Mark Rein: Why Is Unreal Tournament 3 Slower on PlayStation 3?

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Topic started: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 18:46
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Wed, 5 Dec 2007 18:46
2008 will definitely be the year of the PS3. These exclusives confirm it:

Metal Gear Solid 4
Gran Turismo 5
Final Fantasy 13
Tekken 6
Killzone 2
L.A. Noire
The Agency
Coded Arms: Assault
Eight Days
FIA World Touring Car Championship
The Getaway 3
Red Dead Revolver 2
Heavy Rain
White Knight Chronicles
thomas logic
Wed, 5 Dec 2007 18:53
Mark is a logical man. Kudos for the PSN as it's design is built for gaming in mind. Can't wait for this one, less than 1 week. YEH.
Wed, 5 Dec 2007 19:45
News was released about UT3 will be out next week before you posted your article. Please update that line.
Wed, 5 Dec 2007 23:14
jgjkgkgfkgkgkgkf wrote:
2008 will definitely be the year of the PS3. These exclusives confirm it:

Metal Gear Solid 4
Gran Turismo 5
Final Fantasy 13
Tekken 6
Killzone 2
L.A. Noire
The Agency
Coded Arms: Assault
Eight Days
FIA World Touring Car Championship
The Getaway 3
Red Dead Revolver 2
Heavy Rain
White Knight Chronicles

I use to be a tit like yourself who throught naming lots of games was cool. To be honest over half of those games mentioned have a chance of falling into the Lair category. I havent got a ps3, think its a pile of junk just now, mgs4 will force me to buy one, lets hope it gets delayed till 2009.
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 02:36
Time will tell, it's not to say that the 360 also has it's share of failures as well. At least the PS3's hardware isn't a failure like the 360's red ring of death. Looks like jgjkgkgfkgkgkgkf drank the cool aid. Don't be fooled, both platforms will have good and bad games, but the PS3 has the potential of moving way beyond. Developers have to create software to the lowest common denominator, this means that since there are 360 consoles out there without hard drives, all games need to be developed not to utilize hard drive for game caching. The PS3's lowest common denominator is much higher. It's cheapest unit has a hard drive and great processor plus a 200gig BlueRay capacity (Future Projection). I think I'll go with a PS3.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 09:24
Mark Rein firstly is a two face idiot.

Of course he isn't going to slag off the PS3 version I mean who in their right mind would do that especially when making a game for the PS3??

What amuses me is if this had been the 360 version (released first and compared against the PC version) all Sony fans would be laughing their asses off and saying how the PS3 version will be better when released.
Hell they are doing it now even after Mark Rein trying to justify the reasons which again are stupid! I mean whats that bit about using your whole arm???? I use my hands when playing on the keyboard & mouse and the control pad.

Also I dont need mods I can just as well enjoy any game without having mods I am interested in just playing the damn game, I say leave mods on the PC.

Lastly most of those games listed for the PS3 are unheard of like you and all other PS3 fans they just do a google and copy and paste.

Xbox 360 has a killer line up in the first quarter alone next year with Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Too Human, Lost Odessy.

Where are all those lovely RPG's Sony used to have? Even though Sony might have a better selection of games next year sorry but the 360 has established itself as the true THIS GEN gaming system.
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 10:28
Hmmm ok if you want to talk about the best "this gen" system dont ignore the ps2.... its been out for a while yea but in terms of games... nothing beats it... this next gen war is what everyones bickering about and in my opinion both systems are going to pretty much the same in terms of content although the ps3 does give you more value for your money currently and the 360 has its larger selection of games currently but either way both systems are not a bad buy however the wii is honestly the most innovative of the 3 and its not a bank buster so it seems like this entire round of next gen systems is just going to wind up being a stalemate... atleast for the next 2-3 years because all 3 systems have their perks and none of them are really a bad buy you cant go wrong buying any one of the systems at the moment... the ps3 has its blu ray drive (a system seller right there) the 360 has its large selection of games, and xbox live is currently better than what the competition offers and the wii is just so different and cheap its almost a crime not to want to buy it so you can have a party at your house..

