PS3 Backwards Compatibility Boost in Firmware 2.40?

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Topic started: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:06
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:06
Sony love copying and trophies sounds stupid imo, whats next?
Joined 28 Mar 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:32
Your opinion counts for nothing because you're a stupid f**king fanbaby moron. Sony "copying"? As if none of the other gaming companies ever copy each other? The 360 controller is a blatant rip of the PS controller. Prior to the PS pad, controllers were flat and unwieldy. Let's also consider the notion of a "disc based console". So Microsoft dreamed that one up all by themselves, did they? What about the Sony Buzz games, later "inspired" similar on the 360. EyeToy, inspired by webcams, also copied by Microsoft. These are just recent examples, but you can trace the evolution of gaming systems via ideas "inspired" by competitor systems all the way back to the Spectrum v Commodore wars of the 80s, and no doubt beyond that to Atari v Colecovision or whatever it was at the time.

Christ, SuperSaiyan, you REALLY are a total, complete and utter f**king imbecile.

As for Firmware update 2.40, I am liking the new features. People have gone "boo hoo, where is fuction X, function Y, sob sob b******s", but at least now I can send a message to a friend from inside a game to them in another game. That's all we needed. It's a massive step forward.
Joined 4 Mar 2008
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:17
Bentley as you clearly put in admist of your own verbal BS

"you REALLY are a total, complete and utter f**king imbecile"

Sony did not invent the Disc based console. Sony and Nintendo worked on the design and it was Nintendo that acutaly prototyped the Disc based system in which they then pulled out of. Sony then licked up the leftovers which then became the Playstation. Also the Mega Cd/Sega CD addon to the Genisis/Mega drive was released ebfore the Playstation.
Also the Sega Saturn was released a Month before The playstation in which there controller also contained the Wings. True the nature of it is still flat but it can easily be argued that it is the original template. I love how you say Microsoft copyed Webcams and the Eyetoy when they are the sole reason most, if not all this software and hardware has advanced so far thansk to they software advancements.

If your gona be a fanboy to a console Then simply get the facts right. Thank you.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:18
Oh just the f**k up please, your a retarded Sony fanboy, Microsoft copying Sony's PS pad??? Get real!

Sony copied the guide button aka PS button

Then everything Xbox Live Sony is trying its hardest to copy that too.

Sony's PS3 is simply a media box, its capabilities as a games console are very lacking 99% of its cross platform games look s**t in comparison to the 360 versions and the online play is absolutly crap on the PS3.

Now we have 'trophies' lmfao! Sorry achievemants ftw!
Joined 11 Apr 2008
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:18
@ 2....slightly harsh but also accurate in some places (and quite funny). I personally think the MS controller was a rip of the DC controller with an addtional analogue stick.

hmmm also so how will this update effect my 60Gb PS3?

Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:23
Matthew O'Donnell wrote:
Bentley as you clearly put in admist of your own verbal BS

"you REALLY are a total, complete and utter f**king imbecile"

Sony did not invent the Disc based console. Sony and Nintendo worked on the design and it was Nintendo that acutaly prototyped the Disc based system in which they then pulled out of. Sony then licked up the leftovers which then became the Playstation. Also the Mega Cd/Sega CD addon to the Genisis/Mega drive was released ebfore the Playstation.
Also the Sega Saturn was released a Month before The playstation in which there controller also contained the Wings. True the nature of it is still flat but it can easily be argued that it is the original template. I love how you say Microsoft copyed Webcams and the Eyetoy when they are the sole reason most, if not all this software and hardware has advanced so far thansk to they software advancements.

If your gona be a fanboy to a console Then simply get the facts right. Thank you.

Very well said, and before Sony it was Microsoft and other companies making peripherals etc.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 12:01
Hark wrote:
@ 2....slightly harsh but also accurate in some places (and quite funny). I personally think the MS controller was a rip of the DC controller with an additional analogue stick.

Hmmm also so how will this update effect my 60 GB PS3?


Agreed its very much the DC pad, and I believe this was intentional as MS was in talks with Sega just before the Xbox 1 was launch in regards to allowing DC titles to work on 360 thus the Original Xbox pad had to be able to play those with ease, the deal fell through, but the 360 Pad perfected it to what it is now,

Also with controllers,

Both Master System + NES pads were basically the same,

The Mega drive and SNES was where controllers split, with Sega taking on wings only to a small degree, while Nintendo kept the flat pad and added more buttons

the next set of consoles the PSone had the full wings look which became very popular, and Sega continued the Mega drive style in the saturn while Nintendo reinvented the analogue stick and added a 3 wing and was the first to add rumble to controllers, Sony Quickly Copied Nintendo But improved by adding 2 analogue sticks and built in rumble, to make at the time the best controller ever,

Sega’s then last attempt took the Dual shock but relocated the left analogue and added triggers and had less defined wings/blades (uncomfortable) but also had the rumble and memory card slots of the N64.

The PS2 the kept the Dual Shock But added pressure sensitive buttons and why change it was at the time perfection, the GameCube basically took on the dual shock design but relocated the analogue, as well as using the c buttons as the second analogue, the game cube was also the first to use a successful and useful wireless controller design (Wave Bird), but then came the Xbox with its Huge controller which was redesigned later for smaller hands in the s type form, while also keeping mem card slots in the controller,.

And now we have the current gen, all wireless and all very high quality, Six axis/Dual Shock 3, 360 Controller, and WiiMotes its personal preference to what you like, but its plainly obvious that the current Sony controller is the bastard child of Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft, Nintendo for Analogue use and motion control and rumble and wireless, Sega for Triggers, and Microsoft for the Guide Button, in fact Sony has no claim on inventing or coming up with anything first! [Edit], Dual analog is sonys claim sorry.

