Sony 'Amazed' at Samsung's Blu-ray Death Slam

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Topic started: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:34
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Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:34
Oh dear...
Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:49
Samsung is the world's biggest Flash memory producer and stands to benefit the most when downloading takes off. This is why Samsung envisions flash downloading fully replacing Blu-Ray in 5 years.

And Samsung is right in this case.
douche baggins
Fri, 26 Sep 2008 20:04
Troll ass M$ fanboy site. Get off of Sonys dick.
Fri, 26 Sep 2008 20:18
why the blatant hatred towards Sony?
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:59
How this all plays out is up to Sony, who still seem confused as what they want PS3 to be.

I think it was always a silly move to try and push Blu Ray movie content so much, and while that's groovy, Sony, this is a game industry you are in, not a film one. Games content should be paramount on their agenda overall, but the things they say lead me to believe otherwise.

Maybe the Samsung dude is onto something. Hard drive tv based media players like Sky+ etc and recordable dvd players are replacing the vhs market. While Sony will still be in a good position in the DL side, such content is using the PS3 hard drive, not the hyped Blu Ray it has.

If a film is released at £12 on DVD vs £20-30 on Blu Ray, only the die hard tech nuts are gonna bag the later, as many can't see what all the fuss is about with Blu Ray.

I'd like a PS3, but their little to entice me, beyond games.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:00
nightwing wrote:
why the blatant hatred towards Sony?

Read the site not your own happy resolution.

We play. We argue, you join in.

Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:03
Where do these people come from? And I've never heard of a Sony dick before. Is it a home market only product? That said, don't answer as SS4 will pop up and tell us that "the Sony dick is a piece of s**t cos it has no rumble LOL.” And how he’s not an MS fan boy because he used to have one.

Anyway. Download vs. Disc, pay less and don’t need to leave the house, I guess download will win hands down, even if the quality isn’t as high.
Maybe if the 400GB Blu-ray discs make it to market, and at a fair price, there might be hope as it’ll offer something new over DVD and download.

Joined 26 Sep 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:03
ahhhh.. Samsung ,.. the leader of memory chips, Thing is.. There are way to many ps3 across the world for it to fail, Its way past betamax stage lol. its gonna be past 360 stage in 2 years..
Joined 26 Sep 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:08
Donwload will never beat out discs, I do not want to wait for a game to download when i can get in my car and go 5 minutes to the store, The intenret isnt as reliable as a disc, be you cant sell downloadable games so it does nothing for the market after sales which means no support from blockbuster or ebgames. The funny part is, The whole downloadable theory is a ms 1, why, while... the lack of space on the hd at the time, b there games are smaller in size and time, You only need a single layer blueray for a game, When ps3 starts making games like mgs4 or more of them or third partys want to push the limits more, ports to the 360 are not gonna happen, unless every company can afford to put there games on 3 to 4 disks. lol, face it, 360 is screwed. just a matter of years.
Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:18
Pudgestation3 wrote:
Donwload will never beat out discs, I do not want to wait for a game to download when i can get in my car and go 5 minutes to the store, The intenret isnt as reliable as a disc, be you cant sell downloadable games so it does nothing for the market after sales which means no support from blockbuster or ebgames. The funny part is, The whole downloadable theory is a ms 1, why, while... the lack of space on the hd at the time, b there games are smaller in size and time, You only need a single layer blueray for a game, When ps3 starts making games like mgs4 or more of them or third partys want to push the limits more, ports to the 360 are not gonna happen, unless every company can afford to put there games on 3 to 4 disks. lol, face it, 360 is screwed. just a matter of years.

Sorry, I should have said that I was thinking more of Film and TV with regards to Blu-ray's future. Oh as you've dragged the 360 into this I'll tell you that last time downloaded a film onto the XBOX, it was only 20mins before it was ready to watch and about 1hr for it to finish down loading which isn’t bad for a standard TalkTalk 8mg connection on a Saturday night. The film in question was Cloverfield in 720p, which I know would have been better in 1080p but it cost less time, money and carbon than going to the shop in a car, and I'm not left with a box for a film that I enjoyed but won’t watch again.

By the way nice to have along, but maybe you should have called yourself "SS4 through the looking-glass".

Joined 26 Sep 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:33
ahhh, alright, well since were are talking about Blueray for tv series movies and anything else that is based on watchin. Here is why I think, and Im not gonna argue , as u do have valid points. here are some 2.

