Sony: "Studying" PlayStation3 Price Cut

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Topic started: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:22
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:22
Finally, you guys wake up and smell the coffee. Give them a round of applause. At least you admit Nintendo have a point about price being important, but how you Sony lot can't recognise this fact after years of being on top, is beyond me. Perhaps greed motivates you too much. You should always be prepared to take a loss, to get ahead as MS and Nintendo have shown. Blu Ray or not.

You want PS3 to be number one, cut that price tag to 300-325 and they will hopefully move off shelves. And you'd better do it soon too, before 360 Elite turns up to bury PS3 in u.k/eu. Shouldn't be that long now.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:41
Why are you obsessed with posting on every Sony related news story, and even turning none Sony news storys in to some kind of Sony bashing?
Joji wrote:
...but how you Sony lot can't recognise this fact after years of being on top, is beyond me. Perhaps greed motivates you too much. You should always be prepared to take a loss, to get ahead as MS and Nintendo have shown.

What you've written doesn't make sense. Sony are the ones who have taken a massive loss on the PS3 (hence they loose money on each console) Nintendo make money on every console they sell and are apparently rolling in money due to the relative success of Wii and DS so if anyones greedy it should be them? No?
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:55
Are you saying you only want me to post on everything else, but Sony? When I have my comment gun out, I've gonna start shooting. Its my opinion and you can put yours up if you like or not.

I don't class it as Sony bashing, on the contrary I own Sony product and enjoy it too. If you check recent comments I've made, you'll see I gave them kudos for very cool looking The Agency and God of War 2 too, it's when I see them being dumb that I'll slate them. I do the same for Nintendo and MS, don't believe me go and check.

Other stuff like the Lik Sang biz has upset me too, so I have my reasons for being pissed at them. My import gaming is effected by their crap, so yes I have reason.

To be effective, their price cut needs to mean business. Like it or not, 360 Elite will shift once out here. Sony must be quick on that price cut.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 16:12
Joji wrote:
Are you saying you only want me to post on everything else, but Sony?

Not at all, I asked why you seemed obsessed with commenting (in a negative way) on every Sony news story and more specifically turning a none Sony news story in to a Sony bash ie "SEGA VP Gives Wii Two Good Years". BTW have you found any evidence of your proposed exodus?

Joji wrote:
...but how you Sony lot can't recognise this fact after years of being on top, is beyond me. Perhaps greed motivates you too much. You should always be prepared to take a loss, to get ahead as MS and Nintendo have shown.

Any response to this...What you've written doesn't make sense. Sony are the ones who have taken a massive loss on the PS3 (hence they loose money on each console) Nintendo make money on every console they sell and are apparently rolling in money due to the relative success of Wii and DS so if anyones greedy it should be them? No?
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 16:34
Just becuase Nintendo have worked hard doesn't mean they are greedy.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 16:34
Might I also add, I'm also defending Sony's corner in this debacle with the Church, even though I don't own a PS3 and the game, as I feel it has wider creative reprocussions if Sony loose. Games and other creative media could suffer as a result.

Nintendo have had their greedy streaks like any company, but Nintendo are a lot smarter with their practices (not everything they do or touch turns to gold though, Virtual Boy anyone, I also don't agree with everything they do). Making the Wii an upgrade from GC made sense. Like DS, Nintendo are using older tech to keep costs down while still making stable product. If they reap the benifits of their work and Wii's are selling, they deserve their money, against the incredible odds of success. Wii/DS also gives small developers/publishers like Nippon Ichi (of Disgaea fame) a chance to make something, when costs are soaring. Also have a look at Majesco, another small outfit, who were in major trouble of possibly folding, and how publishing Cooking Mama saved their bacon. The Take Two and Atari thing should worry others, since those two once had sheds load of money once.

Sony on the other hand, I've said have always needed to focus. Their games have improved and that's good. This time with Ps3 they failed to focus on games (yes, over damn films) and to understand that their price point, wouldn't be accepted by most gamers. Blu Ray could have come much later on, on its own, and pretty soon they're gonna play the price for aiming for too much. If PS3 was £300, myself and other people would have own by now.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 16:42
Good point Berty, when I see Sony do the same and mean it, I'll praise them til the burgers come home. They have to stop treating their customers like fools, because we aren't fools.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 18:59
I think we're going around in circles here. You seem to of sidestepped my questions and answered them with some irrelevant truths (like a politician would). Your initial remark was based on Sony being greedy and not being prepared to take a loss, which is absolute rubbish based on the fact they lose a lot of money on every PS3 sold. I simply stated by your reasoning it should be Nintendo that should be classed as greedy.

Surely if Sony were greedy and lazy, they could of bundled together a PS2.5 for around £250 and sat back and watched the money roll in. Would you of been happy then?
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 21:43
release the PS3 at £250, get rumble feature in, and we're off, they aint gonna beat the Wii but they can beat MS if they pull their finger out.

