Analyst: PlayStation Will Beat Xbox 360

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Topic started: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:41
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Joined 4 Jul 2007
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:41
Ironic one of those words that`s used to describe something that seems backwards incorrectly alot! its also like the word surreal also being used to describe somethign slightly strange or coincidental, now im no master of the written word but it doesnt half piss me off when someone says something like,

" i saw 5 ford focus cars drive past each in silver and all in straight line one after the other, it was surreal "

now if jealous green rhinos were driving those cars with high contrast rolling clowns for wheels while the road was melting into liquid strappleberrys then that would be surreal!!

is it ironic that people use the word ironic to describe something that isnt ironic?

"its like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knive, isnt it Ironic, dont ya think" ( no its f**king annoying not ironic!)

i love that one.
Joined 3 Jun 2008
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:56
Speaking as a fellow journalist - here's my two pence on the subject:

Sales May Be Up, But Is The Future Really So Bright For The PS3?

Xbox 360 Vs. PS3 - Where We Currently Stand In The Next-Gen Console War

Sorry if it's against the rules to post links - feel free to remove.
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 17:22
analysts are stupid, PS3 is getting worse everday, even MGS4 isnt the killer app we all thought it would be, even multiplatform games run better and play better on the 360

blu ray is going the same way as minidisks, the 360 is beating it in the US and Europe (since GTA4), and japan it's only selling 8k more than the 360!!
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 17:53
Jim, it's quite interesting that you would even say that. MGS4 is said to be the biggest game on the PS3. It already as a score of 97% on gamerankings and more magazines have yet to review it. If that won't boost the sales of PS3's even further, then I don't know what will.

How is the PS3 getting worse by the day when it's been outselling the 360 in many parts of the world including Europe? And what makes you think that it won't outsell the 360 even further when Resistance 2 and especially Killzone 2 comes out?

The 360 is not beating Sony in Europe. Sony is being outsold ONLY only in the U.K.

Stop talking out of your ass and do some research, you stupid xbot.
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 17:53
Jim, it's quite interesting that you would even say that. MGS4 is said to be the biggest game on the PS3. It already as a score of 97% on gamerankings and more magazines have yet to review it. If that won't boost the sales of PS3's even further, then I don't know what will.

How is the PS3 getting worse by the day when it's been outselling the 360 in many parts of the world including Europe? And what makes you think that it won't outsell the 360 even further when Resistance 2 and especially Killzone 2 comes out?

The 360 is not beating Sony in Europe. Sony is being outsold ONLY only in the U.K.

Stop talking out of your ass and do some research, you stupid xbot.
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 18:12
He used the word 'ironic' correctly. Go back to high school, Mr. Editor.
Xbox lovers!!!
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 18:18
Does not matter what you think or say, you do live in your own little world, without a doubt wii is the hottest thing since Ipod, if you like your xbox360 system keep it, a the end the only one who will benefit out of it, is MS, after all they'll make you buy a new one after the ring of death. PS3 well not a big fan but HAZE makes me think twice after playing an amazing demo, and after checking the reviews. If your are into FPS, Xbox is definetly your choice, but if you are after gaming over all, choose PS3, the choice is yours!!
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 18:22
As abc pointed out, the word ironic was indeed used correctly. The definition of irony is having something happen that is contrary to what is expected. In this case, the author's contention is that a slowing economy, with its corresponding weaker consumer, will result in more money flowing into the gaming sector. This is contrary to what one would expect when talking about the retail industry as a whole. It would not be irony if the author said that sales of cheap or bulk food may, ironically, go up during a recession.
Dark Collosis
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 18:48
Xbox lovers!!! wrote:
Does not matter what you think or say, you do live in your own little world, without a doubt wii is the hottest thing since Ipod, if you like your xbox360 system keep it, a the end the only one who will benefit out of it, is MS, after all they'll make you buy a new one after the ring of death. PS3 well not a big fan but HAZE makes me think twice after playing an amazing demo, and after checking the reviews. If your are into FPS, Xbox is definetly your choice, but if you are after gaming over all, choose PS3, the choice is yours!!
This person obviously knows NOTHING about this topic.. The 360 is completely DOMINATING the PS3 on VIDEO GAMES.. Not just FPS.. ALL FORMS OF VIDEO GAMES.. 360 has more RPG/RTS/FPS/RACING/ACTION games than ANY of the new consoles out.. NOT to mention its growning and already HUGE library of XBOX LIVE ARCADE games... The PS3 is has NOTHING but BLUE RAY over the 360... The person who wrote this article is either a sonyfanboy or just ignorant to todays games.. Why not do some research......
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:16
Funny how they keep predicting thing completely wrong lately. Apparently this is supposed to have more merrit because ???
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:19
What analysts don't (or refuse to) see is that if PS3 sales start gaining momentum MS can drop their price. The PS3 price is pretty firm considering the bath (was it 247$ per PS3 sold?) Sony is taking on each unit they sell. MS has a profitable games division and the deepest pockets in the industry. They could afford to sell the 360 for less than a Wii because of the massive profits they are making off the games and xbox live. Sony can't afford that kind of a price war currently and without some mind blowing exclusive content, it will be difficult to pick up ground. The current cost to develop for the cell and the small install base of the PS3 make this scenario look more unlikely every day.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:26
analysts know better wrote:
What analysts don't (or refuse to) see is that if PS3 sales start gaining momentum MS can drop their price. The PS3 price is pretty firm considering the bath (was it 247$ per PS3 sold?) Sony is taking on each unit they sell. MS has a profitable games division and the deepest pockets in the industry. They could afford to sell the 360 for less than a Wii because of the massive profits they are making off the games and xbox live. Sony can't afford that kind of a price war currently and without some mind blowing exclusive content, it will be difficult to pick up ground. The current cost to develop for the cell and the small install base of the PS3 make this scenario look more unlikely every day.

The 360 is cheaper than Wii (Arcade), I think your missing thepoint though, Sony lose money to make money, games are coming and production costs are reduced weekly, once sony have 40-50 million units out there they will be making money on the console (at least breaking even) and 40-50 million user base to sell to and make the money on game sand licnce required, its exactly the same as the PS2 story.

Its a numbers game the the comany with the most sold units at the end of the game will be making the most profit, and you may say well wii made money from day one on each and every game sold, well sony is still making more money than MS based on its PS2 and PSP sales and as such can fund the PS3 until it makes it own money,

360 is great and as i have said many a time before i hope all 3 sell exactly the same amount as so i can get equal use for each console but that wont happen, so i just concentrate on the games and enjoy Gears, MGS and Mario and who a cares how many have sold?
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:42
Why does everyone keep saying the 360 is a FPS console when it has FAR more RPGs JRPGs and just all around game variety than the PS3 ???

The mere fact that these anal-lyst think 360 is a shooter only console proves they have no idea what they are talking about. When Sony gets too close MS will drop the 360 price in the USA and 360 will take off. 360 is far closer to the 250-200 dollar sweetspot for sales, and it always will be.

I think Sony is exagerating sales success in the EU by including sales from regions outside of the EU, I don't think the PS3 will catch the 360 this gen, not until the xbox 720 is released.
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:52
Jackson wrote:
Why does everyone keep saying the 360 is a FPS console when it has FAR more RPGs JRPGs and just all around game variety than the PS3 ???

Same reason as people are calling the Wii the bane of hardcore gaming, or were calling the PSP the bane of Nintendo's handheld supremacy. Not being able to look further then their own noses.

I suggest we all just buy the stuff we think is the most fun and be done with it.
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:58
Well duh, sony always wins.
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