High Court Slaughters Manhunt 2

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Topic started: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:10
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Joined 28 Mar 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:10
This is RIDICULOUS now. So one of four judgements went the wrong way, and so it must be banned? That judgement being that "kids might see it"? This applies to ALL ADULT MEDIA! For f**k's sake, what a retarded conclusion they came to! Let's close down TV after 9pm in case kiddies see some titties too then, shall we? Why stop at one game? Let's burn down the whole entertainment industry, ban the Internet, make cleavage illegal and stop selling alcohol too, because kids MIGHT be exposed to these EVILS of SEX and VIOLENCE and DEBAUCHERY.

Kids can get to see any adult material if the parents don't care, and the BBFC don't make it clear enough to the parents that if they allow their kids to see it, it is THEY, the PARENTS, who are responsible. NOBODY ELSE.

Utterly, utterly ridiculous. If it does come out I will buy it just to support Rockstar for standing up for our rights to freedom of choice. And if it does not come out, I will import it from Holland and anyone who attempts to stop me is going to get a screwdriver rammed up their urethra.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:23
I can't believe I actually agree completely, wholeheartedly and vehemently, with something Bentley has said. Speechless am I.

edit:This whole topic must be locked, archived, and sealed until 3007. And we will never speak of it again.
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 21:04
we still on this? for f**k sake let it go the first one was s**t why the hell would the second be any better? if ya ask me they're doing us a favour
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 01:12
PreciousRoi wrote:
I can't believe I actually agree completely, wholeheartedly and vehemently, with something Bentley has said. Speechless am I.

edit:This whole topic must be locked, archived, and sealed until 3007. And we will never speak of it again.

The year is 3007 Fanboys have reached an all time high and the worlds only hope is two forum members - he`s a 360 fan with a hard attitude and an even harder opinion, and hes PS3 fan with funny shoes and even funnier nose!, together they are `Precious Bentley`!, coming soon get ready to laugh and cry!

Fox News - its the best thing since the full on graphic orgy in Mass Effect 2:


ill leave it up to you to decide whos who
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:15
Ooh, and I can be done by ILM as a kind of Yoda-meetsJack Klugman's Oscar Madison. Bentley, as Felix...aww hell, lets just cram Tony Randall into a robot suit and have done

Narrator: On November 13, Bentley was asked to remove himself from his place of residence; that request came from his wife, who accused him of loving his PS3 and the SPOnG forum more than her . Deep down, he knew she was right, but he also knew that some day he would return to her. With nowhere else to go, he appeared at the home of fellow SPOnG forum member PreciousRoi, Roi's wife had thrown HIM and his 360 out, requesting that HE never return, citing similar reasons. Can two divorced men share an apartment, a dsl line and a single high definition television without driving each other crazy?

Bentley:Everything you've ever owned is on that bed!
Roi:Not true, I got some stuff under the mattress.
(Bentley backs away and peers cautiously at the space beneath Roi's bed.)
(pointing at Roi's bed with shaking finger.)
Bentley: There are things living under there!
Roi:Yeah? Think of it as my answer to Little Big Planet and Spore.
Bentley:I wondered why I kept coming down with something...
Roi:Oh shut up, you f**king hypochondriac!
Bentley:Everybody thinks I'm a hypochondriac...It makes me sick.
(looks down nose at Roi)
Bentley:At least I'm not fat...
Roi:Dude...thats just "fun" fat, everybody over the age of 30 has that. They also call them "love handles".(smirks)
Bentley:Well, I don't...(once again with the looking down the nose)
Roi:You never have any fun, either...
Bentley:And another thing, when I moved in here, the agreement was, half the rent, and half the utilities...
(glowers and affects a James Earl Jones-esque voice)
Roi:Perhaps you feel you're being treated unfairly?
Bentley:I just don't think your LIVE! account counts as a utility Plus, You said I could have exclusive use of the dsl line on Monday...
Roi (still with the voice):I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:22
(Roi, Bentley, haritori, and SuperSayian4 are all preparing to play HALO 3, Roi having borrowed and extra box for Bentley who is playing against his will. Their very attractive neighbor suddenly comes over, visibly distressed, leaving the door open)
Bentley:Lindsay? What's wrong?
Lindsay:Oh...its...its just this girl I went to school with, in Omaha, she called me up one day and asked me how's California? And I'm like “Its great!”, because, you know, its not Nebraska... So she ends up inviting herself out here, and shes over at my place, right now, and she won't shut up about all the guys she slept with in Omaha...which is like, all the guys in Omaha...shes a total whore...
Roi:(interrupts) Are we gonna sit here and be regaled with the tale of the “Whore of Omaha” or are we gonna play some Halo?
Bentley(turns toward him):Oh, I'm sure shes not a whore...
Lindsay:Oh she's a total whore, she has absolutely no standards...
Haritori:Hey, has anyone seen SuperSayian?
(camera pans rooms, he is not seen)
SuperSayian4(offcamera):Hey, I heard you're new in down and I thought..
(Lindsay slams door, looking horrified)
Roi:Oh f**king great! Now we only got 3 people...
Lindsay:Hey, if you guys need a fourth, I could play...
Bentley:There we go, thats a good idea...
Roi:Uh noooo, thats not an idea, the wheel was a great idea, Relativity was a great idea, this is a notion and a horrible one at that...
Lindsay(stamps foot):Whyy?
Roi:Oh, Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay...
Lindsay(getting pissed):Oh, What, What, What?
Roi(rapid-fire):This is a complex battle simulation, with a steep learning curve. There are a myriad of weapons, vehicles, and strategies to master, not to mention (Lindsay picks up 360 controller off couch) an intricate backstory...(we hear an explosion)
Lindsay(coos):Ooh cool, whos head did I blow off?
Lindsay:OK, I got this, Lock and Load, boys!
(Roi looks at Haritori)
Haritori(shrugs):Well if its the only way we can get four people...
Roi:Yeah, but whoever's on her team will be hamstrung by her lack of experience and...(we hear another explosion)
Lindsay:There goes your head again...
Roi:OK that just shows a lack of sportsmanship, killing someone when they just re...(another explosion)..spawn...OK thats just not fair! (hurriedly picks up controller)

