Xbox 360 Blu-ray Support Edges Closer

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Topic started: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 12:20
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 12:20
'The move could signal a more general shift in attitude towards Blu-ray on Microsoft's part. Indeed, it could be the first step towards the oft-rumoured addition of Blu-ray support for the Xbox 360.'

Spong, how the hell does Blu-ray burning have anything to do with Microsoft considering blu-ray support for the Xbox 360????

Spong please do a bit more research as this article is 100% lame, Microsoft added HD-DVD and Blu-ray driver support to Vista operating system a very long time around 2yrs ago, meaning that without this article one could assume at any given time Microsoft could decide to release a blu-ray drive which I may add they have constantly shot down but who knows.

Therefore this article which allows blu-ray burning is null and void for the conclusion that it *could* allow for a blu-ray add-on for the 360.

Microsoft are only updating the operating system to support 'Master style recording' for blu-ray.

I think a major edit in this article is required.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 12:41
For the first time ever, I agree with SS4. The article seems ridiculous, like adding 3 & 8 together and getting 595. I feel dirty now and I'm going for a shower. *shrugs and weeps slightly*
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:25
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I think a major edit in this article is required.

I think you should stop being so selective in your reading and criticism. We also took the analysis further and outlined:

"Microsoft may well feel that it offers plenty of HD content without the addition of Blu-ray support. Even with HD-DVD no longer existing as a viable platform, it may still see making the 360 work as a Blu-ray player as contrary to its download agenda."

Or did you stop half way up the piece? If you can muster the concentration, you will also see that we referred to Shane Kim's denial of Blu-ray.

I see no need for a 'major edit'.

Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:42
Sorry Tim but I highly disagree, your article about an Xbox 360 blu-ray add-on was sparked by a simple announcement from Microsoft regarding an meer 'update' to the Windows operating system to allow support for 'Master Style recording' for blu-ray.

And as the other person said you are adding 2 1 digit numbers and ending up with triple figures.

Microsoft has shot down the rumours and also nothing was announced at E3 nor is there an even tiny small chance Microsoft could be offering blu-ray add-on for the 360.

In one hand I have Windows update in the other hand I have an Xbox 360...How do the 2 match up?

You are trying to spark up a rumour by just randomly catching tiny bit of news from Microsoft about blu-ray, you saw the word Microsoft and blu-ray in one sentence and ran off to right an article about Xbox 360 blu-ray add-on. Makes no sense.

How about writing about the poor Too Human reviews? Or if you want to write about rumours try finding something more on the PSP phone? Or if it has to be about an Xbox 360 blu-ray add-on something that actually directly relates to it.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:58
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Sorry Tim but I highly disagree, your article about an Xbox 360 blu-ray add-on was sparked by a simple announcement from Microsoft regarding an meer 'update' to the Windows operating system to allow support for 'Master Style recording' for blu-ray.

Yes it was. It was not sparked by a bloody great press release stating that Microsoft as a corporation that makes money is extending support to Blu-ray. "The move could signal a more general shift in attitude towards Blu-ray on Microsoft's part."

I would actually have said that it "signals a more general shift".

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Microsoft has shot down the rumours and also nothing was announced at E3 nor is there an even tiny small chance Microsoft could be offering blu-ray add-on for the 360.

We also pointed Microsoft's current denial of Blu-ray support for the Xbox 360 in the same article.

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
In one hand I have Windows update in the other hand I have an Xbox 360...How do the 2 match up?

Slowly now... Microsoft is a big corporation. The Entertainment and Devices division is a division of that big corporation. When someone big at the top of the bit of Microsoft says, "Bite the bullet lads, Blu-ray is here to stay", this opens up communications within the company as a whole.

This in fact does mean an 'edging towards' and 'changing of attitude'.

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
You are trying to spark up a rumour by just randomly catching tiny bit of news from Microsoft about blu-ray, you saw the word Microsoft and blu-ray in one sentence and ran off to right an article about Xbox 360 blu-ray add-on. Makes no sense.

We are reporting on a fact. We are providing context for that fact. Nowhere in the article do we say that there is going to be an Xbox 360 Blu-ray add-on.

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
How about writing about the poor Too Human reviews? Or if you want to write about rumours try finding something more on the PSP phone? Or if it has to be about an Xbox 360 blu-ray add-on something that actually directly relates to it.