Bottom line is theres no point in bickering over which system is better, they all work great at different things and eventually well see which one turns out on top in terms of sales (not games or performance as flooding a market with games does not mean you own a higher market share or having a better performing system e.g. dreamcast vs ps2 vs xbox)
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 11:10
i hate this guy, he's a two faced c**t & a smary sales man....
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 11:26
There is no argument that the PS3 even the degraded version is infact very good value for money.

But given the fact that Xbox 360 with the features it has for its full online support which I am sure I dont need to go into details as its just constantly repeating myself and the games the 360 has its a situation of some either being loyal Sony fans or loyal Microsoft fans or those not so sure which to get.

I have been gaming for many years I know what I want out a games console but even though my absolute fave is the 360 for plenty of reasons of bought a PS3 60gb at £425 as well purely because of its hardware but then the software will no doubt start to appear later on.

With Unreal Tournament 3 that game isnt even coming out this year in Europe for the PS3 its sometime next year because of the different languages so it could be worth just importing the US version I guess.

I am happy to play on the PS3 as long as it has exclusives that I like, I even bought and completed Ninja Gaiden Sigma which was basically a rehash of the original Xbox version but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Give the consumer games and the choice is better, Microsoft has a foothold on the more serious gamer market with the 360 with Nintendo having the bigger share because of its different approach to gaming that is appealing to all sorts of folk that otherwise would not be into gaming.

I dont like coming across as a loony fanboy am a fan of the Xbox 360 as much as I believe its a great machine even though Microsoft have had issues with it which now seem to be rectified.

This gen the only thing that seperates Sony and Microsoft thus far is the online features and games as time goes by we will have to see how the 2 compare but next gen after this will be very interesting as I believe thats when you will see gamers purchasing systems based more on loyality as hardware wise both Microsoft and Sony will want to release monsterous machines.
Joined 19 Dec 2005
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 12:42
This so called 'open' Playstation Network in my mind in not a good thing. It's confusing and bad for the gamer in the long run. If they do release it on the Xbox I hope the mods go through Live so all the Xbox owners out there just get the tried and tested, good stuff, not every half baked pieces of crap. Uniformity and closed systems are what make console gaming a joy. If you want open, play on your PC!

As for PS3 sales figures doing 'well', come on! The Xbox 360 was the underdog, every sale they get is a bonus. Compare the PS3 to say, ummm, the PS2! PS2 is still wiping the floor with its brother over a year after release. And hello... have you totally forgotten how the Wii has already owned you?

Finally, the PS3 good value for money? Well you first need to forget the fact that in the UK Sony royally shaft you compared to their prefered region customers. Secondly, you assume that Blu-ray is an investment you want to make! 2 years from now it could be Betamax 2.0 and you spend a ton on a technology you didnt need and no longer want.

Personally Im not for or against the PS3 or Blu-ray. I dont think theres a 'winner' in the console wars and Im happy with whatever next gen disc makes it. But come on guys, dont drink the cool aid! Its obvious the PS3 is far from the success story you would expect following a success like the PS2. Dont try and turn negatives into positives!
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 12:55
Yeah, I agree, I wouldn't be upset if only the best mods made it to LIVE!...sounds good to me.

360 has already fulfilled the "win" conditions I set way back when...Sony, on the other hand, could be headed for an unequivocal "loss".
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 14:31
PreciousRoi wrote:
360 has already fulfilled the "win" conditions I set way back when...Sony, on the other hand, could be headed for an unequivocal "loss".

They must have been extremely lenient conditions. I'm guessing something like get to market first, have an 'i' in the company name.

Thu, 6 Dec 2007 14:31
to PreciousRoi

they will loose after one slow year? you live in your tiny little world of your own while the PS users look forward to a holy 2008.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 14:31
vinthedean wrote:
News was released about UT3 will be out next week before you posted your article. Please update that line.

Hi, if you are referring to Rein's guess (reported here) regarding December 10th or 11th store date, he was talking about the US. No mention of Europe was made.

If there's anything else - and I've missed it - please feel free to email me at



Thu, 6 Dec 2007 15:52
habba boo
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