Joined 4 Mar 2008
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 12:20
If Sony has indeed enhanced the backwards compatibility of any of its PS3 SKUs, the move could be seen as at odds with the rumoured PS2 store supposedly heading to the PSN. Making more PS2 titles playable on the PS3 would hardly encourage gamers to spend their cash on PS2 downloads, would it?

Why would it be at odds? If they are going to introduce a PS2 download store then surely the original PS2 will need to work under the PS3 architecture? So it makes sense that the original disc would also work? Sony would get a fair amount of venom aimed at them if they purposefully left the disc owners in a position where they could only play the game by paying for a new download!

I think the point of a PS2 store would be for new gamers (and old) to get games they have'nt previously played without visiting a store and paying for the physcial media. Some games for example might now be really difficult to find!
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 13:38
Bentley wrote:
at least now I can send a message to a friend from inside a game to them in another game. That's all we needed. It's a massive step forward.

I agree.

Because when I'm at the movies, there is NOTHING more important to me than being able to use my mobile phone to message my friends who are at a different cinema, watching a different movie.

The quality of the film or the price of admission do not matter at all as long as I have in-movie instant messaging.

Joined 11 Apr 2008
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 13:58
Rod Todd wrote:
Bentley wrote:
at least now I can send a message to a friend from inside a game to them in another game. That's all we needed. It's a massive step forward.

I agree.

Because when I'm at the movies, there is NOTHING more important to me than being able to use my mobile phone to message my friends who are at a different cinema, watching a different movie.

its optional.....ur given a choice, u dont have to use it
Joined 11 Apr 2008
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 14:33
haritori wrote:
Hark wrote:
@ 2....slightly harsh but also accurate in some places (and quite funny). I personally think the MS controller was a rip of the DC controller with an additional analogue stick.

Hmmm also so how will this update effect my 60 GB PS3?


the current Sony controller is the bastard child of Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft, Nintendo for Analogue use and motion control and rumble and wireless, Sega for Triggers, and Microsoft for the Guide Button, in fact Sony has no claim on inventing or coming up with anything first! [Edit], Dual analog is sonys claim sorry.

Great analysis and conclusion haritori, the point is that all companies borrow ideas that work! One company does something daring and its a success, then the others will follow.

Also is plain easy to see the PS1 pad evolved from the snes pad with added wings and two addtional shoulder buttons...etc...

Joined 22 Sep 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 14:54
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Sony's PS3 is simply a media box, its capabilities as a games console are very lacking 99% of its cross platform games look s**t in comparison to the 360 versions and the online play is absolutly crap on the PS3.

Bentley calm down! It's not worth arguing with the complete tool that is SS4. The above statement proves it. What the idiot doesn't realise is that by Sony "matching" some of the features of Xbox live for FREE it removes the case for Microsoft CHARGING for it. IE benefiting him/her/it. Something that seems to completely wash over his/her/it's head. BTW SS4 what the hell is wrong with the word Trophy? It seems to of worked in the sporting world for the last 100+ years
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 15:07
haritori wrote:
And now we have the current gen, all wireless and all very high quality, Six axis/Dual Shock 3, 360 Controller, and WiiMotes its personal preference to what you like, but its plainly obvious that the current Sony controller is the bastard child of Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft, Nintendo for Analogue use and motion control and rumble and wireless, Sega for Triggers, and Microsoft for the Guide Button, in fact Sony has no claim on inventing or coming up with anything first! [Edit], Dual analog is sonys claim sorry.

Your last sentence contradicts, the whole paragraph! Why single out Sony as copying from everyone else when they have all copied of each other (evolved) You should of said all the controllers are the bastard child of everyone else's bar, the Wiimotes, motion sensing idea.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 15:07
haritori wrote:
Agreed its very much the DC pad... [Lots of pix deleted]

Mate, thanks for the effort that went into that post. Seriously, nicely done.


Joined 19 Jul 2006
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 15:11
Horatio wrote:
If Sony has indeed enhanced the backwards compatibility of any of its PS3 SKUs, the move could be seen as at odds with the rumoured PS2 store supposedly heading to the PSN. Making more PS2 titles playable on the PS3 would hardly encourage gamers to spend their cash on PS2 downloads, would it?

Why would it be at odds? If they are going to introduce a PS2 download store then surely the original PS2 will need to work under the PS3 architecture? So it makes sense that the original disc would also work? Sony would get a fair amount of venom aimed at them if they purposefully left the disc owners in a position where they could only play the game by paying for a new download!

It does make sense. But... Sony left out backwards compatibility in the 40GB PS3, despite the fact that in PAL territories it had been offering compatibility with PS2 games as a "software solution". Meaning it saved nothing in terms of hardware manufacturing costs by not including it in the 40GB PS3. I still haven't come across a good reason for them doing that, other than Sony wishing to make money by selling PS2 games through PSN. As such, it would seem that Sony may not want you to play PS2 discs on your PS3.

Unless PS2 games are obscenely cheap to download, I can't see many people buying them when they already own the disc rather than just hauling out their old PS2. By not having backwards compatibility and offering a PS2 store, however, Sony would encourage people who wanted PS2 games that they don't already own to buy them as downloads rather than getting pre-owned discs, from which Sony makes zilch.

I think the point of a PS2 store would be for new gamers (and old) to get games they have'nt previously played without visiting a store and paying for the physcial media. Some games for example might now be really difficult to find!

Agreed! But it would be nice if PS3 owners had the option of going down to the shop and getting the discs the old-fashioned way. I like shops! (Except supermarkets, they're a little frightening.)
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