US PlayStation 3 Sales Triple Over Thanksgiving

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Topic started: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:17
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Joined 30 Oct 2006
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:17
Did all consoles increase their sales over thanksgiving, or was it just the PS3.

If this was the busiest weekend in the US, then the figures don't really mean much unless we get the same information for the other consoles for comparison
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:26
It is very misleading when someone says 'increased sales by 300%' or other huge figure.

If a console is selling poorly to start with and suddenly it starts selling over a 1 day period such as this then yes its figures will be compared to its previous sales figures which have been poor for the PS3.

Both the Wii and 360 are doing very well so obviously their sale spike isnt going to be as high as the PS3's.
Thomas Logic
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:55
Gamers are upgrading to the PS3. The prices is right, the games are out, the PSN service is exactly what a gamer wants (no fee or gamer tax like the 360) but with all the functionality a gamer needs. The Wii online is non existent so nothing to slam there. The tech behind the PS3 is truly awesome. Glad to see some Sony love retuning.
Joined 16 Oct 2007
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 14:16
Thomas Logic wrote:
The Wii online is non existent so nothing to slam there.

Untrue; I enjoy the online aspects of my Wii so far, and I'm seriously looking forward to being able to play Smash Bros. online. I'm actually one of those people who appreciates there being no headset for Wii games... experiences with headsets and pre-pubescent American kids can be enough to turn someone off a game for good.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:41
Thomas Logic wrote:
Gamers are upgrading to the PS3. The prices is right, the games are out, the PSN service is exactly what a gamer wants (no fee or gamer tax like the 360) but with all the functionality a gamer needs. The Wii online is non existent so nothing to slam there. The tech behind the PS3 is truly awesome. Glad to see some Sony love retuning.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry for laughing but its amazing what people will say when they take crack.

First and foremost those with ONLY a PS3 are NOT and I repeat NOT gamers.

PS3 has no decent games, 99% of its games are ports and pretty much all of them are bad ports.

PSN is what everyone wants? Biggest joke of the century.

Xbox Live is the REAL online experience I think you should go back to rehab before you hurt yourself with more stupid comments.

I got both machines and there is no way in HELL I would get rid of my 360 I want games! And am loving the 360 do you have a game like Mass Effect? Will the PS3 ever have a game like it? No, and to make it worse Too Human another trilogy and big title is 360 ONLY.

And what about RPG's? Which console is getting the most support? Xbox 360

There is more Japanese developer support this time round than before for the Xbox.

I am sorry but the PS3 just isnt a games console.
Joined 6 Jul 2007
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:25
>its amazing what people will say when they take crack

It certainly is.

Maybe you bought a PS3 for the superior BluRay playback over the clunky HD DVD drive only but others are enjoying the PS3 and its growing variety of games i.e not all WAR & Shooting.

The Xbox is not a console, it's a (poorly made) toy for teenagers to play war on.

thomas Logic
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 17:10
'First and foremost those with ONLY a PS3 are NOT and I repeat NOT gamers.'
ya, right. the PS3 is made for high def gaming from day 1. HDMI 1.3, 7.1, Blu-Ray storage, BlueTooth wireless, expandable HD to any 2.5 size. Wireless online, charge and play out of the box. Truly built for gaming, puts the 360 to shame.

'PS3 has no decent games, 99% of its games are ports and pretty much all of them are bad ports.'
Never heard of WarHawk, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, MotorStorm? All 4 awesome games and match anything the 360 has.

'PSN is what everyone wants? Biggest joke of the century.'
Only a joke to you as millions of gamers use it every day. Keep paying for your xbox 5 year old P2P service. Don't want or need it.

'Xbox Live is the REAL online experience I think you should go back to rehab before you hurt yourself with more stupid comments.'
I'm in rehab? Typical xbox mentality. Can;t take it eh?

'I got both machines and there is no way in HELL I would get rid of my 360 I want games! And am loving the 360 do you have a game like Mass Effect? Will the PS3 ever have a game like it? No, and to make it worse Too Human another trilogy and big title is 360 ONLY.'
Mass Effect? More like Mass Boring. Too Human? A GameCube game? 4 years in development? You want me to go there?

'And what about RPG's? Which console is getting the most support? Xbox 360'
Don't play em.

'There is more Japanese developer support this time round than before for the Xbox.'
But the sales speak volumes and all PS3 versions of the same software sells 10 times more so Japanese support is only there as long as MS writes the payoff cheques.

