Why is The Daily Mirror Victimising Xbox 360?

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Topic started: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 11:48
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 11:48
Firstly I do not know of ANY Elites since they came out in the USA to get the red rings also I am willing to bet that this news is created by PS3 loyalists who are idiots because of their shoddy firmware and to attack Microsofts E3 announcements.
Joined 23 Apr 2004
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:12
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Firstly I do not know of ANY Elites since they came out in the USA to get the red rings also I am willing to bet that this news is created by PS3 loyalists who are idiots because of their shoddy firmware and to attack Microsofts E3 announcements.

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean we're not out to get you.
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:39
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Firstly I do not know of ANY Elites since they came out in the USA to get the red rings also I am willing to bet that this news is created by PS3 loyalists who are idiots because of their shoddy firmware and to attack Microsofts E3 announcements.

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS0T54Pr7_w
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SHsSnjirTk&feature=related
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZUgX9PX60o&feature=related

you might want to look at what you say (I am willing to bet that this news is created by PS3 loyalists) hum i think and so do most of the people of spong think that you are a xbox fanboy
there are many more stuff on the web about elite Red Ring of Death
and there is all so a bit on it on spong ( http://spong.com/article/12415 )
the list of stuff could go on and on but i donty want to sound like you
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:04
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Firstly I do not know of ANY Elites since they came out in the USA to get the red rings also I am willing to bet that this news is created by PS3 loyalists who are idiots because of their shoddy firmware and to attack Microsofts E3 announcements.

Makes a polite verbal nod and then sighs.

SS4 listen, we all know your the biggest 360 fanboy on SPOnG and its also worth note that these paper reports are not even worth taking note of, but and although this might be like telling a 4 year old santa isnt real,

More people hate MS than Sony, dont forget MS is a Software Company first and foremost, people hate MS for their operating systems, people hate MS for their Internet Browsers, people hate MS for their anti competitiveness, and yes some people hate MS for their console. and with each hate there is good reason,

OS: Full of bugs delays and problems, not open source and costs far too much
Internet: Full of Bugs and Security Holes
Anti C: MS want to rule the world and god forbid anyone who gets in there way
Console: Breaks easier thn a rich tea in coffee.

So although you might think these Sony loyalists (whoever they are) are casuing s**t, lets not forget MS didnt exactly try to make it hard for them to complain.

Sony on the other hand just make stupid comments but theres no way you can say the hardware is crap, and their morals and business ethics are certainly alot more favourable than MS.
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:42
@Haritori Sony's business practices are one of the worst in the videogames industry, making importing illegal so they can price fix europeans and have sith like control of the market, denying faults with any of their products (at least MS admitted it's failures and acted), Sony's whole package of 'next gen gaming' was a lie.

and their hardware may not be of poor build quality, but it's nothing special with their slow bluray drive and constant HDD installs, multiplatform games always run, look and play better on the 360. The PS3 was shipped to force blu ray on to the market, to hell with the fact it was unsuitable for games.

MS treat europe fair on prices and release dates which, the RROD is behind MS now anwyay, the RROD in new consoles isn't really an issue, I think this story is bullshit, MS set aside £500m last year for 360's sold, if the elite consoles only make up a tiny fraction of total 360s sold and the elites don't have as high failure rate why on earth would MS set aside the same amount just for elites? Sony are media geniuses I'll give them that, don't be surprised if you see a free blu-ray on sundays Mirror.
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:22

that is all.
The _Black_Circle
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:31
jj wrote:

MS treat europe fair on prices and release dates which, the RROD is behind MS now anwyay, the RROD in new consoles isn't really an issue, I think this story is bullshit, MS set aside £500m last year for 360's sold, if the elite consoles only make up a tiny fraction of total 360s sold and the elites don't have as high failure rate why on earth would MS set aside the same amount just for elites? Sony are media geniuses I'll give them that, don't be surprised if you see a free blu-ray on sundays Mirror.

RROD is not an issue? What world are you living in? Any manufacturer in the past that released hardware with this much problems would either do a massive recall or get their asses sued off.
MS is setting a terrible precedent for manufactured goods.
Whoopidy-doo 3 year warranty. Products that WORK have those. US consumers (in particular) allowing this kind of poorly manufactured electronics on the market and in many ways ENCOURAGING IT, are setting themselves up for future problems with other goods.

