Sony's PS3 Hits One Million In UK

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Topic started: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:36
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:36
Hang on a sec, I thought Sony said they outsold Microsoft's 360 in December and were bragging on in cheer making it sound like the 360 sold a couple but PS3 sold tons??

Now they are saying 360 and PS3 were neck and neck during December and it was over the last 4 weeks the PS3 was outselling the 360??? WTF???

In any case looking at world wide sales I dont see the PS3 ever outselling the 360 it still has to sell around 9million more consoles to even reach 360 world wide sales.

Why are people buying a cheap ass blu-ray player with crappy graphics and installation times and a crap pad??
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:42
err... maybe because they prefer something which actually works some consecutive months?!
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:50
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Hang on a sec, I thought Sony said they outsold Microsoft's 360 in December and were bragging on in cheer making it sound like the 360 sold a couple but PS3 sold tons??

Now they are saying 360 and PS3 were neck and neck during December and it was over the last 4 weeks the PS3 was outselling the 360??? WTF???

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

Sony's numbers were for all of Europe/PAL, these numbers are Chart-Track's numbers and are for the UK only. The UK is roughly 25-30% of the PAL region and the UK is the only place where the sales have been matched recently. Everywhere else, the PS3 has been outselling the 360 for quite a while.
Joined 6 Jul 2007
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:00
>Why are people buying a cheap ass blu-ray player with crappy graphics and installation >times and a crap pad??

Ask yourself that Q. You did (ahem) buy one after all.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:52
i took it back and got my £425 back!
Joined 6 Jul 2007
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:02
Yes, yes but WHY did you buy one ? We know you `sold` it from one of your previous ramblings. Wasn't it a Limited Edition Crystal (transparent/invisible) version ?
I heard you managed to sell your air guitar too.
Joined 24 Jan 2006
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:50
And these figures are supplied by the same people who said it sold out week of lauch?

Joined 14 Jan 2008
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 19:04
This is good news, and further shows the popularity of the PlayStation series. Last year was apparantly 'crap' for the PS3, so if it has already hit 1 million, God knows what'll be this time next year after the likes of MGS4, Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 come out.

Its obvious the PS3 will outsell the 360 this year. The 360's already running out of steam and the PS3 is picking up the pace fairly quickly.

But I wonder how many of those 360 sales were new units sent out to people who got the RROD?
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 19:28
Earl wrote:
And these figures are supplied by the same people who said it sold out week of lauch?

These figures are from Chart-Track who provided the launch figures for the PS3 and never said it sold out. These are UK figures in case you're thinking of another country.
Cap'n sensible.
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 19:40
Fanboys should be surgically neutered.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 20:45
Poor old SuperSa***n, first the Blu-Ray news, now this. Things just go from bad to worse.
Joined 28 Mar 2006
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:08
Wow, SO many flaws in what SuperSaiyan says today. Last I heard, SS had bought a PS3 and even boasted about it in that smug signature, for bleedin' ages. Suddenly "I took it back" and the signature changed. I doubt very, very much SS ever even had one. There's a lie in here somewhere; either "I had one and took it back" or "I had one for ages and so I have used it and I know what I am on about". Either way; lies.

Hmm, what next can I point out as lunacy? Maybe the total inability of SuperSaiyan to read the words in the article. For example, the article says "according to Chart-Track", so SS reads this as "Sony are saying"... What an idiot. You really should try reading what it says in the article, rather than listening to your brain's stupid distorted fanboy interpretation. That is, if you don't want to come across as a total moron. Perhaps you enjoy people believing you are basically retarded, in which case, continue in the manner you have done for so long. You only make yourself look foolish. Well, I suppose you do taint 360 owners too, which is a shame as they don't deserve to be lumped in with an imbecile like you. In fact, you may well be responsible for the rise of PS3, as people flock to buy them just so they are as little like you as possible.

Also... it's a "cheap ass blu-ray player with crappy graphics and installation times and a crap pad", is it? Well, at the very least, it has Blu-Ray built in. Well done Sony, for the forward-thinking there. Now my games can contain 50GB of data if necessary, maybe more. OH NO! What a drawback. Errr, not really. Installation times? Not all games have that, and if a one-off procedure means a game runs smoothly in the future, great! Nice that all PS3s have hard-discs to install to though, isn't it? So that the developers know they can use it if they want. Unlike... hmmmm....
And a crap pad? Ha! The PS pad layout was the best innovation in gaming when it arrived for the PS1, and it's been a superb design ever since. Copied, and modified badly by Microsoft into something that looks and feels like a Fisher Price toy. So for me, the Dual-Shock wins over the 360 pad, every time. And the buttons on the 360 pad are horrible and sticky and uncomfortable. Sure, it don't rumble at the mo, but it will. It's a great pad and you are mental, because the 360 pad was so blatantly inspired by the DualShock design. Although they wronged it up good somehow. Fair play on the 360 pad for keeping rumble though, it's one thing I kinda miss, but have got used to, only because I am patient enough to look forward to the return.

I'm not having a pop at all 360 owners, but SuperSaiyan gives them a bad name by making up stupid lies, pointing out faults that don't exist, and just generally being a t**t. What a dick.... AGAIN.

Face facts, you may have well backed the wrong horse. Grow up and take it like a man. Or a woman, whatever you are. I can't tell from that avatar. Definitely a t**t though.
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 05:59
Yeah... No real major releases on the p3 and in one year it almost caught up! How awesome is that? just wait until some rpgs and this xmas happens! we'll see whos on top! Resistance 2, killzone 2, gta 4, little big planet, mgs4, ff13 (if it comes out then), white knight stories, last remnant, haze...mmmm... I can keep going but i think u get the picture! the short lived time of the 360 is over and it was very short lived... hmmm kinda like xbox 1. figure that 2 failing systems in a row! hopefully their next step is to go back to P.C.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:05
Bentley wrote:
Hmm, what next can I point out as lunacy? Maybe the total inability of SuperSaiyan to read the words in the article. For example, the article says "according to Chart-Track", so SS reads this as "Sony are saying"... What an idiot. You really should try reading what it says in the article, rather than listening to your brain's stupid distorted fanboy interpretation.

Calm down Bentley, I've said in some previous posts that SuperSa***n is either a 12 year old boy with ADD or a Sony plant. There's no point getting mad with him 'cause it only serves to feed his troll like tendencies, it's like having an argument with a drunken tramp.
Joined 14 Jan 2008
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:50
If SuperSaiyan has sold his PS3, i'm the President of the US. He's been saying for a couple of weeks now that he's sold his PS3, yet I keep meeting a guy on Resistance online called 'SuperSayin'. He was on there when he was bragging about his PS3, now he's still on there when he's 'sold' his console.

Coincidence me thinks. But yeah, you guys are right, he's still a t**t.
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