First up, our Dyack interview is already in edit.

Second up, I am already in conversation regarding the legendary PSP phone.

Thirdly, Microsoft as a corporation providing a chink in its thus far tight corporate defence against Blu-ray is a story and does directly relate to its traditionally loss-making division - a division which under Bill Gates chairmanship was cruising along carrying somewhere in the region of $25 billion R&D cost. Whether Balmer will match this in the current economic climate and with his attitude is open to analysis.

I've got to go and sort out a Bioware interview now... and I currently suck at Mario Kart Wii so don't push me...



Joined 6 Nov 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:11
Rutabaga wrote:
For the first time ever, I agree with SS4. The article seems ridiculous, like adding 3 & 8 together and getting 595. I feel dirty now and I'm going for a shower. *shrugs and weeps slightly*

I feel bad about that now. I mean, 3 & 8 is obviously 38 not 595.

As for weeping when you feel a little dirty, you were obviously educated by the same Friars and Nuns that I was.

Oh, now I feel a little frightened.

I need some booze.

Joined 22 Sep 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:33
Tim Smith wrote:
I feel bad about that now. I mean, 3 & 8 is obviously 38 not 595.

As for weeping when you feel a little dirty, you were obviously educated by the same Friars and Nuns that I was.

Oh, now I feel a little frightened.

I need some booze.


Maybe I was, did you have a Brother Martin who was quite the artist, he used to sketch me when I felt dirty & sad. He used to sit there at the side of the bath for some reason the wind had blown away his robe so all I could see was his sketch book, he seemed to make an awful lot of mistakes, which required him to use his eraser quite vigorously.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:37
Rutabaga wrote:
Maybe I was, did you have a Brother Martin who was quite the artist, he used to sketch me when I felt dirty & sad. He used to sit there at the side of the bath for some reason the wind had blown away his robe so all I could see was his sketch book, he seemed to make an awful lot of mistakes, which required him to use his eraser quite vigorously.

Brother Martin? He was Father O'Dowd's good and close friend of some long standing as I recall.

Did you used to have 'Latin Duty' with Brother Idris in the 'Potting Shed' classroom down the back of the stables?

Mea culpa... mea maximo parka.
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:41
i was touched as a child, can i be part of your game? It's the only club i am allowed into.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 17:56
The shift would have to happen sooner or later but i reckon 360 is too far into its life to add a Bluray Bastard child now, but the nextbox quite certainly will "ave teh BluRays"

Now im no fancy pants city laywer, but it seems to me that SS4 has used his full allocation of stupidity for this year already and in fact it seems to be running on fumes right about now, and personally i can see how this would link to the 360 if MS are changing focus on the Bluray Media, after all we have been reading 360 has bluray rumors since well bluray and teh 360 were brought into this world by the Fairy Corp Ltd Inc PLC.
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 19:10
No offense but this article is not really relevant.

I think it's funny that Microsoft think that physical boxed content are on their way out because it won't happen until ISP stop being greedy with their bandwidth. I sure won't buy downloadable games that require 5+ GB.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:48
Tim Smith wrote:
Brother Martin? He was Father O'Dowd's good and close friend of some long standing as I recall.

Did you used to have 'Latin Duty' with Brother Idris in the 'Potting Shed' classroom down the back of the stables?

I didn't, but I remember Brother Idris and his good pal Father O'Tool used to frequent that area and take part in a form of Latin wrestling. They weren't very good at it though. You would often see brother Idris leaning forward with Father O'Tool try to jump over his back, but he wouldn't quite manage it, this would go on for a few minutes, then it was Brother Idris' turn to try to jump over. They were crazy guys.

*I'm going to stop now*
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:09
Warrax wrote:
No offense but this article is not really relevant.

No offence taken. It's an opinion that seems nicely put and has some basis in reality. There are also large er merging markets in India, China, the former USSR, and parts of Africa that have even worse broadband than I've got in Wakefield!

Boxed games still have life. And when people like Carmack start saying that Rage will look less wonderful on 360 because of the disc limitations, well, it gives one pause for thought.


Joined 14 Aug 2008
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 01:58
Never going to happen for the 360, there will be too many unhappy customers

Click To GO

Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 09:05
djdoubt03 wrote:
Never going to happen for the 360, there will be too many unhappy customers

Unhappy Xbox 360 owners? Never going to happen...


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