Capcom: PS3 Can't Support Online Betas

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Topic started: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:27
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:27
He is soo right:

'You want something/someone to blame? Blame the law of economics'

Over 17million Xbox 360's sold and with Xbox Live being 1 global network makes sense.

If both the PS3 and 360 are selling very well then of course it makes sense to make a game for both if you have the time and money.

But some developers who prefer exclusives have their reasons such as receiving lots of cash for an exclusive its always the way.

Anyhow interesting that one must purchase an Xbox Live arcade game to be entered into a 'BETA' of a classic arcade game that has been on 16bit consoles...Seems kinda well retarded...
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:57
What about the Home beta and warhawk?Capcom is full of it.
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:08
Can't do betas?

Yet there was a Warhawk Beta
And Currently there is a Home Beta.
Soon there will be a MGO beta, KZ2 beta, and LBP beta.

Can't do betas eh?
Stfu Crapcom.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:24
You do realise those betas that you mention are all inhouse betas right and exclusive to the Sony platform?? *rolls eyes* I doubt Sony have to go to themselves for permission on a beta...
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:48
Capcom are speaking bullshit. The European "Beta trials" have been around since SOCOM 1 on PS2. Capcom themselves have used them for an online PS2 game or two, and I think a PSP one too. If anything, due to downloadable content, it's easier to do these days than it was back then. In fact, the Euro-betas have just finished a short trial of a certain racing game. Not an inhouse game but is platform exclusive. Capcom are speaking total twaddle. Perhaps the fact is that you don't pay for the beta trials on PS3, and that Japanese beta tests are probably not in place as they just don't "get" social gaming yet.
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:35
Can't do betas? Hello... Home beta? Warhawk Beta?
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:39
Wow? what kind of mindless drivel did I just read? As someone else pointed out Home beta, Warhawk beta. Yet Capcom doesn't seem to think the PS3 can do online betas? Gotta love when MS throws money at a company to sling out it's own FUD.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:08
I'll add my two pence in.

Home and Warhawk Betas are both Sony in house projects so of course they'll know how to do them. SSF2T is third party Capcom's baby and frankly Capcom have more experience in the online aspects of 360 and Live.

Look at the games capcom have done on Live. Dead Rising and Lost Planet in particular taught Capcom a lot about 360 and Live, long before PSN existed. It then comes as no surprise that they know how to deal with 360 and Live more. The purchase of one of their games to get the beta, is just following the Crackdwon model, that made Halo 3s beta such a hit. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Sony need to get their act together at their end, if they want such betas for their customers too. Free service or not has nothing to do with it, like the man said, Capcom do want to make money via MS and Sony if possible.

What can I say, it sucks to be a PS3 owner right now.
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:31
This article is lame... haven't heard about the HOME beta, have ya?
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 17:21
Joji wrote:
I'll add my two pence in.

Home and Warhawk Betas are both Sony in house projects so of course they'll know how to do them. SSF2T is third party Capcom's baby and frankly Capcom have more experience in the online aspects of 360 and Live.

Look at the games capcom have done on Live. Dead Rising and Lost Planet in particular taught Capcom a lot about 360 and Live, long before PSN existed. It then comes as no surprise that they know how to deal with 360 and Live more. The purchase of one of their games to get the beta, is just following the Crackdwon model, that made Halo 3s beta such a hit. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Sony need to get their act together at their end, if they want such betas for their customers too. Free service or not has nothing to do with it, like the man said, Capcom do want to make money via MS and Sony if possible.

What can I say, it sucks to be a PS3 owner right now.

Okay so then explain the Metal Gear online beta coming up April 14th, as stated capcom is full of s**t.
Joined 28 Jan 2008
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 17:23

Law of economics says your stupid to ignore the over 11 million PS3 user base.
Apparently you believe all developers are stupid and don't want as much money as possible across all systems.
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 18:07
Why does everyone ignore that fact that Warhawk was NOT first party? That's a third-party title with a beta on PSN. Case closed, Capcom is full of crap. Just tell the truth Capcom, we'd respect you more for that. Corporate lies are getting harder and harder to swallow.
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:40
Err... why does everyone think that Metal Gear came from the NES? It started on the MSX2 (far more powerful than the NES), then was later ported to the NES due to its popularity.

The quality difference was also huge between the MSX2 original and NES port. There is an article in the Japanese Playstation Magazine this month, titled "The History of Metal Gear", and it has screenshots of the MSX2 version. There is not a single mention of the NES version in that article. Sort of for the same reason why people rarely talk about the SNES version of SF2 except when they are reminiscing the good old days of console gaming.
Joined 28 Mar 2006
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:44
Hmmm, weirdness. Capcom have had experience with the PlayStation2 online (e.g. Monster Hunter, Resident Evil Outbreak etc) and as far as I can remember there may have been beta tests for them; and it is far simpler to distribute content through the net now for beta testing purposes; and there is allegedly a PS3 beta community ready, willing and able to test whatever is thrown at them... well, this story smells, as if Capcom are doing a big poo on PS3 after lunching with Microsoft for too long.

Capcom have gone weird, let's spread rumours that they smell of wee and eat out of bins.
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:12
This is utter bull!

I am part of the BETA program for SONY and confirm that the BETA program has been running since PS2, how else do you think SONY is testing HOME?

Sounds to me like Capcom is under the pay roll of Bill Gates...
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