(much later)
Roi:Hari, Hari, Cover me Hari, dammit she's got me cornered!
Lindsay:Cover this, suckers!(massive explosion)
Bentley:Lindsay, you are on fyah!
Lindsay:Yeah, so is Roi!
Roi(Stands up):OK I don't know how but she's cheating! No one can be that attractive and that skilled at a videogame!(storms off)
Lindsay(turns from game):Wait, wait Roi, come back you forgot something...
Roi(turns back and walks toward her):What?
Lindsay(turns back to game, gleefully):This plasma grenade! (Cackles, massive explosion)

*most of this was stolen from an American sitcom
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 13:35
daz wrote:
we still on this? for f**k sake let it go the first one was s**t why the hell would the second be any better? if ya ask me they're doing us a favour

There's a principle being missed here, and it's an incredibly important one.

Bo one here is saying anything about Manhunt 2 being any good as a game. And few of us would buy it. But we should be given the choice not to buy it. Freedom is being eroded - it's being eroded all the time. Corporations are suing it out of people, governments are prosecuting it out. But here, in this case, Manhunt is being persecuted unfairly, it is no more objectionable than many works that are in distribution, but because it is a "game" it is presumed to be aimed at children, and banned.

Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 21:42
yeah, but I hate it when sitcoms attempt to deal with serious issues.

The Facts of Life where Natalie and Tootie buy the bongs was just horrible.
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:25
LOL now this is the height of hypocrasy really read this..

***n00b weblink removed*** />
listed to what the BBFC say about the film, it's a joke and Rockstar should sue these pricks for loss of earnings.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 17:27
PreciousRoi wrote:
yeah, but I hate it when sitcoms attempt to deal with serious issues.

The Facts of Life where Natalie and Tootie buy the bongs was just horrible.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg9ZOgbtmEU and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwjSJ3__jVY if you want to cringe, also for those facts of life uneducated UKians see what all the fun is about :)

Sun, 27 Jan 2008 17:34
haritori wrote:
PreciousRoi wrote:
yeah, but I hate it when sitcoms attempt to deal with serious issues.

The Facts of Life where Natalie and Tootie buy the bongs was just horrible.

***n00b weblink removed*** if you want to cringe, also for those facts of life uneducated UKians see what all the fun is about :)

worst thing ever, that's worst that The office US (never thought i'd say that)
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:27
I think they should ban Burnout and Gran Turismo! Both of these games have caused me, a sane, normal (within reasonable parameters) businessman to go out on the streets with a huge metal killing machine, and behave irresponsibly, and recklessly.

No shooting game has ever had this effect on me.

Burnout specifically glorifies driving irresponsibly, and implores players to ram other cars off the road.

Ban this evil filth!

king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:30
DoctorDee wrote:
I think they should ban Burnout and Gran Turismo! Both of these games have caused me, a sane, normal (within reasonable parameters) businessman to go out on the streets with a huge metal killing machine, and behave irresponsibly, and recklessly.

I also think I'm now an amazing driver after playing Gran Turismo and Forza and have a tendency to take the racing line when driving!
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:38
I'm just glad I never got the wheel...had to check myself several times already...but then, I pretty much always drove like that. I've owned two automatic transmission cars in my life, a big honking '78 Dodge van (nothing like driving a big van that says "D
" right on the front of it) and a Taurus(yecch), both times my left foot would get sooo bored. Course that was back when gas was a dollar, but we had to walk 5 miles through the snow to get it, uphill both ways...
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:16
PreciousRoi wrote:
uphill both ways...

You were lucky. We had to walk 10 miles, through freezing fire on our hands and knees, backwards. Then pay 5 bucks a gallon to have to drill for our own oil, which we had to refine ourselves, by hand, using a process of fractional distillation. Only to find out that we didn't have a car. AND we lived in a hole on the central reservation of the A62. We used to dream of having cardboard to cower under. etc. [ad lib to fade]

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