 2 has a amazing online play and a IMMERSIVE single player then its on for a winner. if not then it is just HAZE.
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:37
AK88 wrote:
an FPS games have very little of a story. doom had a meek story - the are sum demons on mars, kill them to save the world- so killzone probably is going with a similar linage. Gears of war 2 is hardly ground braking ether. it has a weak story - your on a planet, there are aliens, one bloke wont shut up about his wife, your task, kill everything that moves to advance the story with the help of cole. gears of war in my opinion is not very involving. killzone 1 was not very engaging. if killzone 2 has a amazing online play and a IMMERSIVE single player then its on for a winner. if not then it is just HAZE.

??? Half Life rewrote how to make an immersive story that doesnt break the game into a bunch of cutscenes and it was a great story too. Did I read somewhere that HL was going to be remade with the HL2 engine? Shame it won't be on PS3 wot with valve being a sonyhaters or coding slackers you take your pick
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:39
I'd like to be clear I'm not throwing my toys out of the pram in this comment. SuperSaiyan4, how can you say it didn't look amazing? Did you play it on an HD? How big was the screen?
Here's a tip, get a decent TV and then you'll be worthy of judging games on their visuals. This is the best looking game I've ever seen. It's better then MGS4 IMO and that's saying a f-ing lot.

End of.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:42

Oh look here we go the usual tripe about whats your screen size and is it HD lmfao!

Listen matey when it comes to graphics I have a very keen eye and Gears of war 1 wins hands down with its textures, modelling, lighting and HDR not to mention gameplay seems better also.

With KZ2 it came across boring, slow, terrible controller for a FPS, graphics hardly standed out. Overall its not as great and I spent a very long time looking at ever bit of detail in that game.

And for your info I have a 40inch 720p/1080i HDTV via HDMI with full rgb.

I also went over to may friends house with the latest 40inch 1080p HDTV and again the visuals were not as mindblowing as everyone makes it out to be.

I am not a deluded Sony fanboy that is blind, I can see what I am looking at and what I see is nothing amazing but an average shooter.
anon again
Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:46
Your sig didn't show when I first read your comment. Apologies.
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