1. If your internet goes out during a download or service goes down, u cant access games to buy,

2. Downloading for you might only take 20 minutes, How many people can afford a fast high speed, Canada has high speed up to 7 megs for 50$ a month. The states, 16 for the same price its fine in those countrys and in europe and japan and china, but, The internet is going faster everyone and also 53% only have internet so, If games and movies went that route, that means u have to have an internet conection right, what about the fans that play offline, do they have to convert cuzz MS only supplys content online. I bet they would rather go and get the real deal,

3. When u download videos, if they were full 720 p, it would be around 5 gigs or more right, I know for a fact, that your getting lower res movies that are upscaled to 720p, with the scaler in you xbox360 and or ps3. although a movie is a movie and ill watch cam release as Definition isnt really my major concern , If its technical terms that we are looking at , there they are. Also, Compression technology does work but you also loose quality as well.

4.All major companys have already invested in blueray, they know downloadable content is cheaper but is easier to pirate, blue has been crack but no one is gonna download a 40 gig movie and then wait 4 hours for it to burn onto a blueray disk , assuming they bought a 200 dollar burner, its just to much work.. which in turn saves the companys money.

5. Though it would be nice to sit on my cowch and eat pizza while I wait for ondemand movies, Sony tends to have the idea with streaming the movie while it downloads. Which in turn kills alot of issues but then again.. the internet cutz out, your left with half a movie and a droped jaw with pepperoni on you lap, only to call xbox support and tell them you only got half the movie , also, what if you xbox rrod's, I know that all my friends who had rrod didnt get data recovery which in it self is a couple funny words together.. rrod data recovery. So in turn you have to re download,

6. Sure i might be pissing in you pot here, but these are all valid issues. and companys know this. while it saves them money, publishers would go under which means ... the indrustry would rely on the internet and then telcos start taking over publishers and inturn now you have a digital recorded life with no privacy. yep.

love to hear your rebuttle

Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:19
Any market needs to be a certain size to sustain itself, so even if there is a real demand from certain sectors, such as rural areas with poor internet access, if that market sector is too small, even though it is demanding the product, it won’t get it if the larger market doesn’t want it.

With regards quality, I think it is a great shame that most people don’t care, or don’t know when they’re being sold a pup. The failure of SACD shows that they don’t care, and up-scaling to HD rather than starting with HD source material shows that they don’t know.
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:35
Yeah very true, SACD is for Audiophiles these days, Which in turn kinda sucks, cuzz Well im sure it wouldnt be a big deal to switch but I think sound is clear enough on a cd, Most people dont really have 5.1 or 7.1 surround yet, which is more up sacd alley.

Yeah its also sad, that its advertised 720p and the media is really 550 upscaled , halo 3 the game was 640 and sold as 720, Its false advertisment, Upscaling is just blowing the picture up and loosing contrast and depth, kinda a cheap way to fit it all on a disc. Thats why I like the concept of blueray, The limit is alot more, You can have universal discs and higher def and better uncommpresed audio, Imagine blueray for audio.. You could have studio sound NP on one. 2000k uncomppressed way at 7.1 surround..

I dunno, I dont think they will ever get rid of media cuzz if u take posestion out of the consumers hands its not really there product.. ever had vista tell u that you cant remove a fold,.. Why can;t u. You paid for it, o its attached to another program.. well it was on xp to.

Was p
Joined 26 Jul 2008
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:07
Pudgestation3 wrote:
Yeah very true, SACD is for Audiophiles these days, Which in turn kinda sucks, cuzz Well im sure it wouldnt be a big deal to switch but I think sound is clear enough on a cd, Most people dont really have 5.1 or 7.1 surround yet, which is more up sacd alley.

The times I've heard SACD blow CD away it's been on two channel kit. Multi channel music can work really well, if the production is right, but most multi channel systems down-sample SACD so you could end up with sub CD sound quality, in fact most of stuff that plays SACD along with other formats will down sample rather than use a separate DAC, so the chances of hearing SACD done properly are slim, even before you get to the discs themselves, which maybe up-sample and/or infested with DRM, though DRM was more a problem for DVD-A.

Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:13
great journalism. let me play the worlds smallest violin by taking the guy's words out of context and lambasting it in the final paragraph like it actually meant something substantial. We all know it's a videogame console, hell, the fact that he's the first guy from sony to just come out and say it recently makes him cooler. not a talking point
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