'I am sorry but the PS3 just isnt a games console.
No need to apologize for your waste of 360 cash.

So many xbot idiots, so few bullets, logically speaking.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 17:32
Clearly the internet needs it's own Security Council to end these kind of flame wars. I suggest bombing the entire tuberweb with ice buckets and afterwars the ice from the ice buckets for good measure.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:14
Yes speak about those specs and then go look at the DEGRADED model did Microsoft do that? No.

Just keep telling yourself the PS3 is a games console its hardly got anything worth playing and all the ports are inferior to the 360's versions because the 360 has better hardware for gaming, want me to go there?

How is Mass Effect boring? I am sure if it was a PS3 title you would be loving it.

Too Human? Oh you had to go pick on that as well since its another 360 exclusive lmfao.

Face it PS3 fans are clueless tossers that think they know what gaming is about and I did NOT buy a PS3 for its blu-ray playback I prefer my 360 add-on since HD-DVD is better.
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:44
so who's really the idiot here.. the guy that bangs on about his ps3. or the guy that forked out £420 (i assume, but i'm sure you'll retort otherwise) for a ps3, and seemingly hates it. always slagging it off, even though, his knowledge is so extensive of it, that he knows that its bad for gaming, online, and blu ray playback, its 3 main features.

Joined 6 Jul 2007
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:53
Exactly MrAntony.
I merely join in these `discussions` for the sheer amusement. It was an easy trap to set, the guy lists a PS3 in his tag to try and fool people into thinking he has one, therefore he as a fair and balanced view (when constantly slagging off PS3).
But it has no games, he says. Nothing worth playing. Leaving only the option of Blu Ray playback as the only reason for his purchase. But simply suggest to him that Blu Ray is superior and his brain blows, and it's back to Xbot mode...

"and I did NOT buy a PS3 for its blu-ray playback I prefer my 360 add-on since HD-DVD is better"
Face it, if has a PS3 he's a wasteful idiot. If he doesn't he's a lying idiot.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:06
I aint no lying idiot, those with only a PS3 are lying to themselves that they bought a games console.

How many exclusives do you have on the PS3 that are even comparable to the 360? Hardly any.

Pretty much all the PS3 games were flops and hardly sold that many.

Sony have got soo desperate to try and sell PS3's that they brought out the Degraded Station.

What about all those lovely ports? You like waiting? You like inferior versions?

I know my hardware and I know what gaming is all about, you sit there playing jack sh1t on the PS3 whilst I am playing some awesome titles like Mass Effect.

The PS3 is turning into a shooterbox as well so no more slagging off the 360 as being a shooter box.

360 has all the best titles and best hardware, best interface, best online, best controller.

The Xbox 360 is a PURE games console through and through the PS3 is nothing more than a high end blu-ray player.
Joined 30 Oct 2006
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:31
ok, going back to the original article, PS3 sales over thanksgiving.

As I said originally, a 300% sales increase means nothing without the same information for the other consoles, so here it is:

USA: VG Chartz, November Unit Sales (USA only)

Wii: 254,044 -> 421,419 (66% sales increase - 167,375 unit increase)
Xbox360: 163,759 -> 254,680 (56% sales increase - 90,921 unit increase)
PS3: 94,801 -> 174,054 (84% sales increase - 79,253 unit increase)

So there you have it, over thanksgiving, the PS3 did see the biggest percentage sales growth, however it's unit sales growth was the lowest of the three. So what were all the stories about the Wii being sold out everywhere? Looked like a significant increase in sales. Retailers stockpiling for the Thanksgiving holiday? Or have Nintendo suddenly managed to increase supply?

Worldwide: VG Chartz November Unit Sales (Worldwide)

During November, the PS3 had edged ahead of the Xbox360 in terms of unit sales per week (only just though) on a worldwide basis, however for the last week the Xbox360 has jumped ahead of the PS3 again. And of course, the Wii still trumps everyone!

Does make you think though, if the Xbox is outselling the PS3 on a Worldwide total, how well would it be doing if it could generate interest in Japan? Microsoft are doing in 2 territories what Sony is doing in 3.

For the record, I do not have any of these consoles, so I'd consider myself fairly impartial ('fairly', only because I don't particularly like the Wii!) but I'm watching how things go because at some point I will buy either a PS3 or an Xbox360.
Joined 13 May 2006
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 17:25
you absolutely and individually ruin this site. That is all.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 19:48
Absolutely spot on.
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