Microsoft Attorney Digs Masterchief on PlayStation 3

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Topic started: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:32
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Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:32
I prefer masterchief on UT3, they created him with the ability to move faster than the snail's-pace he finds himself limited to in Halo.
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:12
Halo is a stupid game for stupid people.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:19
Don McGowan wrote:
And no one is taking characters from PlayStation games (do they even have any games?) and putting them on our platform

Oooh! Zing!

Not quite!

Microsoft don't allow 3rd party mods on their network, so of course nobody is putting Nathan Drake, Nariko, Ratchet, Helghast, LBP Sackmen, Mantel Troopers, or any other characters from PS3 exclusives onto the 360 - they can't!

Notice nobody is putting Master Chief onto the Wii either (some dodgy Miis apart) for exactly the same reason.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:08
ehh, tyr...I'm pretty sure theres a deeper, with the possible exception of Ratchet, none of those characters are even the slightest bit interesting...which, I think, was the point.

Directed vaguely at the first poster: Two things I'm getting really sick of hearing...complaints about how slow characters run in some FPSes and complaints about how little skill it takes to use a shotgun.

Before some asshat (like the guy in the Halo cheaters thread) jumps to the conclusion that I must be a shottie whore, let me state that I am not (I use everything but concentrate on AR/LMGs), if it were complaints against me I wouldn't mind so much, as I'd only have to listen to them in the lobby of team games...its the constant bitching by by own teammates that really annoys me. As to the first complaint, my answer is :F**k off then, we don't want or need your type playing this game anyway, go have a nice wank in the corner and quit bothering the adults.
Joined 28 Mar 2006
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:08
I wouldn't say you're a shottie whore. I'd say you're a knob that knows little about gaming who needs to get a haircut, and maybe a girl/boyfriend (delete as applicable).

The plain fact that has been picked up on already is that the 360 doesn't support mods. There just isn't the function for putting the PS3's characters into a 360 game. It's easy enough to stick a generic, boring character like Master Chief into just about any game you can mod. But characters like Nathan Drake, Nariko and Ratchet- and yes, they are all interesting to those who have ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAMES- just can't be put into 360 due to the lack of that function. THAT was the point. And it was spot-on. Your points just stink of rancid fanboyism. The plain, undeniable FACT is that you can't mod the unmoddable, and 360 is unmoddable. I personally think this Microsoft guy has made himself look like a right tit, and anyone backing him up is, by default, a giant tit also.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:06
Jesus Christ you f**king w****r, that picture is about as old as you're acting...

The 360 is not just doen't support mods which MS hasn't approved. Personally this bothers me not at all...

If anyhting reeks of fanboysim it would be your comments dismissing the Master Chief as crap, and supporting "your" cast of characters...if tyr had mentioned more characters from established, well-loved franchises, like Ratchet, my point would not stand. However, I don't think you can put the Helghast in the same category as the Master Chief, Ratchet, Sam Fisher, Solid Snake, Mario, Sonic, Gordon Freeman, Dante, Cloud, Sephiroth, Drunken Link, Angelina Jolie, the guy from Castlevania whose name escapes me at the moment or any other characters that people actually care about.

I'm sure Drake's game was fun and all, but its just the one, and I'm not sure anyone is ready to build a cult of personality around him just yet, and the same applies to most of tyr's list...once again, with the exception of Ratchet. In fact, I've heard that Drake comes off as a bit of a w****r.

Rail all you want to about Halo and Master Chief, its a very popular game...what am I saying, its a f**king pop culture phenomenon...and a significant number of people actually care about and are interested in him as a character.

I might think Devil May Cry is an uninteresting button masher that I have no interest in playing, but I'm not such a fanboyish w****r, unlike yourself, that I would deny that the character has a following.

As for the notion that I am somehow defending the guy...thats a bit of an was an off the cuff, throwaway comment, that I found amusing (which obviously makes me a fanboy, because no one but a fanboy thinks the PS3 is suffering from a lack of games right now), and tyr chose a weakass list of characters to refute it.

