PlayStation 3 ROMs Leak onto Internet

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Topic started: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:24
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Joined 30 Jul 2004
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:24
I wonder how long it will take to crack the movie formats as well?

Don't Blu-Ray blanks cost more than a game?
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 04:48
$20-25 for a single write once BD disk. That's more than half the price of a PS3 game. Although if the burns don't take, then profits are neutralized. I'm just impressed by the quick turnaround time.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:59
vault 13 wrote:
I'm just impressed by the quick turnaround time.

The quick turnaround is due to the PS3's ability to run Linux and give that OS access to the Blu-ray drive.

Every Linux/Unix/BSD system comes with a tool called "dd" which reads bytes from a device and writes them to another device. That output "device" can be a file. It's then a simple command line to rip a disc image from an optical disc to a file.

For example;
dd if=/dev/bdrom of=resistance.img


This does not take great hacking skills. Those skills are now required to decrypt the disc image and make the PS3 play burnt images.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:01
tyrion wrote:
This does not take great hacking skills. Those skills are now required to decrypt the disc image and make the PS3 play burnt images.

Of course. The issue was that of the (relatively) few people with those skills, very few had access to a PS3 and the images. Now many more have access to the images - so the hacking process will begin in earnest.

Joined 27 Jun 2006
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:07
It's gonna be like the PSP, Sony must lose million over hacked games.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:21
hollywooda wrote:
It's gonna be like the PSP, Sony must lose million over hacked games.

It's a knee jerk reaction to say they lose millions (and Sony would claim it's hundreds of millions).

The fact is, these "sales" are often not actually lost revenue - the pirated games are often bought by people who, could they not get games for cheap, would not buy them at all.

Joined 27 Jun 2006
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:31
i think it's a lot worse than that, & with the price of games rising it's gonna get worse. I dont know anyone who pays for PSP games, granted that 90% of them that u download are s**t, but it's a growing trend, with the internet & forums providing people with more & more knowledge.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:40
hollywooda wrote:
I dont know anyone who pays for PSP games

But would they if they couldn't get them for free?

The fact that they are prepared to play free s**t rather than pay for decent games indicates otherwise!

So sales are not lost. Also, people who could afford games, and won't pay, will find that the platform failing for lack of software sales turns their hardware investment into wasted cash.

Joined 27 Jun 2006
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:48
But if 10's of thousands of people are downloading PSP games for free how can this not be represented as "lost sales"?... If i didn't know about using Iso's & downgrading i'd still be buying my PSP games & as would all other hackers??.
Joined 30 Jul 2004
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:54
hollywooda wrote:
But if 10's of thousands of people are downloading PSP games for free how can this not be represented as "lost sales"?... If i didn't know about using Iso's & downgrading i'd still be buying my PSP games & as would all other hackers??.

If I buy a PSP I'm likely to only buy second hand games. Technically that's a lost sale to Sony and its licencees.

No one can agree on what equates to a lost sale. There's hundreds of games out there and only so much money.

Personally my time is more precious. I don't try to waste it playing crap for the sake of it. Free or not.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:05
Rustman wrote:
If I buy a PSP I'm likely to only buy second hand games. Technically that's a lost sale to Sony and its licencees.

Technically it is. But actually, what will happen is that if you buy up the available second hand stock, another buyer will have no choice but to buy new. Clearly, if there was NO second hand stock - all buyers would have to buy new, and that is a situation that the publishers and platform holders have tried (unsuccessfully) to enforce in Japan.

But just wait until all games are download only - there'll be no second hand, no bootlegs and no illegal downloads then. There'll be no cut of the profits for GAME, GameStation, Gamestop etc either.

That's why the publishers are pushing us towards it.

No one can agree on what equates to a lost sale. There's hundreds of games out there and only so much money.

They can't agree because the software publishers want to paint a picture where any game that is bought second hand, or any game that is "stolen" (downloaded or bought on bootleg) is a lost sale.
Cleary that's not true, and if they wanted, it would be easy to agree on what constitutes a lost sale - just answer this question: "If you could not have got thei game cheap (bought a bootleg or second hand copy) or free (downloaded it) would you have paid for it? If the answer is no, no lost sale, if the answer is yes, a sale has been lost.

Joined 27 Jun 2006
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:06
i dont go out of my way to play crap games either but a good percentage of PSP games are s**t.... u'll find that out when u start buying second hand ones..
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:31
yeah, ive played cracked games/plenty of roms before, and its only been when i had no intention of buying the game in question, or as a try before you buy.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 15:02
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
or as a try before you buy.

Now this has me thinking. How many of you have ever tried a game you thought you where goign to buy, and then realized it was s**tty and didnt? Is that a lost sale? I know since demo discs started there have been tons of games over the years i thought i might like, or was caught up in the hype for, only to realize upon playign a demo that they where kind of s**t. Even retals. GameFly and Blockbuser are probably costing companies more sales than pirates.

I know when i like a game, i buy it. When i dont, i don't. And when i try a game i thought i would like and i realize i dont, i don't. (and of course sometiems im broke and DL a PC game for free, but again, i wouldnt have bought it anyway)
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 20:35
LUPOS wrote:
I know when i like a game, i buy it. When i dont, i don't. And when i try a game i thought i would like and i realize i dont, i don't. (and of course sometiems im broke and DL a PC game for free, but again, i wouldnt have bought it anyway)

We all do it, I'm alt+tabbing between this window and a craked copy of Civ IV.

Here's something else to chew on, any time someone gets to taste, sample, steal and play, pirate, or whatever a game without putting cold cash on the table will ALWAYS decrease the overall want for said

P.S. Why are all you people buying the PSP and then complaining about the lack of games!?
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