I've seen the MS vision, and it's filled with FPS games, annual updated rehashes ,Marketplace ripp offs and faulty consoles.
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 21:50
Rutabaga wrote:
Why are you obsessed with posting on every Sony related news story, and even turning none Sony news storys in to some kind of Sony bashing?
Joji wrote:
...but how you Sony lot can't recognise this fact after years of being on top, is beyond me. Perhaps greed motivates you too much. You should always be prepared to take a loss, to get ahead as MS and Nintendo have shown.

What you've written doesn't make sense. Sony are the ones who have taken a massive loss on the PS3 (hence they loose money on each console) Nintendo make money on every console they sell and are apparently rolling in money due to the relative success of Wii and DS so if anyones greedy it should be them? No?

There is a reason why PS3 is losing money and Nintendo is rolling in the profits, Sony have a Blu-Ray player built into the PS3 this is the cause of the high retail price and why they make a loss on every console sold.

By having a Blu-Ray player built into the PS3 and by having PS3 games on Blu-Ray disks Sony are forcing the Blu-Ray format on consumers, they are forcing them to spend £425 on a console that runs on a format they do not necessarily need, therefore it could be argued that Sony are being greedy by forcing people to spend money on their Blu-Ray format even though it is not needed.

Whereas Nintendo have gone in the complete opposite direction they have a basic console with a fun and simplistic control scheme, and more importantly it’s cheap, you don’t need HD TVs or specialist formats to play it, and as it’s relatively cheap to manufacture they can sell it on for a profit, Nintendo are not greedy they simply saw a niche in the market and pursued it despite the risk involved and now it’s paying off.

Consumers are obviously aware of this hence the poor sales of the PS3 and high sales of the Wii thus far, (and hence the mostly negative reception of the PS3 or “Sony bashing”.) most consumers are waiting for the price of the PS3 to drop, then and only then can Sony regain some footing.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 23:24
I hope their research says "DROP THE PRICE BY 150 EURO'S, LIKE NOW!!!!"

Then we can start talking real bussiness
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 00:26
Rutabaga, you can try eating Sony's crap any way you want it. The inclusion of Blu Ray in PS3 is a decision based to make more profits on the back of film (what's the name of the industry their PS3 is supposed to be in?), and frankly I'm happy to see it blowing up in their face big time. From the moment PS3 was announced with Blu Ray, my first thought was 'nice but its gonna cost too much money, do games really need Blu Ray' and this is exactly how it is. I could understand people holding off getting one.

The fact remains, Sony could have easily used normal dvd instead, just like 360 and Wii, and produced a cheaper console. Greed (and winning a damn format war) more than innovation or games is what put them where they are. Good luck to them getting out of this ditch. Blu Ray in PS3 is about greed and films, not games, simple as that.

Joined 22 Sep 2006
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 00:45
Yes they could of put a DVD only drive in the PS3, they could of put just a CD drive in the PS2, in fact they could of stuck to cartridges for the PS1, but hey we have to move on at some point, why not now. Where would we be from a technical point of view if the industry was left to Nintendo? 16 Mbit cartidges still?

If you don't want to spend the extra on a PS3 thats fine, stick to your Wii or 360, no one is forcing you to buy anything. According to you there's a mass exodus of developers jumping to the 360 so why would you ever need a PS3 anyway?

What I don't understand that if you don't like or want something, ignore it, enjoy what you have got. I don't understand why you feel the need to keep going on about stuff?
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 16:14
I feel the need because I like gaming. I have a lot of passion for games and I feel it's okay for me to say what I do, because it's not some opinion formed in fanboy stone and loyalty, it's what I think based upon what's going on and what happens next. Because I like games, I buy as many consoles as I can to experience as much as I can, and have the best personal view of things, talking with friends or on here . PS3 is still on my buy list, when the flaw of that price drops. Even when I have a PS3, if Sony step out of line I'll happily give them the forum smackdown.

Sure, Nintendo I think, would have gone to cd/dvd eventually anyway (and they did with GC), PS1 or not, don't be silly (what do you think the SNES CD drive was gonna be?). The progress of technology helps drive the industry but shouldn't be the only freaking driver, the games and how you play them should too (Sony once understood this with PS1). PC once had cd drives and now come with dvd drives as standard, so this same kind of thinking naturally trickles down into console tech over time.

If you think I'm targeting Sony, you are wrong. I'm not happy about Wii's lack of a hard drive released by Nintendo, as I feel it should at least have one for WVC and arcade games. I said this on Spong before too. I hope Nintendo do one eventually since hard drive prices are always dropping. While Wii can have externals hooked up to it, one would need to be done and advertised by Nintendo to catch on.

Joined 22 Sep 2006
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 18:11
Joji wrote:
so this same kind of thinking naturally trickles down into console tech over time.

But it doesn't though, a console is a closed system for around 5-7 years throughout it's lifespan, it has to be ahead of the game (initialy) from a tech point of view so it's not prematurely superseded by newer stuff
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