Your overstated, flammable response doesn't make you look like a fanboy at all...not even a little bit...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:06
ack triple post
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:12
double post
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:57
PreciousRoi wrote:
if tyr had mentioned more characters from established, well-loved franchises, like Ratchet, my point would not stand.

My point wasn't the characters, it was the fact that unapproved mods aren't installable on the 360. The character list was off the top of my head to illustrate a few PS3 exclusive games that had characters that people may wish to mod into UT3.

Besides, given the collection of QIIIA models I've seen out there, I'd not be surprised if somebody was working on a Patapon model for UT3! :-)
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 14:01
Don McGowan wrote:

And no one is taking characters from PlayStation games (do they even have any games?) and putting them on our platform...

I'm guessing he's not a Forza 2 fan then. You can find plenty on PS and Nintendo characters as paint jobs on the Forza Auction House.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 14:14
Oh, of course I understand that, this is something that has already been discussed here, and elsewhere. MS doesn't allow just anything to be distributed over LIVE! and installed on their consoles, in fact they are extremely restrictive. To people who are used to the freedom of PC gaming they might appear oppressively so. Me, I don't mind so much...

But your point kinda reinforces his...PS3 really doesn't have many exclusive characters at this point who would elicit the degree of interest that would make for a notable mod.

Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:26
PreciousRoi wrote:
But your point kinda reinforces his...PS3 really doesn't have many exclusive characters at this point who would elicit the degree of interest that would make for a notable mod.

No, his point was that "nobody is doing it" - my point was that "they can't" - the matter of how many exclusive characters are worth modding into games was yours alone.

His cheap "do they even have any games" was not, to my reading, anything to do with number of quality characters worthy of modding. It was just a sly dig at the number of games on a platform that's been around a year less than his own.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 29 Mar 2008 00:25
I don't think that was his point at all...sure thats what he said...but the way I see it, it was solely a cheap dig at the PS3s lack of games...

...or is it your contention that they guy is so clueless that he doesn't know that 3rd party mods aren't availible on 360?
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:30
PreciousRoi wrote:
...or is it your contention that they guy is so clueless that he doesn't know that 3rd party mods aren't availible on 360?

He's an Attorney, not a technical manager or programmer. He probably doesn't know, or if he does, forgot it for that second when he made his cheap dig at the PS3.

The trouble is, a cheap dig really has to be based in fact. The "do they even have any games" used to be true but no longer (although the 360 has many more games than the PS3), but the "no one is taking characters from PlayStation games ... and putting them on our platform" bit shows a lack of understanding or a foot in mouth incident.

Either way, his cheap dig comes off as clueless or misinformed and because of that loses it's "zing".

Turn it around and ask yourself, if someone at Sony had said "This shows that poeple love the PS3, nobody is putting that amount of effort into modding 360 games," would you be as understanding of their intentions or would you write them off as clueless?
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:05
PreciousRoi wrote:

two brilliant paragraphs

Bloody Mario Kart ads ate my post. Umm, gotta do this quick before it locks me up again.

Cheap shots are based on hyperbole, "I didn't even think the PS3 had any games." is an appropriately hyperbolic statement of the actual facts. The PS3's catalog is inadequate at the moment, as rosy as the future might look the facts on the ground are that the PS3's catalog looks weak. Right off the top of my head, no proper PlayStation should be without a proper Gran Turismo, and they just released Prologe. They are just getting their controller situation sorted as well...err, ok whatev, better quit while I can still post.

edit: OK umm, if Sony said something like that, I'd see it as a cheap shot trying to draw attention, sidewise, to the fact that XBL restricts content. Just like I see this guys statement as a way of drawing attention away from this fact. Its the sound bite version of "Hey, look over there"

If I were MS though, I'd probably respond thusly:
Oh yeah? Well your mom told me the reason she's not messing around with mods is she has too many great games to play on her 360, maybe if she only had one or two decent games she might see the point...then we had the sex...

Further edit:I never thought I'd ever see George III in a sympatheic light, but somehow HBO's John Adams managed to do it.
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