Any failure rate over 1% is NOT acceptable.
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:32
...there is no 'I think' about it.
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 14:53
The _Black_Circle wrote:
jj wrote:

RROD is not an issue? What world are you living in?

Any failure rate over 1% is NOT acceptable.

I'm talking about the present, the 360's built now are NOT unreliable, the RROD is not a noticable issue with current falcon models, the PS3 has more problems than current xbox's.

and what of Sony's mass laptop battery failures and fire hazzards, or their disk read error in their new PS2 which was said to affect at least 1 in 10 PS2's owners, perhaps you should go sue Sony for installing spyware on your PC through music CD's or buying on European judges to ban imports to the UK so they can charge us twice as much for a PS3 or PSP

the RROD is behind us now, fanboys will use it as an argument as it's the only argument they have to rubbish the 360, (certainly can't rubbsih it for performance, games, prices etc). This is an pre E3 attack, and show's how desperate Sony are.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 15:15
jj wrote:

the RROD is behind us now, fanboys will use it as an argument as it's the only argument they have to rubbish the 360, (certainly can't rubbsih it for performance, games, prices etc). This is an pre E3 attack, and show's how desperate Sony are.

Careful now your starting to sound even more deluded and idiotic than SS4, (I never thought that was possible).
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:00
Rutabaga wrote:
the RROD is behind us now, fanboys will use it as an argument as it's the only argument they have to rubbish the 360, (certainly can't rubbsih it for performance, games, prices etc). This is an pre E3 attack, and show's how desperate Sony are.

ok heres some other reasons why my 360 isnt perfect, without mentioning build quality

All 360`s should of come with HDMI as standard from day one,
All 360`s should have had Next Gen HD Media Playback from day one (Bluray/HDDVD)
All 360`s Should have had Standard 2.5" HDD or at least have resonable priced upgrades and should of been 60GB min
All 360`s should have had HDD as standard and not an optional SKU
All 360`s should have Wireless b and g as standard or allow cheap Wifi dongles to work
All 360`s should of had at least 2 Rear USB ports
All 360`s should of had full Backwards Compatability from day one or a regular update service

now i didnt mention RROD but i had a handful of things i could bash the 360 with, but its my fav current gen console, but i am not blind or stupid or SS4!
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:20
Rutabaga wrote:
the RROD is behind us now, fanboys will use it as an argument as it's the only argument they have to rubbish the 360, (certainly can't rubbsih it for performance, games, prices etc). This is an pre E3 attack, and show's how desperate Sony are.

Well you cant just dismiss, what is a major fault with a popular console, just because yuo say so. Its a mjor problem, a huge problem infact, which Microsoft didnt even want to admit for months, til pressure from customers (and probably several legal teams) had them admit the problem, and give out a 3 year warranty in the hope to keep the product on the shelves, which it did. For some reason, whenever anyone brings up the subject on RROD, they have to be a Sony 'fanboy', they cant be a general gamer who see's something seriously wrong with a gaming product. The RROD IS a major problem, as is the disc scratching problem that plagues the 360 too. Surely as consumers, its our right to demand the likes of Microsoft build a quality product, that we will not accept a miss-fit made system with serious problems. Sooner we all accept Microsoft have made a mistake and properly fix the problem, the better. There's no point supplying great games and service, if the actual product for them is faulty
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 18:53
Guys could you check your quotes properly because it reads like I've written that deluded fanboy nonsence. I'm looking at you haritori.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 20:07
Rutabaga wrote:
Guys could you check your quotes properly because it reads like I've written that deluded fanboy nonsence. I'm looking at you haritori.

sorry, lol!

please read everyone the last comment previous to this i wrote the quote was of SS4 not Rutabaga!
Mon, 7 Jul 2008 23:45
Xbox 360, designed by enough programmers, and too few engineers.

Sony PS3, designed by enough engineers, and too few programmers.

Nintendo Wii, designed by a gamer and an accountant.
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