Final Fantasy VII For PS3 - Confirmation Coming in Last Remnant?

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Topic started: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:01
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:01
Isn't Last Remnant on the Xbox 360 as well? SE are losing a s**t load of money by not making FF on the 360 as well, I mean at least bring out the re-make of number 7 on the 360 that will sell s**t loads!
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:14
Have you checked the date?

As much as i REALLY REALLY REALLY want this to be true, I can't help but feel it might be an april fool, I have read MANY obvious ones across the internet over the past few hours and feel this may just be another.
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 12:05
There's no point releasing or reading news today - everybody's trying to beat each other with their April Fool's "jokes," but at hte expense their own credibility.

When it's obvious, it's safer, because it's not specifically trying to deceive people, and it can still be funny - but when people can't tell what is and isn't lie, then it's less funny, and the best thing to do is believe nothing.
Joined 19 Jul 2006
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 12:42
TheTipster wrote:
Have you checked the date?

As much as i REALLY REALLY REALLY want this to be true, I can't help but feel it might be an april fool, I have read MANY obvious ones across the internet over the past few hours and feel this may just be another.

The rumour started with a story on March 31st. So... if it is an April Fools, April Fools Day started early this year.

Doesn't mean that the rumour will turn out to be true, of course... but such is the skepticism we have to look at any unnamed source with. Bless the internet.
Tony Capone
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:11
The remake will probably be announced at E3 08. If in fact, it is going to be remade on the PS3. The latest it will be released would be in 2017 for the 20th Anniversary. Long ******* time though, so hope that it'll be remade for the PS3 and Sony is probably begging them to do it anyway. Also, thank the PS3's low sales if it does get remade on the PS3, because Sony may provide a good budget to Square to remake Final Fantasy VII, in hopes to help them rise above the 360. The game will be remade, anyone who doesn't think so is foolish.
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:58
It's April Fools you doughnuts!!!!
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 15:24
there's also going to confirmation of and 26 min 47 sec demo of resistance fall of man for the xbox on the 360s version of gta4, or so says my nameless source on this magical day.
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 17:22
It is possible that it is just and April Fools Day, time will tell
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 17:31
Square Enix fans??

sorry but i was a Squaresoft fan and never anything else post `soft` era nothing felt the same.

but for the love of god, Square, I beg you just remake FF7 with lush new visuals and add some new elements and new spells and objects and items and lose the CG for Render and put it on the 360 and i swear i will buy every square made game forever regardless of what it is!!
Joined 14 Feb 2008
Tue, 1 Apr 2008 17:46
I think they should leave FFVII alone, just incase they ruin it
Joined 16 Mar 2007
Wed, 2 Apr 2008 10:52
That would wreck everything that is final fantasy, Microsoft is not an rpg company. Never have been, Probibly never will.., No one really cares about the 360.. its kinda old news. They are only 6 million ahead of ps3 and with home and plenty exlclusive... Gran turismo, and Metal gear , Final fantasy and final fantasy versus, Killzone , haze , o and if this is true, final fatasy 7.. the list goes on... , I guess u are gonna have Gow2... but I mean.. another shooter.. and halo 3 was half assed. and everyone knows it. Gears and halo are not really inventive and dont really offer new ideas to there genre. BUY PS3 or Learn to swim
Sun, 6 Apr 2008 08:04
I would KILL to play FF7 on the PS3!!! I hate the word rumor!!! If they decide to remake it that would surely mean that the PS3 would sell more because there are a lot of people that would buy it just to play Final Fantasy7!!! Recently, smash bros brawl came out for the wii and the wii sold like crazy here in vegas, they actually ran out of wii!! The same shall happen for ff7! If that game ever comes out for ps3, I will most definately cry!:)
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:42
this was definitely an april fools - it was originally sourced from psxtreme, and they replaced the original article with a 'HAHA APRIL FOOLS EVERYONE'-type thing.
***n00b weblink removed*** />hopefully one day it'll become more than a rumour
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:56
pudgieluv wrote:
That would wreck everything that is final fantasy, Microsoft is not an rpg company. Never have been, Probibly never will.., No one really cares about the 360.. its kinda old news. They are only 6 million ahead of ps3 and with home and plenty exlclusive... Gran turismo, and Metal gear , Final fantasy and final fantasy versus, Killzone , haze , o and if this is true, final fatasy 7.. the list goes on... , I guess u are gonna have Gow2... but I mean.. another shooter.. and halo 3 was half assed. and everyone knows it. Gears and halo are not really inventive and dont really offer new ideas to there genre. BUY PS3 or Learn to swim

Fanboy = Moron

Grow up. The 360 has a lot of good games, the PS3 will (hopefully) have a lot of good games in the future so to avoid disappointment buy both ... and a Wii for that jumping plumber game. Or stop bitching and get over the fact the only good thing you can only play on the PS3 at the moment is a small part of GT5.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 15:14
Lets hope it is a April Fools. Square should use their time to put FF series on ice, and build up some of their other IPs. Clinging to FF is boring and it may yet run out of luck (Dirge and Ring of Fates being lame game cash ins).

Last Remnant looks good. Good to see a game spread across formats once again, loyalty is good but can be your undoing.

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