Manhunt 2 Petition on Prime Minister’s Website

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Topic started: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:20
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Rolf Schwarz
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:20
Whereas I may not agree with some or all of the violent content of this game, having not seen it for myself, I feel even stronger against censorship.

While banning will undoubtedly please certain knee-jerk reactionists in the media and the political sphere, all that this ban will achieve is the exact opposite of it's intended result. As happened to often before in such circumstances rather than simply "disappearing" the game will achieve a cult status and will encourage even more people to get hold of it and play it.

Also, as a capable human being I treat others as such and expect to treated likewise in return - hence I object to censorship on principle.

Therefore I agree with the text of the petition: "Adults should be allowed to make their own decisions with regard to what videogames they want to play. We all understand that this game is extremely violent and unsuitable for children. As such an 18 rating should have been applied."

I am aware that once the game is available, even with an 18 rating, younger players may still be able to get hold of it. However, to deal with aspects of what individuals or society may find unplesasant, questionable or outright despicable is not by banning it, but by education.

Banning is not education. Though a ban may be easier to do than a more time and resourse intensive process of education is no substitute for teaching why it is wrong to solve any problems with violence or even simply the enjoyment of violence.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:56
I really hope this isn't the start of a huge crack down on so called "violent games" but I still don't understand why MH2 has been picked from the bunch?, I mean have u seen the Darkness!?. haha, it should be up to them to appropriately certify products & then enforce that certification!, not just ban it because that easier & quicker.
Joined 19 Sep 2003
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:12
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 12:21
Yeah Holly, I've seen it. This again I think goes back to the taking the violence out of context bit, as games like these do follow a storyline, and since both Manhunt 2 and The Darkness have them, I don't see how the BBFC can decide between them. And like Rolf said, bans never do any good.

Still, I'll do the petition thing.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 14:05
On closer inspection of this game..... i begin (only begin) to see where they are coming from.....sort of?....its not so much the content , but how the game is playd with the Wii mote.
were as on the xbox u'd press A to strike with a knife, on the wii you'd thrust the wii mote inwards & slash upwards... that were i think they saw a problem, your the one who makes the killing motions. Just playing devil advocate....
Joined 19 Sep 2003
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:31
No, the BBFC banned both PS2 and Wii versions... though strangely no mention of the PSP version (will that somehow slip through the net?!?)

Even so, I do believe that this whole sorry episode bodes really badly for the future of adult-themed games on Nintendo consoles.
Mark Kelly
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 16:40
I'm sorry but you have to out this thing into perspective - there are stupid people out there who have not had a particularly good upbringing, children in particular who may be influenced by this material...children are very impressionable - I bet that alot, though not all I admit, of you who object to this ruling do not have kids.
Don't be stupid - leave the damn game alone and buy brain training on the DS.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 17:44
Mark Kelly wrote:
I'm sorry but you have to out this thing into perspective - there are stupid people out there who have not had a particularly good upbringing, children in particular who may be influenced by this material...children are very impressionable - I bet that alot, though not all I admit, of you who object to this ruling do not have kids.

You know, there are a load of kids out there that want to drink, smoke and drive cars. So we should ban all three of them, because parents can't be trusted to keep them out of their kids' hands?

Also we should ban porn flicks, skin mags, chick-lit novels, 18-rated movies, 15-rated DVDs, page 3 models, reality TV, action comics, TV news that shows violence, newspapers, bad news in general and hey, why not just ban the hell out of free will too? In fact, has anybody seen Equilibrium? That looks like a great place to live!

Those of you who agree to this ruling that have kids are not paying enough attention to them and want a surrogate child minder.

Those of you who agree with it and don't have kids, what the hell are you thinking?
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 18:34
why dont we ban people who try to ban things, hold on that means we would ban ourselfs by banning those who are banning so we couldnt ban those who are banning and they can still ban but....

im confused

just like tony blair and all these so called do gooders who are looking out for our intrests, funny mr blair but didnt you have something to do with the voilence and murder of thousands of lives in the middle east countries??? funny how that petition to bring our soilders home never went anywhere.
Rascle McPherson
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 18:42
Lets be honest. Having had this game banned, we want it more. According to the non gamer types i should be killing zombies, stealing cars, jumping on turtles, eating mushrooms, chasing ghosts, doing ace serves, sawing wood, hula hooping, dancing, scoring winning goals in the FA cup final and racing at full speed.

Seriously, if we're banning this because ALLEDGEDLY a kid died from its result, why not ban Forza 2 for glamorising fast driving. After all, PLENTY more people die from reckless driving than murder.

And why aren't they banning bioshock? After all, you have the choice to kill a child!

Sod it all, an 18 sticker should mean 18. And parents should get off their ass and start being parents. I was never allowed to see these sort of things when i was young. I came into them at the right time and grew up as a reasoned human being. Who are these kids that play GTA on the bus to school on the PSP?!!!

Now, let me have my manhunt 2. I wanna make those characters meet my friend, PAIN!!! (Mr T)
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 08:05
All too true. By the rule of Sonic the Hedgehog, I should be a gold ring stealing klepto by now.
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 14:55
so its ok to own a gun at 16 in the uk, but not a fictional video game that portrays violence, funny it reminds me of political correctness and its very contradictive, either way the decision is final which in simple terms is ridiculous.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 17:51
Isn't it just so affirming that attempts to get gamers taken seriously result in a petition such as this to the PM?

Then some tw@t calling itself "Killbot v2" signs the flipping thing... three steps forward, four steps back...



Joined 6 Apr 2004
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 21:31
What's the url?
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:12
Smelly wrote:
What's the url?

It's in the story, which can be found here

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